Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats
Sep 24, 2011 at 5:46 PM Post #2,131 of 5,506

Most of the time you'll see him in Technics 1200s. He wears whatever he gets for free. Technics was his big name for he wore their headphones.

EDIT: They wear what they get for free or are paid to wear. When your name means that much you're a product. And they want their product associated with your name. Technics, Pioneer, Monster, etc. Most DJs aren't going to pass up money to wear a headphone they like instead of the one their manager wants them to wear. Simple as that.

EDIT2: If I were in that situation I'd wear Beats and be seen in public with them. Then I'd go home, throw up, and put on LCD 2s or something. lol

I'd mod the Beats, stick Fostex T50 drivers in them, and replace the ANC with LED lights. That's the only time I'd wear beats; can't beat them when they're balanced and glow in the dark.
Sep 24, 2011 at 6:20 PM Post #2,132 of 5,506
I see a few kids walking around with Beats and only one of my friends actually owns them. He can get pretty cocky about them at times but they did break after only about two weeks of owning them (someone sat on them, or something). The bass is impressive but the build quality definitely doesn't feel consistent with a $300 set of headphones.
There was a time, back in the day, where I was extremely tempted to pick up a set of them. NewEgg was offering a free Zune HD with the purchase so it sounded like a good way to get a cheap Zune out of the deal. I never followed through with the plan, though, but I don't really regret that.
Nobody on my campus really cares about what headphones other people use. Admittedly, I'm happy about that. I have more important things to worry about than how other people spend their money. People with Beats typically seem happy with their purchase, even if the price isn't what many would consider to be fair.
Oct 12, 2011 at 7:42 AM Post #2,134 of 5,506
Not really called out, but quite a few of my mates ask if I'm getting the Beats when they hear I'm into headphones. >_>
Naturally, most don't make that mistake again. XD
I'm more in the 'live and let live' camp for Beats. I don't like them per say, but I'm not the type to go up to someone and start raging about how your headphones suck. If anyone tells me I should get them, I say they're not for me. Sometimes if they're persistent, I just lie and say I have better things to spend my money on (outright lie, I wouldn't mind spending twice as much on audio gear 
Oct 12, 2011 at 1:20 PM Post #2,135 of 5,506
Apparently WESC is more popular on my campus than the Beats... I would say it's a 3:1 ratio of WESC to Beats. Doesn't really bother me either way, just found that odd.
Oh, and I almost forgot a rather interesting story. About a month ago I was sitting on a bench by this big ram-type fountain in the campus plaza, listening to my EX600's. This woman, thought she was a girl my age, sat down next to me and started talking to me. I didn't know what she was saying, so I took the EX600's out and asked her to kindly repeat herself. She was asking me what I was listening to, so we went into a huge conversation about which bands we like, etc. Finally, she asked me what headphones I was using. I told her they were the EX600 and she said, "those look a lot better than those dreadful, tacky Beats..." This made me elated lol. She then asked if she could try them, which I let her do after switching tips. She was amazed by the SQ of the EX600. Said they made the Beats sound like crap.
The end of the story is she ended up buying a pair and now we're fairly good friends :)
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:47 PM Post #2,136 of 5,506

Wonder what so-called beats technology will actually be featured on the HTCs. From your post I'm guessing that you don't like apple or android, so just out of curiosity what exactly do you like?



I know that was like 100 pages old but it made me laugh so much I just had to repost it! 

Oct 13, 2011 at 2:43 AM Post #2,137 of 5,506
I go to California Polytechnic in San Luis Obispo. I see at least 1 pair of Beats every time I walk from one to another on campus. I just want to facepalm every time. I rock my AKG 240mkii's and my vsonic gr07's!
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:03 AM Post #2,138 of 5,506
I didn't get called-out per se, but there was a guy on the bus today wearing his Beats Studios and he was staring at me awkwardly (while I'm wearing my SRH940's).
It was really sad...I could hear his music 5 feet away through his noise cancelling headphones, through my headphones, over my music.  :/  I don't understand how anyone can listen to music that loud.
Another guy in my engineering cohort asked if my Shure's are better than the Beats. I replied "oh heey-yo yeah! They're waaay more detailed than the Beats!" He just kind of walked-off after I said that. >_<
Oct 13, 2011 at 4:37 AM Post #2,139 of 5,506
Watching Ghost hunters, A guilty pleasure since I was like ten. Reviewing evidence using the Beats STUDIO'S. Dropped, deleted, never watching again, write an angry letter too them about using real headphones for reviewing very slight audio "evidence" assuming you buy into the show.
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:33 PM Post #2,140 of 5,506

I know that was like 100 pages old but it made me laugh so much I just had to repost it! 


I prefer a cell phone that is for talking and text and has REAL buttons. All the extra stuff is unnecessary.
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:47 PM Post #2,141 of 5,506

I prefer a cell phone that is for talking and text and has REAL buttons. All the extra stuff is unnecessary.

Wait until you have to do your work from 2 AM to 6 AM on a train with no wi-fi. A smartphone is necessary sometimes. I'm not Mr. Bigshot making million dollar deals, and I don't need to be in touch 24/7, but the functionality of a computer in the palm of my hand has made my life a lot easier. Once you try it, you'll never go back. Kind of like nice headphones...
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:20 PM Post #2,142 of 5,506
I hard. Sold my 3GS and had a regular phone for about 2 months...bought a 4 right after that...
I never thought I'd be tied to a smartphone, but it makes everything easier/more fun when out and about.
Wait until you have to do your work from 2 AM to 6 AM on a train with no wi-fi. A smartphone is necessary sometimes. I'm not Mr. Bigshot making million dollar deals, and I don't need to be in touch 24/7, but the functionality of a computer in the palm of my hand has made my life a lot easier. Once you try it, you'll never go back. Kind of like nice headphones...

Oct 14, 2011 at 5:45 PM Post #2,143 of 5,506

Wait until you have to do your work from 2 AM to 6 AM on a train with no wi-fi. A smartphone is necessary sometimes. I'm not Mr. Bigshot making million dollar deals, and I don't need to be in touch 24/7, but the functionality of a computer in the palm of my hand has made my life a lot easier. Once you try it, you'll never go back. Kind of like nice headphones...

People did just fine 8 years ago without smart phones. I have an ipod touch in fact 3. I don't need a smart phone.
Oct 14, 2011 at 6:42 PM Post #2,144 of 5,506
My phone can takes pictures and make calls, my computer on the other hand can do anything ( yes, it can fly me to space, so can DMT ) but I have a Asus Eee Pad Trans instead of a smartphone, since you can do Skype calls over 3g, and it has two cameras ( front / back ) for on-the-go.
A smartphone just isn't... smart enough.
It's like having a smartfork, the main thing we need it for is to eat food, or stab someone, but add a camera and suddenly everyone wants it because it revolutionizes the way forks take pictures of their victims, weather it's a cow or a person you stick in the eye.

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