HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread
Oct 13, 2008 at 9:30 AM Post #2,701 of 3,724

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I bet that looks sweet! Picture please if you can. I agree, Pico looks and sounds wonderful. I'm currently enjoying mine with some Count Basie & Sarah Vaughan pumping into my '03 DT-880.


cool yeah it does look sweet just making an LOD worthy of it right now
<-oh the vanity
will post pics tomorrow. by the way; do you find the pico has enough juice to drive the
? I read it falls a bit short of powering those properly. the pico powers most things really well but the
is a bit of a hard ask
Oct 13, 2008 at 10:38 AM Post #2,702 of 3,724

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
cool yeah it does look sweet just making an LOD worthy of it right now
<-oh the vanity
will post pics tomorrow. by the way; do you find the pico has enough juice to drive the
? I read it falls a bit short of powering those properly. the pico powers most things really well but the
is a bit of a hard ask

I'll be looking for those pics. I've only heard my 880 with my Woo Audio 3 tube amp and Central Station so I hope those amps can drive the 880 "properly". Even though I prefer the sound of my tubes, the Pico seems to have plenty of power and I don't find anything lacking, just a bit different.
Oct 13, 2008 at 3:05 PM Post #2,703 of 3,724
Silly questions but I'm tired of searching.

1) How long to I charge it for? (The charge light [the led on the right] turns off after about an hour.)

2) Will anything bad happen if I just leave it plugged in to the wall-wart?

thanks - any help is much appreciated

BTW this thing sounds truly fantastic!
Oct 13, 2008 at 8:28 PM Post #2,704 of 3,724

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
by the way; do you find the pico has enough juice to drive the
? I read it falls a bit short of powering those properly. the pico powers most things really well but the
is a bit of a hard ask

As I mentioned in my 'receipt review', the Pico is a little weak when trying to power demanding headphones. My DT770 Pro cans are also 250 ohm impedance. While they do sound fantastic with the Pico, the output volume is limited. I set my Pico to high gain and maxed the volume and it was still very listenable. Still, I would actually like to have about another half a turn worth of gain on the volume pot.

That said, even though the Pico is a little underpowered for these cans, the soundstage it presents through them is just amazing. My guess is that eventually I may move to a nice high-end headphone amp for home that will provide enough power. Maybe the Headamp GS1 since I like the soundstage from the Pico so much!!

PS: also waiting to see your pics... sounds like a pretty sweet looking Pico. I may have stuck with the masses and chosen standard black, but damn is it SEXY!
Oct 13, 2008 at 8:36 PM Post #2,705 of 3,724

Originally Posted by jrosenth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Silly questions but I'm tired of searching.

1) How long to I charge it for? (The charge light [the led on the right] turns off after about an hour.)

2) Will anything bad happen if I just leave it plugged in to the wall-wart?

thanks - any help is much appreciated

BTW this thing sounds truly fantastic!

Justin ships the unit with the battery charged. If you were to run the battery down and need to do a full recharge, the charge time should be about 3 - 4 hours. The run-time of a fully charged Pico is about 20 hours. Because the charge circuit is internal to the Pico, it will not hurt to leave to it plugged into the wall-wart (and presumably the wall-wart plugged into a wall socket). The Pico charge circuit will engage when the battery level drops enough and of course, cut-off when it reaches maximum charge.

And yes, three days in and still dumb-founded by the output of this tiny, sexy beast!!
Oct 13, 2008 at 9:50 PM Post #2,707 of 3,724
Hello Justin!

I would like to order a black one with DAC. 1 feet usb-cable is enough. I'm from Sweden, if you need to know to get it work with the power supply. You will soon get an email.

Thank you in advance!
Oct 13, 2008 at 10:16 PM Post #2,708 of 3,724

Originally Posted by AgentXXL /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Justin ships the unit with the battery charged. If you were to run the battery down and need to do a full recharge, the charge time should be about 3 - 4 hours. The run-time of a fully charged Pico is about 20 hours. Because the charge circuit is internal to the Pico, it will not hurt to leave to it plugged into the wall-wart (and presumably the wall-wart plugged into a wall socket). The Pico charge circuit will engage when the battery level drops enough and of course, cut-off when it reaches maximum charge.

And yes, three days in and still dumb-founded by the output of this tiny, sexy beast!!

And beware, when you first plug in your PICO, the charge LED on the front panel does not come on, because, as Agent XXL stated, it is already fully charged by Justin. The light goes off when charging is complete for subsequent cycles. It is not used to tell you that the unit is simply plugged in.

BTW, black with clear knob is a great combo. The knob matches the ALO plug next to it and is easier to see in dim light than black.
Oct 14, 2008 at 4:03 AM Post #2,710 of 3,724

Originally Posted by GreatDane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll be looking for those pics. .........

well here ya go then; since you asked for it... here's some glamour shots; i'm sure Justin wont mind me putting these in the thread



I built these 2 LOD's last night for my new toy and there's one more thats still got the enamel drying. the pico really is photogenic
and the LOD's arent half bad either IMO
^^^this one is a 6 wire Jena cryo copper/6N cryo silver->switchcraft mini

And this one is a 3 wire low profile jena copper/cryo silver-> neutrik RA mini

this is actually a farce because this LOD wont work with my DIYMOD the one that will still has to cure yet. So this is a photo of the future<-tricky hey
I have actually managed to squeeze 2 balckgates into the dock connector
it was the tighest fit you could imagine but it worked after much arranging and re-arranging cant wait to hear the pico with my DIYMOD


if someone objects to the largish size of the images, please let me know and I'll resize them.

as I said the pico sounds as good as it looks and as you can see thats pretty damn good
Oct 14, 2008 at 7:10 AM Post #2,713 of 3,724

Originally Posted by AgentXXL /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PS: also waiting to see your pics... sounds like a pretty sweet looking Pico. I may have stuck with the masses and chosen standard black, but damn is it ...........SEXY!

yes the black pico is absolutely beautiful, but there are far too many of them around and coming from a design background, the ability for me to choose the colours I wanted was just too much to resist. besides my RME Fireface 400 is silver/blue not as sexy as the pico
Oct 15, 2008 at 11:00 PM Post #2,715 of 3,724

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
well here ya go then; since you asked for it... here's some glamour shots; i'm sure Justin wont mind me putting these in the thread


if someone objects to the largish size of the images, please let me know and I'll resize them.

as I said the pico sounds as good as it looks and as you can see thats pretty damn good

Thank you

The pic sizes are good, I'm putting the first one in my "Evil Things" album. Pretty damn good indeed.

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