HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:07 PM Post #451 of 4,544
Probably the best flagship headphone that I’ve heard, and I’ve heard a good many in my time. It’s good enough that I’ll be the first in line to buy one when it lands in Singapore.

Have you heard the Abyss Phi CC or TC or the Susvara?
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:08 PM Post #452 of 4,544
It was not. Equating oBravo and HEDD is like saying that all planars are bad because Yamaha released a couple less than stellar ones back in the 70’s.
Less than stellar? They were amazing for their time and for the money. And I was not "equating Obravo with HEDD", I was merely pointing out that the AIR technology has previously been implemented into headphones.
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:21 PM Post #453 of 4,544

Have you heard the Abyss Phi CC or TC or the Susvara?
In general I dislike conventional planars. The way they slam hits the entire ear and feels unfocused rather than hitting just the eardrum with precision like a dynamic driver would. The HEDD does the latter excellently. Also, the Abyss has an incredibly wonky tuning which I find unenjoyable.
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Jan 5, 2020 at 10:27 PM Post #454 of 4,544
In general I dislike conventional planars. The way they slam hits the entire ear and feels unfocused rather than hitting just the eardrum with precision like a dynamic driver would. The HEDD does the latter excellently. Also, the Abyss has an incredibly wonky tuning which I find unenjoyable.
Jsut trying to qualify your statement agaisnt what you've actually heard and your opinion of the others. Saying it's better than all the flagships is only useful to me if I know which flagships you've heard and what you think of them.

Also genre of music you prefer would be nice too.

FYI my questions are to help me decide if to grab an hedd myself. I'm guessing you like the utopia then since it's regular dynamic?
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:30 PM Post #455 of 4,544
Jsut trying to qualify your statement agaisnt what you've actually heard and your opinion of the others. Saying it's better than all the flagships is only useful to me if I know which flagships you've heard and what you think of them.

Also genre of music you prefer would be nice too.

FYI my questions are to help me decide if to grab an hedd myself. I'm guessing you like the utopia then since it's regular dynamic?
I listen to a pretty wide range of music. Rock stuff dating from the 70’s to now, jazz primarily from the mid-60’s Blue Note era and early 20th century classical comprise a lot of my test tracks and regular listening. Also I’m a pretty big Utopia fan, and the HEDD does a lot of what I like about the Utopia but with less flaws than it. Namely bass extension and staging.
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:38 PM Post #456 of 4,544
I listen to a pretty wide range of music. Rock stuff dating from the 70’s to now, jazz primarily from the mid-60’s Blue Note era and early 20th century classical comprise a lot of my test tracks and regular listening. Also I’m a pretty big Utopia fan, and the HEDD does a lot of what I like about the Utopia but with less flaws than it. Namely bass extension and staging.
right, now starting to understand a bit more about the hedd. I loved the utopia when I got it, but I find the abyss and susvara are better cans, due to some of the flaws you mentioned with utopia. I find the planar more resolving, but faster, tighter. And thus more neutral.

If the hedd is an improved utopia that may be something I mite be into. Price also not bad at all. For that price I won't mind being early.

Wonder when will be the next batch after the initial 20.
Jan 5, 2020 at 10:46 PM Post #457 of 4,544
right, now starting to understand a bit more about the hedd. I loved the utopia when I got it, but I find the abyss and susvara are better cans, due to some of the flaws you mentioned with utopia. I find the planar more resolving, but faster, tighter. And thus more neutral.
In general I have a specific set of gripes with planars as a transducer design that most people don’t have problems with. Namely their tendency to have treble haze and etch (exacerbated in the likes of the HE-6, though nearly every planar has this - the Susvara and the Kennerton stuff are an exception), the way their bass slam is presented, and the decay on them feeling unnaturally fast. I can’t quite put it into words but something about the decay curve of planars feels unrealistic. The HEDD curiously enough doesn’t have this (it has a more DD-esque decay, albeit a very fast DD ala Utopia), and it doesn’t have a trace of planar haze or etch which surprised me. I asked Dr. Knop of HEDD about it when I heard it because I was pretty impressed by how clean the treble was, and it was apparently something HEDD put a lot of effort into with magnet placement. Looks like their work paid off.
Jan 5, 2020 at 11:17 PM Post #458 of 4,544
In general I have a specific set of gripes with planars as a transducer design that most people don’t have problems with. Namely their tendency to have treble haze and etch (exacerbated in the likes of the HE-6, though nearly every planar has this - the Susvara and the Kennerton stuff are an exception), the way their bass slam is presented, and the decay on them feeling unnaturally fast. I can’t quite put it into words but something about the decay curve of planars feels unrealistic. The HEDD curiously enough doesn’t have this (it has a more DD-esque decay, albeit a very fast DD ala Utopia), and it doesn’t have a trace of planar haze or etch which surprised me. I asked Dr. Knop of HEDD about it when I heard it because I was pretty impressed by how clean the treble was, and it was apparently something HEDD put a lot of effort into with magnet placement. Looks like their work paid off.

I’m glad you touched on the treble. That is the one area, for me, that can make or break a headphone. I crave detail and don’t mind a little bright, but I can’t stand it if it’s etched or grainy.

For example, the Ananda is a slightly bright headphone, but my 800S is definitely brighter with more treble energy from 6K all the way to 20K. But the Ananda treble QUALITY isn’t as good and it bothered me more.

So I really hope what you say is true about the treble on the HEDDphone. Resolve Reviews has also said the same thing. He describes it as leaning slightly brighter than the Harman Curve, but with excellent treble control that is void of sibilance. At the end of the day, I hope you all are both right.
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Jan 6, 2020 at 12:22 AM Post #462 of 4,544
I’m glad you touched on the treble. That is the one area, for me, that can make or break a headphone. I crave detail and don’t mind a little bright, but I can’t stand it if it’s etched or grainy.

For example, the Ananda is a slightly bright headphone, but my 800S is definitely brighter with more treble energy from 6K all the way to 20K. But the Ananda treble QUALITY isn’t as good and it bothered me more.

So I really hope what you say is true about the treble on the HEDDphone. Resolve Reviews has also said the same thing. He describes it as leaning slightly brighter than the Harman Curve, but with excellent treble control that is void of sibilance. At the end of the day, I hope you all are both right.
The HEDDphone is truly an exception to me, because I too am sensitive to treble, yet at the same time this headphone it manages to not only be modestly bright leaning, but also not fatiguing at least from my semi brief experiences with it, as if the treble is so fast that it is lifelike and without being grainy or glaring.

Well, enough positive words about the headphone from me, save for someone snatching up my pair before I can afford it, LOL!
Jan 6, 2020 at 12:32 AM Post #463 of 4,544
The HEDDphone is truly an exception to me, because I too am sensitive to treble, yet at the same time this headphone it manages to not only be modestly bright leaning, but also not fatiguing at least from my semi brief experiences with it, as if the treble is so fast that it is lifelike and without being grainy or glaring.

Well, enough positive words about the headphone from me, save for someone snatching up my pair before I can afford it, LOL!
By the way you're speaking about the hedd I'd think your order was already in lol.
Jan 6, 2020 at 12:37 AM Post #464 of 4,544
In general I dislike conventional planars. The way they slam hits the entire ear and feels unfocused rather than hitting just the eardrum with precision like a dynamic driver would. The HEDD does the latter excellently. Also, the Abyss has an incredibly wonky tuning which I find unenjoyable.

You were clearly implying that the lack of success in one would equate to something equally dismal in the other. In any case there is literally no point bringing up oBravo in this conversation, considering theirs is not even a full range AMT.
I would like to ask which music tracks did you listen to come to your conclusion ?
Jan 6, 2020 at 1:13 AM Post #465 of 4,544
I would like to ask which music tracks did you listen to come to your conclusion ?
Regarding bass slam? Here are some that I use on pretty much everything I demo.
Yes - The Gates of Delirium (2014 Steven Wilson remix)
Igor Stravinsky - Le Sacre du Printemps (1969 Columbia Symphony Orchestra version conducted by Boulez)
black midi - Speedway
Daughters - The Reason They Hate Me
Krallice - Wretched Wisdom (2019 remaster)

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