flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Aug 14, 2018 at 3:28 PM Post #11,881 of 39,431
I have no doubt the SE6 rocks (and possibly blows everything out of the water) but that's a bit besides the point, you can have the best product in the world, if you treat your customer like s%!@t then how can you trust that you can have proper support for the product even if you go for it... it's not very encouraging to say the least. You're not only buying the product but the relationship that comes with it, and that's even more true for a very high end product like this (where on top of everything there is no coming back, since no selling possible and no audition possible. Without trust? How do you pull that off???)

I have worked with a blunt genius, they need to surround themselves with people who care and either clean up their mess or call out their s%!@t so that they get down on planet earth, otherwise it won't work for customers. Now I admit I have no former experience with Grezgorz, maybe customer care is good and the policy is just plain arrogance. It's just not very encouraging... the only thing going there is how brilliant the SE5U is and the fact it's still competitive with top IEMs. Still a huge leap of faith...

I know from your post elsewhere that you talked to the guy and he says he spent 10 years reaching that result and says it's not a ****ty pricing strategy and just reflect how good the product is. Probably. But the policy change at the very same time is not a good thing (at all).

He is not a great communicator, you should try to talk to him one on one and judge.
Aug 14, 2018 at 3:36 PM Post #11,883 of 39,431
He is not a great communicator, you should try to talk to him one on one and judge.

So I have heard, might be language barrier as well... and I won't judge the person anyway, sorry if my previous post came out as judgemental. It's not, and clearly the man deserves respect for what he has built but so does the customer who is going to buy his gear or not...

After all customer make him earn a living :)
Sure, communicating skills would help understand the business move, especially when it's this big a move, so that could be key to the product succeeding of failing.

Those of us who would make the jump some re-assuring at this point :p
If I come to that bridge, I'll sure talk to the guy beforehand!
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Aug 14, 2018 at 4:18 PM Post #11,885 of 39,431
It's all good, some of these companies have just reconsidered their target market. There's still plenty of stuff to go around!

chinese family 2.jpg
Aug 14, 2018 at 6:43 PM Post #11,886 of 39,431
You should keep your mouth open while listening to se7. Closing your mouth would hurt the sound quality.

Youre in a constant state of agasp anyway...
Aug 15, 2018 at 1:52 AM Post #11,887 of 39,431
I partially share your sentiments as I've yet to hear a DAP outperform even something as measly as a Modi Multibit + Magni stack.
How does that perform with sensitive IEMs? Any hiss? I'm just window shopping for a possible desktop solution and have had a few good recommendations for DAC/Amps, but the stuff gets very expensive, very quickly. Schiit seems to have some pretty affordable options that are quite interesting. Also curious if a Modi Multibit/Vali 2 stack would work for IEMs.
Aug 15, 2018 at 1:56 AM Post #11,888 of 39,431
How does that perform with sensitive IEMs? Any hiss? I'm just window shopping for a possible desktop solution and have had a few good recommendations for DAC/Amps, but the stuff gets very expensive, very quickly. Schiit seems to have some pretty affordable options that are quite interesting. Also curious if a Modi Multibit/Vali 2 stack would work for IEMs.

insert angel/devil dialogue :beyersmile:
Aug 15, 2018 at 2:00 AM Post #11,889 of 39,431
How does that perform with sensitive IEMs? Any hiss? I'm just window shopping for a possible desktop solution and have had a few good recommendations for DAC/Amps, but the stuff gets very expensive, very quickly. Schiit seems to have some pretty affordable options that are quite interesting. Also curious if a Modi Multibit/Vali 2 stack would work for IEMs.

None of my equipment are particularly hiss-prone so I'm not the best person to ask. The Schiit stack was just an example that I liked but don't own; I myself am considering a RME ADI-2 Pro for my HD800 maybe in the far far future (though it's a less-than-ideal match, but still).
Aug 15, 2018 at 2:02 AM Post #11,890 of 39,431
How does that perform with sensitive IEMs? Any hiss? I'm just window shopping for a possible desktop solution and have had a few good recommendations for DAC/Amps, but the stuff gets very expensive, very quickly. Schiit seems to have some pretty affordable options that are quite interesting. Also curious if a Modi Multibit/Vali 2 stack would work for IEMs.

If you like the Questyle house sound, the CMA400i dac/amp is a pretty good all in one solution for a reasonable amount of cash. Also has 2.5mm and XLR balanced outs as well as the usual 6.5mm, and configurable gain for use with more delicate IEMs.
Aug 15, 2018 at 2:24 AM Post #11,891 of 39,431
insert angel/devil dialogue :beyersmile:
Oh, that one is definitely going on in the background. Worse still is that now my wife keeps joking every time she sees my AK70 on the charger. "Does your player need charging again?! Should have kept the Sony!" (I gave her my A15.)
None of my equipment are particularly hiss-prone so I'm not the best person to ask. The Schiit stack was just an example that I liked but don't own; I myself am considering a RME ADI-2 Pro for my HD800 maybe in the far far future (though it's a less-than-ideal match, but still).
Thanks! Yeah, the RME ADI-2 is already on the short list. @natemact recommended I have a look at that. I'm still new to all the desktop gear, so trying to get a sense of the different prices and what might work well for IEMs, as I will most likely keep using those. Although the HD800 has also caught my eye recently. I understand it is pretty darn good for classical music and I do love my Beethoven. :D
If you like the Questyle house sound, the CMA400i dac/amp is a pretty good all in one solution for a reasonable amount of cash. Also has 2.5mm and XLR balanced outs as well as the usual 6.5mm, and configurable gain for use with more delicate IEMs.
Thanks! Never heard anything from Questyle, but understand they have a really good house sound. I had come across the CMA400i at HiFi Headphones recently and it looks pretty interesting, so that one is also on my radar.
Aug 15, 2018 at 3:35 AM Post #11,892 of 39,431
Oh, that one is definitely going on in the background. Worse still is that now my wife keeps joking every time she sees my AK70 on the charger. "Does your player need charging again?! Should have kept the Sony!" (I gave her my A15.)

Thanks! Yeah, the RME ADI-2 is already on the short list. @natemact recommended I have a look at that. I'm still new to all the desktop gear, so trying to get a sense of the different prices and what might work well for IEMs, as I will most likely keep using those. Although the HD800 has also caught my eye recently. I understand it is pretty darn good for classical music and I do love my Beethoven. :D

Thanks! Never heard anything from Questyle, but understand they have a really good house sound. I had come across the CMA400i at HiFi Headphones recently and it looks pretty interesting, so that one is also on my radar.

It's pretty much a desktop QP2R in terms of general tuning - think rich and velvety without sacrificing any detail. Plays REALLY well with the Campfire house sound, but flattens the dual crossover modes of the Zeus-XR together into more or less the same tuning for both due to their slightly unusual current mode amp tech. It's able to drive bigger loads than the output specs indicate as a result though. I know Dan from MrSpeakers is a big fan of their stuff to play his gear on.

Actually have a review of this I've been meaning to write since I bought it last year, but not managed to get anywhere near finishing it yet! :wink:
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Aug 15, 2018 at 5:26 AM Post #11,893 of 39,431
It's pretty much a desktop QP2R in terms of general tuning - think rich and velvety without sacrificing any detail. Plays REALLY well with the Campfire house sound, but flattens the dual crossover modes of the Zeus-XR together into more or less the same tuning for both due to their slightly unusual current mode amp tech. It's able to drive bigger loads than the output specs indicate as a result though. I know Dan from MrSpeakers is a big fan of their stuff to play his gear on.

Actually have a review of this I've been meaning to write since I bought it last year, but not managed to get anywhere near finishing it yet! :wink:
Ooh, very interesting! I have heard a lot of good about the QP2R (including your impressions) and have been curious to hear it for myself. So yeah, right now you are being a bit of a devil's advocate, as it seems a combination of Atlas and CMA400i should be right up my street.
:imp: He-he-he! :imp:
Fingers crossed I can actually buy something for Christmas and that the move has not left us stone broke. :D
Aug 15, 2018 at 6:27 AM Post #11,894 of 39,431
Nice to be back after a week-long, yet completely worth it, timeout. In retrospect, the only downside was we lost that one HF member more than nuts enough to blindly purchase a SE6...

@Wyville Just to clarify, the RME that @crinacle mentioned is the Pro version. Biggest difference - other than price - is Pro version is also an ADC and a preamp. If one doesn't need the ADC function or preamp, it would be a disservice to recommend the Pro version over the non.

CMA400i is no slouch. I've spent a couple hours with both the ADI-2 DAC and CMA400i separately (always had a soft-spot for Questyle after enjoying my CMA800R so much) and I can easily say that Questyle's current mode headamp design is head and shoulders above RME's headamp implementation for hard to drive hps...but for iems, the advantage slides back in RME's favor for two main reasons; the RME is USB agnostic, and to a slightly lesser degree, power supply agnostic as well.

The Questyle requires USB decrapification where the RME doesn't. Plus, in quite the surprise for me, I had to strain to hear any differences between RME's switching power supply and a SoTM sPS-500, and even still, I couldn't consistently identify them so you have to give it to RME for their power wizardry. Big plus for Questyle is chassis quality, but build quality I'd say it's a wash.

I'd say if not using USB (or don't mind extra cost/box of USB decrap and extra USB cable) and you have a decent power conditioner and 2x AC cables or don't need RME's EQ function, the CMA400i should be short-listed. I remember your application Erik, so my wrap-up is more of the general help variety.

This is another option here https://www.headphone.com/blogs/news/holo-audio-cyan-dac-amp-review More info on the other forum about the Cyan as well, all from one of the most trusted ears in the hobby. Not sure on hiss levels though. This kind of segues into the DSD talk on the EE thread as you can purchase the Cyan with either a PCM or DSD module (or both if you want to omit the headamp). Both will handle both formats but will only convert one natively. DSD chat continued on EE thread...
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Aug 15, 2018 at 6:41 AM Post #11,895 of 39,431
Nice to be back after a week-long, yet completely worth it, timeout. In retrospect, the only downside is we would've had someone more than nuts enough to blindly purchase a SE6...

@Wyville Just to clarify, the RME that @crinacle mentioned is the Pro version. Biggest difference - other than price - is Pro version is also an ADC and a preamp. If one doesn't need the ADC function or preamp, it would be a disservice to recommend the Pro version over the non.

CMA400i is no slouch. I've spent a couple hours with both the ADI-2 DAC and CMA400i separately (always had a soft-spot for Questyle after enjoying my CMA800R so much) and I can easily say that Questyle's current mode headamp design is head and shoulders above RME's headamp implementation for hard to drive hps...but for iems, the advantage slides back in RME's favor for two main reasons; the RME is USB agnostic, and to a slightly lesser degree, power supply agnostic as well.

The Questyle requires USB decrapification where the RME doesn't plus, in quite the surprise for me, I had to strain to hear any differences with RME's switching power supply and a SoTM sPS-500 and even still, I couldn't consistently identify them, so you have to give it to RME for their power wizardry. Big plus for Questyle is chassis quality, but build quality I'd say it's a wash.

I'd say if not using USB (or don't mind extra cost/box of USB decrap and extra USB cable) and you have a decent power conditioner and 2x AC cables or don't need RME's EQ function, the CMA400i should be short-listed. I remember your application Erik, so my wrap-up is more of the general help variety.

This is another option here https://www.headphone.com/blogs/news/holo-audio-cyan-dac-amp-review More info on the other forum about the Cyan as well, all from one of the most trusted ears in the hobby. Not sure on hiss levels though. This kind of segues into the DSD talk on the EE thread as you can purchase the Cyan with either a PCM or DSD module (or both if you want to omit the headamp). Both will handle both formats but will only convert one natively. DSD chat continued on EE thread...
Thanks man, I greatly appreciate the info! Will check out Cyan as well.

One thing I haven't gotten into yet, but which I would like to is EQ, so that would be a big plus with the RME. Not essential, but very nice to have and be able to experiment with. It would be a great way to learn more about frequencies and to fine tune IEMs to my personal taste.

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