Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Jul 21, 2015 at 1:06 AM Post #1,760 of 12,359
Jul 21, 2015 at 1:15 PM Post #1,762 of 12,359
I heard the cable is different too...but that still shouldn't make it cost so much more. Bleh.

I'd just go for the 407, personally. It's such a good deal right now.
Jul 21, 2015 at 5:23 PM Post #1,764 of 12,359
It definitely needs EQ to sound right for metal. But I think it rocks pretty hard once you've got it dialed in. What kind of metal genres are you listening to and what is your DAP? If you have an iPhone, try using the EQu app (otherwise you can do this in any parametric EQ program - but parametric will work better than graphic.)
Here's what I did for EQ on the PM-3. I think it will solve most of your issues. Keep in mind, everybody's ears are different, but these settings should get you started.
Set a point at the bottom and anchor 35hz to +0db
Set a rise to +0.5db or so at 80hz for a nice little impact boost
Around 190hz set a cut of about -0.75db to gain that last ounce of clarity in the midbass transition area.
Set your next point to be about +0.5 at 800hz (This gentle rise from the last cut gives guitars a nice natural body)
Set a point to drop the upper mids by about -1.0db at about 2,800hz (this will make the upper end of the guitars less shouty)
For your next point, you'll want to bring the sound back up to 0 within the 5,500-6,000hz cut. Mine is set at +0.3db at 5,900hz.
Finally, you'll want to restore a little mid-treble information and air. Set your next point to 14.5khz and raise it by +3.5 to 4.0db. 
Here's a pic of my metal preset, for reference:
I hope that helps!
35hz: +0
80hz: +0.5
190: -0.75
800: +0.5
2,800: -1.0
5,900: +0.3
14,500: +3.75

Thanks!! Dropping the upper mids a db or 2 definitely seems to be the key for me when used out of my Asgard 2. However, I'm not sure it's for me when used straight out of my s5. For metal I tend to lean towards progressive of various flavors. Some of it, like Meshuggah or Devin Townsend, may also just sound bad no matter what you do.
Jul 21, 2015 at 5:46 PM Post #1,765 of 12,359
It definitely needs EQ to sound right for metal. But I think it rocks pretty hard once you've got it dialed in. What kind of metal genres are you listening to and what is your DAP? If you have an iPhone, try using the EQu app (otherwise you can do this in any parametric EQ program - but parametric will work better than graphic.)
Here's what I did for EQ on the PM-3. I think it will solve most of your issues. Keep in mind, everybody's ears are different, but these settings should get you started.
Set a point at the bottom and anchor 35hz to +0db
Set a rise to +0.5db or so at 80hz for a nice little impact boost
Around 190hz set a cut of about -0.75db to gain that last ounce of clarity in the midbass transition area.
Set your next point to be about +0.5 at 800hz (This gentle rise from the last cut gives guitars a nice natural body)
Set a point to drop the upper mids by about -1.0db at about 2,800hz (this will make the upper end of the guitars less shouty)
For your next point, you'll want to bring the sound back up to 0 within the 5,500-6,000hz cut. Mine is set at +0.3db at 5,900hz.
Finally, you'll want to restore a little mid-treble information and air. Set your next point to 14.5khz and raise it by +3.5 to 4.0db. 
Here's a pic of my metal preset, for reference:
I hope that helps!
35hz: +0
80hz: +0.5
190: -0.75
800: +0.5
2,800: -1.0
5,900: +0.3
14,500: +3.75

Thanks!! Dropping the upper mids a db or 2 definitely seems to be the key for me when used out of my Asgard 2. However, I'm not sure it's for me when used straight out of my s5. For metal I tend to lean towards progressive of various flavors. Some of it, like Meshuggah or Devin Townsend, may also just sound bad no matter what you do.

No worries. I like the progressive stuff too - Meshuggah is def my jam. I was messing around with the graphic EQ on my X3, and another thing that worked for me was dropping the 32hz bar down to -4db. I sometimes find that I like the sub bass a little more rolled off on fast, progressive stuff. I'll play around a little w/ Meshuggah specifically and report back any findings. Do you have a decent EQ option on the S5? Or is it just the player itself?
Jul 21, 2015 at 8:54 PM Post #1,766 of 12,359
Is the $2,000 price due to import fees? The HE-6 can be found for $800 or less on the used market. Some of them are already modified, which enhances the sound. Personally, I like the HE-6 more than the HE1000 and HD 800, though they all have their strengths. However, I like electrostats far more than all of them. I still need to hear the HE-6 from a high-end speaker amp to hear the visceral qualities I was missing from a high-end headphone amp.
Yeah, the HE1000 just sounded too lush, warm, and subdued to me. Not necessarily overly laid-back, but enough to be a problem for energetic music. Replacing the stock pads with Audeze vegan pads reportedly makes it sound more engaging, but I haven't tried that. I doubt it would alter the sound that much, though.

I've been gearing up for the HE6 purchase. Decided on those because I've read enough to know that HE1000s would be more of a luxury purchase, rather than a practical one. 
Jul 21, 2015 at 9:12 PM Post #1,767 of 12,359
  I've been gearing up for the HE6 purchase. Decided on those because I've read enough to know that HE1000s would be more of a luxury purchase, rather than a practical one. 

Although the HE1000 is more "fancy" and lush, I prefer the HE-6 anyway due to how much more straightforward (albeit slightly bright) it sounds.
(But I like electrostats more.)
Jul 21, 2015 at 10:24 PM Post #1,768 of 12,359
I dont imagine HeK would do well with metal, too warm smooth and driver rings too long. I'm quite surprised how well my portables do with metal (Layla and ZX2) really good tonal colour, super detailed, imaging better than hd800. Just not super resolving or dynamic next to my home system. ZX2 dsp really helps with mp3s also.
Jul 21, 2015 at 10:46 PM Post #1,769 of 12,359
I dont imagine HeK would do well with metal, too warm smooth and driver rings too long.

Yeah, I heard the HE1000 for hours with lots of metal, as well as most other genres. It sounded good with everything, but didn't really impress me. I agree that it's too warm, smooth, and subdued. Not necessarily overly laid-back, but enough to be a problem. Just not convincingly realistic enough. I would still like to hear it with Audeze vegan pads, which are supposed to make it more engaging. And I wouldn't mind getting it someday, once more important headphones are in my collection.
Jul 22, 2015 at 1:17 AM Post #1,770 of 12,359
Yeah, I heard the HE1000 for hours with lots of metal, as well as most other genres. It sounded good with everything, but didn't really impress me. I agree that it's too warm, smooth, and subdued. Not necessarily overly laid-back, but enough to be a problem. Just not convincingly realistic enough. I would still like to hear it with Audeze vegan pads, which are supposed to make it more engaging. And I wouldn't mind getting it someday, once more important headphones are in my collection.

Yeah, I've read the laid back comment too many times in various threads (for various genres too). Definitely wont be going in that direction. The good news is I'll save a good chunk by going with the HE6s as well.

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