Fiio X5 3rd gen || 2x AKM 4490 || Balanced Out || DSD || DXD | DTS | Android || Dual Card Slot
Dec 22, 2016 at 7:55 AM Post #571 of 15,899
  What do you need tweak 1 and 2 for when using the mojo?
Are you getting the .5 second start of track mute issue with the x5iii/mojo/UAPP combo?
Whats the UI performance like?
Has anyone seen any chinese opinions on the x5iii yet?

Tweak options in UAPP is to ensure maximum compatibility among different USB DAC and UAPP. Not all USB DAC are the same and UAPP doesn't always work with everyone of them, sometime these tweak option will help to improve compatibility. UAPP website should have more detail about them.
Didn't notice any mute on the start of any tracks.
UI as in UAPP? It is okay, neither the best nor the worst.
Too early to gather any real opinion from the Chinese yet - there are some random comments on X5III posted already, but some of these some called 'early impression' seems to come from paid writer of the competitors hoping to muddy up the water (which, unfortunately, is a common practice among Chinese online community). I'll say you will have to wait for the well-known Chinese audiophiles get their hand on the X5III before any trustworthy impression appears.
... If anyone has heard both, owns both or can demo both, please post here. I and several others would be eternally grateful

The tricky bit is, anyone who already own an Onkyo, and as good it seems to be, won't likely going to be interested in an X5III anymore.

Fiio X7 is available for 399$

...and before anyone goes crazy and order a X7 from the above link, take note it is 'body' only, without an amp module. The cheapest AM1 will cost you another $60. Other amp modules are around $100 each.
Dec 22, 2016 at 8:02 AM Post #572 of 15,899
The feature set, apparent build quality and price are spot on for me with the x5iii. Now it just comes down to fleshing the sound quality/tuning/performance of the player with a few reviewers that I trust. 
Dec 22, 2016 at 8:03 AM Post #573 of 15,899

Fiio X7 is available for 399$

Here's the proper link to the non-mobile site. Yes, I do very much dislike when people link to a mobile version of any site.
Dec 22, 2016 at 8:07 AM Post #574 of 15,899
  yep , it have .

  you can adjust the volume on the touch screen  and it is digital wheel. 

Now that the X5 III finally provides easy access to the equalizer, as it seems: Could you tell some details about it? Same configuration as in X3 II and X5 II, thus 10 bands with a width of 1 octave each? And, not umimportant: Will it work with higher sampling rates, such as 96 or 192 kHz (unlike the X5 II)?
Dec 22, 2016 at 9:12 AM Post #576 of 15,899

Fiio X7 is available for 399$

+ the Amp you want.
Your listing is only the body.
Dec 22, 2016 at 9:46 AM Post #578 of 15,899
ClieOS said:
The tricky bit is, anyone who already own an Onkyo, and as good it seems to be, won't likely going to be interested in an X5III anymore.

I realise this might be the case; it's why I also said if anyone has the opportunity to demo/hear both players, which means you don't necessarily have to *own* both of them.
Or indeed either of them

I really appreciate you adding such value here by answering everyone's queries. The joys of being an early adopter lol

Dec 22, 2016 at 9:50 AM Post #579 of 15,899
Just wondering, did you buy your X5iii in M'sia? Or order from China? Or happen to be in China and bought there?
I speak some Chinese and have friends in China (and M'sia too for that matter).
Given the no doubt inflated UK prices and current exchange rates, I'm wondering whether I should just have one bought for me in China and sent to UK (or bought here by someone coming back)?
I'm assuming when I boot it up, there'll be an option pretty much straight away to select the default language (English, in my case lol. My Chinese isn't *that* good)

Dec 22, 2016 at 10:22 AM Post #580 of 15,899
Just wondering, did you buy your X5iii in M'sia? Or order from China? Or happen to be in China and bought there?
I speak some Chinese and have friends in China (and M'sia too for that matter).
Given the no doubt inflated UK prices and current exchange rates, I'm wondering whether I should just have one bought for me in China and sent to UK (or bought here by someone coming back)?
I'm assuming when I boot it up, there'll be an option pretty much straight away to select the default language (English, in my case lol. My Chinese isn't *that* good)

Wont the added VAT push the price up when it gets to the UK?
Dec 22, 2016 at 10:25 AM Post #581 of 15,899
  The feature set, apparent build quality and price are spot on for me with the x5iii. Now it just comes down to fleshing the sound quality/tuning/performance of the player with a few reviewers that I trust. 

I'm right there with you on this. There's a lot going for the X5iii on paper so now all that's left is to see how it sounds and how flexible it can be in day-to-day use. Time to sit back and wait for the reviews.
Dec 22, 2016 at 10:26 AM Post #582 of 15,899
  Wont the added VAT push the price up when it gets to the UK?

Not sure about such things. I know Customs usually levy some kind of charge, which can be variable.
I don't know if that's for VAT or something else. And I don't know how likely I am to incur such a charge.
Obviously if I can find someone who's going back to China for Christmas or CNY, then returning to the UK, I can just ask them to pack it in their suitcase and hence avoid that issue completely I guess?
Dec 22, 2016 at 11:15 AM Post #583 of 15,899
Didn't notice any mute on the start of any tracks.
UI as in UAPP? It is okay, neither the best nor the worst.

Thanks for answering!
Would love to know if the .5 mojo mute is there when using UAPP/mojo/x5iii together using USB/coax
Sorry, I wasnt clear - I meant the UI on the x5iii. The UIs on some DAPs is very sluggish. Would be great to know that the UI on the x5iii performs more like some of the more recent smartphones
Dec 22, 2016 at 11:43 AM Post #584 of 15,899
  Can someone please share the projected release date if I've missed it? 

There was no definitive release date given outside of China (where it has already been released), just that it would be released after the new year.  FiiO mentioned they wanted to refine the firmware for the export market since there are some features expected (i.e. gapless) that aren't as important to the Chinese market.
I know it sucks for an answer but hope it helps...

-HK sends
Dec 22, 2016 at 11:58 AM Post #585 of 15,899
Just wondering, did you buy your X5iii in M'sia? Or order from China? Or happen to be in China and bought there?
I speak some Chinese and have friends in China (and M'sia too for that matter).
Given the no doubt inflated UK prices and current exchange rates, I'm wondering whether I should just have one bought for me in China and sent to UK (or bought here by someone coming back)?
I'm assuming when I boot it up, there'll be an option pretty much straight away to select the default language (English, in my case lol. My Chinese isn't *that* good)

Got mine straight from FiiO, from China no less. AFAIK, there isn't any official X5III stock outside of China yet. All the X5III in the wild are in China only and that is the only place you can get an X5III for now.
I don't recall there is a language selection during the first bootup - it is all in English already, and you can change it to Chinese in the Android setting.
Thanks for answering!
Would love to know if the .5 mojo mute is there when using UAPP/mojo/x5iii together using USB/coax
Sorry, I wasnt clear - I meant the UI on the x5iii. The UIs on some DAPs is very sluggish. Would be great to know that the UI on the x5iii performs more like some of the more recent smartphones

As said, I didn't notice any mute - on both USB as well as coax connection. However, I do want to point out I didn't use UAPP for coax-out as UAPP seems not stable on X5III when not used with an USB DAC. There is probably some bugs still needed to be ironed out there.  For coax-out, I use FiiO music app..
There is no sluggishness on any of the apps I tried, though I do keep it limited to one app at a time and regularly clean out all the background apps.

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