hd 600 vs he-400 vs srh1440?
Aug 11, 2012 at 11:46 AM Post #32 of 42
thanks, and do you know if the e11+HRT MusicStreamer II is a good setup for it? I already own the e11 so I was planning on buying the 150 dollar HRT MusicStreamer as a DAC

There are other choices and options for the budget you have for your upstream setup, but just the setup you are proposing should be able to perform admirably with HE400s; these cans are incredibly forgiving in terms of amping, and sounds great out of even most entry-level setups assuming you can drive it loud enough (it's quite efficient so that shouldn't be an issue). It does scale very well too though so there's lots of incentive for upgrading the setup in the future.
Aug 11, 2012 at 11:51 AM Post #33 of 42
There are other choices and options for the budget you have for your upstream setup, but just the setup you are proposing should be able to perform admirably with HE400s; these cans are incredibly forgiving in terms of amping, and sounds great out of even most entry-level setups assuming you can drive it loud enough (it's quite efficient so that shouldn't be an issue). It does scale very well too though so there's lots of incentive for upgrading the setup in the future.

well since I already own an e11 I am only gonna buy a DAC. Is there a better DAC than the one I mentioned? My budget is 150 dollars, 200 max.
Aug 11, 2012 at 12:00 PM Post #35 of 42
If you have the budget for it, get the odac.  People say it's better than the music streamer, and performs well above its price.

well the only drawback I have to it is that some people find it fatiguing, do you think thats true? Also, does the JDS Labs have fast shipping compared to amazon? Im only staying five days in the US so I don't have much time...
Aug 11, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #36 of 42
Objective products are dead flat.  If they find it fatiguing then they're using fatiguing headphones.  2/3s of the audiophile marketed headphones out there are on the market have bright and peaky treble/upper mids.
JDS labs offers usps priority rate mail for the odac, and the shipping time for that is usually 3 days.
Aug 14, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #37 of 42
Many people on head-fi say the hd600 sounds laid back, do you think the NFB12 made it a bit less laid back or do you think the hd600 isn't laid back at all? Do you think its more exciting and sounds more alive than the he-400? 

Unfortunately, I cannot compare it to he-400, cause I never had it. I would like to, but there is no seller in our country.
But to HD600 + NFB12.1 issue - from all headphones, I had borrowed, these combination sounded best overall. (2 of 3 friends, that was in visit, marked HD600 also best sounding overall, one marked HD650 as best sounding, they are just casuals listeners) Well, except SRH1440, which sounded better in every track, in which wasn't many drums, or basses - so in mids and highs, SRH1440 is better. But in many tracks, basses are important part, and HD600 gives just right power to it... it is NOT sleepy in everyway, I would say. Sounded exciting.
For me better than HD650. I just cannot understand, how can anyone like HD650 more than HD600, because I've been testing it several days, in 90% of tracks, HD600 sounded better than HD650. When I've switched these headphones over and over, I just almost always said "no" to HD650 signature. More deep basses, more rolling in lows, but mids and highs just got worse... for me, it sounded worse overall. HD650 sounded better only in solo chello tracks, when chello played low tones, and almost nothing other was sounding. However, HD600 was in some tracks too alive, to agressive... maybe I would say too bright. In some tracks, it was ok, but in some other, I've find it too bright. For my ears, it wasn't so disturbing, but I can understand, everyone has other hearing. For some people, HD600 can sound too bright (but for those people, SRH1440 is even worse, because it's even brighter).
HD600 was more neutral and balanced than HD650, which I prefer. When I am listening to orchestra, soundtracks... everything seems more alive and spacious, in HD600. I've heard, that HD650 starting to be better with very good amping (>$500), so maybe, on more expensive amps, HD650 would shine over HD600, don't know. But for me, HD600 + NFB12.1 is very good combo. Overall, I would best from all headphones, I've had (DT880, HD600, HD650, HD598, AKG K702, Q701, AD700, AD900, SRH1440).
Actually now, I have new SRH1440... now not borrowed, but my own, I've just bought it yesterday. They are in burning phase, and I'll try to make on them dalethorn mod, which should bring them close to SRH1840. I am curious, if it really helps to reduce brightness a bit, because, it's true, it's issue on them. I need to EQ down highs, otherwise, it's too fatiqueing on higher or medium volume (on low volume, is ok). Another issue are basses... they are nice sounding, are precise, detailed, but... lack of punch energy. They cannot be felt on SRH1440, which is important I think. On HD600, basses have nice punch and impact... they can be nicely felt, so it brings more energy. I am curious, if Dalethorn mod helps SRH1440 to have nicer basses with better impact. If yes, then I would say SRH1440 would be really awesome NFB12.1 + modified SRH1440 combo.
Aug 15, 2012 at 2:55 PM Post #38 of 42
I've had HD598, HD600, HD650 and SRH1440, 've been testing them for some time at home, DAC/preamp - NFB12.1
You will not get bored with HD600... never. It's just ********. They sounds one level better, than HD598. I didn't heard many tones, that I've heard on HD600, and they gave me much more chills. They are pretty balanced, but for my taste, have little bit more hights and brightness. I think, it can be EQ down. Their basses are nice, strong, punchy, for me, it's plus, it gives really power in tracks, especially rock.
HD650 are more warm, dark, their lows roll... it makes mids and highs to less shine. I don't like this aspect. Well, another point is, they need very good amp, to get all from them. Count 500$ and more. HD600 are little less demanding, but don't get anything under $250 with good power amp. I've tried them on onboard sound, and it just cannot match NFB12. In other way, HD598 has sounded out of the onboard still pleasing... the drop out in quality was not so big, as in HD600/HD650.
Now, to the SRH1440... they are bright. They mids are like highlighted, highs are very nice, but it's very bright. Not as DT880 (i'm speaking of highs), but I would say, very close. SRH1440 are very weak in bass. (less than DT880, I would say, around the same as K701 - Q701) They have nice basses, detailed, but punch and energy is missing in drums. Not even match HD600. This is reason, why I don't like them... when I am listening to rock and fast metal - HD600 - energy SRH1440 - almost no energy.
But there's a mod... dalethorn mod, that should lessen brightness a little, and help basses. They should sound closer to SRH 1840. Didn't tried it yet, but if that's true, then SRH1440 can be really better than HD600 with this mod, except basses. Basses can be EQ up a little, but they just cannot play that "precise punch with impact (from HD600)", it's just missing. Maybe they need even better amp? Don't know.

It's been a while since you posted this but I had a question. You seem to kind of understand what setups work well with the hd600, do you think the schiit asgard and the HRT MusicStreamer II would be a good setup to use with the hd600?
Aug 19, 2012 at 7:56 AM Post #39 of 42
It's been a while since you posted this but I had a question. You seem to kind of understand what setups work well with the hd600, do you think the schiit asgard and the HRT MusicStreamer II would be a good setup to use with the hd600?

I've just written you in other thread, that I don't have experience with the combo, you've mentioned.
Aug 19, 2012 at 8:12 AM Post #40 of 42
HE-400s fit your bill great. I also have (well...had) the M50's and the upgrade was perfect in every way. The planar sound (characteristically flat extremely well extended and clean bass, very real timbre, great 3D imaging, insane details across the entire frequency range) at only $400 is a great bargain. With the newest revision drivers and velour pads they are fantastically well-balanced from bass to treble, really alive and "fun" sound that is also very accurate.
If however you care about mids and a "smooth" sound more than details / imaging / dynamic aspects of sound, then HD650s are more for you; doesn't look like that's your sole priority though.

^^this is dead on^^
Aug 19, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #42 of 42
My top priority is forward mids and smooth treble, does the he-400 have that?

It has forward mid-mids, and laid-back upper mids, and smooth (no sharp peaks) treble that emphasizes upper treble (sparkle / air) and de-emphasizes lower treble (sibilance).

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