Dear Head-Fi community
After some extensive work over the last few weeks I am very happy to announce the latest release - Version 2.6 of the
@FiiO X5iii custom kernel. This release contains by far the largest amount of new features and changes, and elevates the player usability and user experience in a class above its own. Indeed comparing the original factory versions with this custom kernel gives the X5 a new premium feel in terms of smoothness and execution.
Version 2.6
New: UKSM instead of KSM (much faster)
New: ZRAM (more RAM)
New: fsync_disable (much, much faster)
New: ROW I/O scheduler for SD cards (much faster)
New: LZ4 Compression instead of LZO (faster, more compression)
New: zsmalloc implementation instead of xsmalloc
New: zcache enabling (faster)
New: ARM RSEM implementation (faster)
New: frandom generator instead of random (much, much faster)
New: MSG pop-up notification daemon
Fix: Lowered voltage for some FiiO players with lower-grade VCOs
Fix: Corrected git file dependencies
Fix: Disabled system animation by default
Previous Versions
Version 2.5
New: Increased max clock speed to 1752MHz (faster)
New: BFQ I/O scheduler (faster)
New: Westwood TCP/IP congestion protocol (much faster)
New: InteractiveX governor (much, much, much faster)
Fix: Stability checks to voltage
Fix: iX handling changes
Version 2.4
New: Maple I/O Scheduler (faster)
New: init.d full support (much, much faster)
New: init.d scripts (thanks prispewnic @ 4PDA)
Version 2.3
New: Zen I/O scheduler (much faster)
Version 2.2
Fix: Changes to scheduler priorities during screen off (faster)
Version 2.1
New: Additional GPU and DDR overclocking (much, much faster)
Version 1.5
New: Update to Linaro gcc 4.9.4 (significantly much faster)
Version 1.4
New: SIO I/O scheduler (faster)
New: VR I/O scheduler (faster)
Version 1.3
New: CPU clock to 1704MHz (much, much faster)
Version 1.2
New: Additional voltage optimisation and DDR overclocking
Version 1.1
New: GPIO optimisation and documentation
New: CPU clock to 1518MHz (faster)
Version 1.0
Initial system release and branch-off from FiiO GPL code
Installation instructions:
1) Windows and/or first-time users
If you already have TWRP or a previous version of my kernel, go to step 2.
a) If you don't yet have TWRP and/or any previous version of my kernel yet, download the Windows-based loader here and unzip to a folder
(note: you need to have the FiiO USB Windows drivers correctly installed)
b) Run the AndroidTool.exe program and connect the FiiO via USB.
c) Put the player in bootloader mode (just as if you were going to upgrade the player the traditional FiiO way with the Windows-based loader), by pressing power+pause+back.
d) If all goes well you should see the green light with 'Found One Loader Device'. Make sure 'boot' and 'recovery_twrp' are selected and press Run. Once done, click the 'Advanced Function' tab and click Reset Device. You should have the new kernel and TWRP installed!
2) TWRP users
a) Download the latest version of the kernel (with new optimisation scripts) here: and push to sdcard
b) Reboot to TWRP recovery
c) Install ->
d) Wipe kernel and dalvik cache
e) Reboot
IMPORTANT: leave running for 1-2h for new scripts to do their magic
g) Reboot
h) Enjoy
3) Hints and Tips
After the first couple of reboots, you should immediately see an increase in usability and responsiveness due to the new kernel features and scripts in play.
Note that this version pushes the hardware to its maximum capabilities, so if you experience any random reboots, it's likely that your specific player may need slightly lower tuning settings. PM me and I'll send you a custom build!
Thanks and Rants
Again, massive thanks to prispewnic's product suggestions. His extensive knowledge of requirements and scripting have been the source behind all these new great features. Thanks also to the great community of users here, your feedback has been invaluable.
Thanks also to
@FiiO for releasing the first GPL of the source code back in June. If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t have this modded kernel.
Also - gentle reminder - could you please please release the source code for firmware version 1.2.2?
Coming up next
Version 3 is next, this will be quite an ambitious project, so expect even better CPU governors, I/O schedulers and faster internet on this player in the coming weeks
As always, any queries, comments etc - please shout.
Moderators - could someone pin this to the first post of this topic? It's a real shame that new users have to trudge through 1000 odd pages before they get to this...