Focal Elear and Utopia Review / Preview With Measurements - Head-Fi TV
Feb 4, 2017 at 8:24 PM Post #4,306 of 5,632
When I turned the volume up further in my testing, the bass "distortion" started to sound like what you describe, to the point I thought the driver might be physically damaged.  But I believe loose wires can indeed cause this sound.

The two wires that connect the driver to the jack are routed through a series of plastic channels or guides, with runs of wire between the guides that lay against the plastic plate to which the driver is mounted.  If those wires start to vibrate sympathetically, they could cause quite a racket.

I'm not saying this is the cause of all driver rattle issues, but I wouldn't be surprised if it explained many of them.

I don't doubt your experience and assessment.
Just describing the Elears I auditioned. I believe others have had this same issue. The uncontrolled driver excursion is visible. And you definitely do not want it next to your ear when it happens.
Feb 5, 2017 at 4:44 AM Post #4,307 of 5,632
My travel rig 

Feb 5, 2017 at 6:08 AM Post #4,309 of 5,632
I See you have Utopia and LCD4, whats your thoughts about these two headphones ? Special type of music you play on each of them or how do you mix listening to these two babies ? @Sonic Guild
  My travel rig 

Feb 5, 2017 at 6:59 AM Post #4,310 of 5,632

Totally different headphones.
If you want sweet bass go with the LC4. 
If you want astonishing balanced sound that you can not fault it at all go with the Utopia. 
LCD4 for bass tracks (electronic and hiphop) and Utopia for everything else. 
LCD4 is more comfy for me! The carbon fibre on the Utopia is somehow troublesome, the carbon fibre is a memory metal that maintain the mould's shape used to build it. All other metals adjust over the time to your head shape. 
Utopia is more user friendly, because you can change the pads by yourself without the need to send the phones to the manufacturers like the LCD4!
Soundstage, Utopia has more depth while the LCD4 has more hight. 
It is much easier to travel with the Utopia. 
Feb 5, 2017 at 9:15 PM Post #4,311 of 5,632
Utopia is crazily good...insomnia ...inducting kind of goods. It sounds the best during midnight in a quiet room Lol....

I agree, one night, I mean morning, I went to sleep at at 4:30 am.
After reading an article in an audio magazine, I realised that I was only listen to well recorded music with my mains sound system, so a bit before christmass, I decided to revisit some old MP3 CD-Rs.
I've labled them 70's Rock, 80's Pop, Best Slow Songs, Disco Hits,  etc... Most songs are 128 mbps, so we're far from SACD here. Anyway, I decided that I'd listen to all of them, listening to a different one every night.
I decided to use my vintage Marantz 2226B reciever, after all, most songs were from the 70's and 80's.
You know what they say, ''garbage in, garbage out'', well, I'm still trying to figure out how the Utopia have managed to make chicken soup out of chicken poop! 

That's right, some songs sounded OK, most sounded good, and a few like Jewel's Foolish Games sounded very good.
I just hope that my new Utopia will be problem free, and that they'll sound as amazing as the démos that my dealer had loaned me.
Feb 5, 2017 at 11:18 PM Post #4,312 of 5,632
Crap.  My second pair of Elear are now defective too.  My first pair had a defective adjustment mechanism on one side of the headband, and now the second pair has bass distortion on the right side.  When I listen to music with very deep bass, I hear distortion at a higher resonant frequency on the right sound, while the problem doesn't exist when listening with other headphones.  A good test track is Bass Outlaws - Slow down the Bass:  Let me know if others have problems with this track.

The odd thing is I listened to the same track two weeks ago when the second pair arrived and didn't have the problem, and over the past two weeks I haven't listened to them much and never at a high-level.  So it seems the problem can quickly develop without any apparent cause.

With the first defective pair, the dealer provided great service and replaced the headphones - but it costs me $50 to ship them, and it took a couple weeks to get them back.  It p*sses me off that I'm going to have to spend another $50 and wait another couple weeks - and hope the third pair are good.

It seems there's a pretty high failure rate on the headphones based on the many other reports of driver issues on head-fi.

I can fell your pain, bro...:xf_eek:
Feb 6, 2017 at 12:12 AM Post #4,314 of 5,632
Sounds like a warranty is a must on these. 

They're coming up second hand now, I assume without a transferrable warranty.
No, it's been discussed before Focal <> transferrable warranty
Feb 6, 2017 at 12:12 AM Post #4,315 of 5,632
Utopia is crazily good...insomnia ...inducting kind of goods. It sounds the best during midnight in a quiet room Lol....

Midnight is when most people's electricity is getting cleaner . .
And I've always found my most enjoyable sessions are late at night when my mind is slowing down.
I have the Danacable. It's quite a bit better than the stock.
More ease and much less listener fatigue.
Feb 6, 2017 at 12:53 AM Post #4,316 of 5,632
I took me a few listening sessions, but the Danacable is dramatically better than stock.
Much less listener fatigue.
The noise floor has dropped. All the telltale signs are there - more music, low level details, better dynamics, and increased insight into the music.
Not sure any headphone cable is worth is $1200, but the Utopia is being shortchanged by the stock cable.
Feb 6, 2017 at 4:53 AM Post #4,317 of 5,632
You know what they say, ''garbage in, garbage out'', well, I'm still trying to figure out how the Utopia have managed to make chicken soup out of chicken poop! :confused:

That's right, some songs sounded OK, most sounded good, and a few like Jewel's Foolish Games sounded very good.

It is true that Utopia made a lot of things to sound good and smooth, even bad Utopia actually was tuned this way, a way that it compromises 1 thing for another. What the Utopia compromises is very little, but it gains so much right on the whole spectrum. It is like an art how they engineered and tuned it this way. When I went looking for it, i found what it is, but I can not complain, that is just because everything else sounds so "damn right", and we all know "nothing is perfect".

These following are my own experiences, observations, impressions to my ears and from my system, specifically a comparison between Z1R and Utopia, and why I pick Utopia to be a better performer Vs Z1R.

What I found out was that Utopia Dynamic resolution is freaking crazy down right to the deepest sub-bass. I had Z1R before, and what I heard was that Z1R had a boosted sub-bass and it reaches deep. The closed back and the cups design boosted it with that warmth of the tonal body into everything, the Z1R sounded unnaturally boosted but in a very fun and enjoyable way. Utopia bass has no artificial color or flavor added, it is pure, it is raw, and it is super vivid, diving in deep, and authentic rumbles.

Then in bad records, the vocal and the trebles could be harsh at time in Z1R. The thing is that Z1R had so much details into the upper of lower treble, some of it sounded harsh. In comparison to Utopia, everything is so smooth, Utopia is actually more musical and enjoyable to me than Z1R in this way, together with the open feeling, Dynamic, natural, Utopia is a better Headphones to me. Utopia is compromising a very slight-bit somewhere around 2-4 kHz in comparison to Z1R. It is still there, but mostly is controlled. Here, I do feel like the Utopia can benefit from (Pure Silver wires for cables I love bass, I go for silver-gold). I went looking for the Utopia and Z1R chart comparison, and I am surprised that it is real. Look into this picture, it compromises somewhere (1.5-5.5 KHz) areas in comparison to Z1R and LCD-3. It shares a very similar curves with HD-800 from 5Khz . Only in some Modern Pop and EDM that some synthetic plays may Have strong trebles run in this sections but could be sibilant and harsh with Z1R

The instant where the measurements just can't explain it, how come Utopia bass has so much, and still so right ? It is unbelievable

I forgot to repeat the strong points of Z1R, it also has so much bass even though somewhat boosted, and touch of color, but is very enjoyable in an unbelievable way as well. It also has a more expressive Vertical rendering than Utopia....nothing is perfect! :D..

Over-all, the Utopia has this beautiful Balances, Neutral, Open, Super-vivid Dynamic and resolutions, and so unbelievably Natural. It makes every listening sessions priceless. The punches, impacts, rumbles, natural and realistic timbres everywhere. How do I complain about Utopia "restraining back" some of those trebles ? It is like Focal did it a favor, and toned down those harsh details, and most importantly very little in the while of keeping balances in this specific sections, very little at the right places, and gaining momentum at other right places to achieve a beautiful blend of balances. As a whole completed package, there is no complains about the Utopia, it is so addictive. did a little control can turn out to be so awesome ? Details are still oozing because my ears are not being fired upon with sibilants ? No harshness anywhere ? Just Pure Magical

In my conclusion as of why I sold Z1R and choose to stay with Utopia. It is simple, Z1R sounds more artificial like an over saturated super amoled vs Retina HD (Utopia) in the Dynamic resolution and it body, it makes Utopia to have real High-definitions Bass while Z1R bass is colored with warm body and a bit unnatural in comparison. Yes, the Z1R performs better in the lower trebles, but can be sibilant in places and harsh. Then ultimately, the sources that I connect with, Sony new Signature TA-ZH1ES and WM1Z Walkman, both pieces are warmer, which made Utopia to be the best choice for it. Simply put, Natural vs warmth, harsh caramel bits vs clear jelly smooth, open vs closed, synergy, and the physical forms, Z1R is too large for me to lay down in bed with or taking it around the house but not Utopia

Ironically, it wasn't Sony who voices the headphones in great synergy with the system, but Focal and it Utopia. This is somewhat a ritual of classic statement I recalled from my oldest brother in law, "Japan sources and European speakers" for the best of it :wink:....he was talking about stereo system though....and never thought I would have found it here in the Portable worlds.

I never thought I would say this, but Focal had beautifully achieved a master piece in balances, dynamic, expression of openness, smoothness, musicality.... so much right. It is an art, Utopia is an Art, and is a very sophisticated piece at it. I agree to Tyll statement "it is the best headphones yet" in a whole package.

Expensive though!
Feb 6, 2017 at 6:15 AM Post #4,319 of 5,632
If I will get the Elear's pads to installed on the Utopia, will I get a sweet bass while maintaining the good resolution? 
Will it sound artificial or coloured? 

Elear uses velour pads ? Yeah, i think Leather pads will help, but I don't think it can get to the level of Utopia. The whole driver structure is different

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