FiiO E9 Review
May 2, 2011 at 11:23 PM Post #871 of 1,324
MLE, what do you think of the line out?  I'm using it to feed my 2.1 system and I can't help but feel that it is a cleaner signal than sending it through the  e7 at 56 volume.

May 2, 2011 at 11:44 PM Post #872 of 1,324

Have either of you heard the D2000?  I do not find the highs harsh, and I laugh every time I think that I almost didn't buy this headphone because it had "zero mids".   And the bass is only heavy on tracks that call for it, I find the denons to be very true to the recordings in that way. My ears are pretty sensitive to treble, but the denons only have small peaks that make the music a little more alive, only on really hot tracks are they sibilant.  Anyway, the sibilance does seem to be going down as the music plays on.
sorry if I get defensive over the 2000s, but they are truly remarkable headphones, made even more remarkable with the new e9

No problem, and I accept that I cant criticise what I havent heard. As a Grado fan, having owned 325is among others, I cop a lot of the usual hooha about their 'aggressive' tendencies - while it may be overblown, I have to accept that there is a grain of truth in those criticisms. Enjoy your Denons.
May 3, 2011 at 12:35 AM Post #873 of 1,324

No problem, and I accept that I cant criticise what I havent heard. As a Grado fan, having owned 325is among others, I cop a lot of the usual hooha about their 'aggressive' tendencies - while it may be overblown, I have to accept that there is a grain of truth in those criticisms. Enjoy your Denons.

You're level-headed attitude about this is refreshing, honestly.   And you have a good point, there is a grain of truth to it all, and tbh my Custom 3s have more mids than my denons, and my Atrio M5s have smoother highs, but neither of them can give me a comparable audio experience.
And I've also heard the Grado SR80s with their "eardrum shredding highs" and thought they sounded great
(though just not quite the headphone for me).  Funny how some people can blow a forward-treble sound,  such as is found with the Grados, so far out of proportion.
May 3, 2011 at 1:54 AM Post #874 of 1,324
This is Head-Fi - we like to blow EVERYTHING out of proportion  :wink:
Seriously, if I had a life, I would never have come back to this forum after my first post asking for recommendations. Fortunately, my plan to win Powerball seems doomed, so I keep coming back.
May 3, 2011 at 2:13 AM Post #875 of 1,324

Seriously, if I had a life

Oh, come on?  Who needs a life, or social contact?  We have headphones
, and for those lonely nights we can look to our dedicated components
May 3, 2011 at 4:42 AM Post #876 of 1,324
MLE, what do you think of the line out?  I'm using it to feed my 2.1 system and I can't help but feel that it is a cleaner signal than sending it through the  e7 at 56 volume.


The Line Out on the E9 is very, very clean. I have zero issues feeding the Lyr through my E9's line out. Using the pre-output is great too. Of course, it SHOULD sound better than the E7's headphone out, as you're not double amping anymore.
May 3, 2011 at 7:53 AM Post #877 of 1,324
All this talk of 'clean' outputs is making me sad, since my E9 doesn't sound clean at all (in fact, everything sounds better through the E7).
Has no-one else come across/solved the E9 voltage leak problem (which I suspect is the cause in my case)?
May 3, 2011 at 11:43 AM Post #878 of 1,324

MLE, what do you think of the line out?  I'm using it to feed my 2.1 system and I can't help but feel that it is a cleaner signal than sending it through the  e7 at 56 volume.


The Line Out on the E9 is very, very clean. I have zero issues feeding the Lyr through my E9's line out. Using the pre-output is great too. Of course, it SHOULD sound better than the E7's headphone out, as you're not double amping anymore.

Do you know, exactly, what the line-out does, in technical terms?   I saw a schematic of the E9 and it shows the signal passing through two op-amps before leaving the line-out, the first op-amp at +10gain and the second op-amp at -7gain.  Does that mean it passes a clean signal at +3 gain?
All this talk of 'clean' outputs is making me sad, since my E9 doesn't sound clean at all (in fact, everything sounds better through the E7).
Has no-one else come across/solved the E9 voltage leak problem (which I suspect is the cause in my case)?

I think you have a faulty model and need to return it.  I believe warranty is one year?
May 3, 2011 at 11:49 AM Post #879 of 1,324

Do you know, exactly, what the line-out does, in technical terms?   I saw a schematic of the E9 and it shows the signal passing through two op-amps before leaving the line-out, the first op-amp at +10gain and the second op-amp at -7gain.  Does that mean it passes a clean signal at +3 gain?

You are correct, the net result of the RCA line out is that it is fixed at a 3dB gain of the input signal received from the line-in or E7 dock. 
May 3, 2011 at 2:01 PM Post #880 of 1,324

You're level-headed attitude about this is refreshing, honestly.   And you have a good point, there is a grain of truth to it all, and tbh my Custom 3s have more mids than my denons, and my Atrio M5s have smoother highs, but neither of them can give me a comparable audio experience.

Yes, props to the sanity happening in this thread.  I just watched the UM Merlin thread explode into nonsense out of nowhere, ugh.
scannon18, while I'm considering getting an E9 for my M50's, I'm curious if it makes any difference with Atrios, in particular versus just an E7 alone (I would doubt it).  Thoughts?
May 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #881 of 1,324

Yes, props to the sanity happening in this thread.  I just watched the UM Merlin thread explode into nonsense out of nowhere, ugh.
scannon18, while I'm considering getting an E9 for my M50's, I'm curious if it makes any difference with Atrios, in particular versus just an E7 alone (I would doubt it).  Thoughts?

I did a quick a/b test, which was somewhat skewed because it took a while to disassemble the E7/E9 and assemble the ipod/E7, but for some reason it seems much nicer out of the E9.  I think aside from providing a lot more current, the amp in the e9 is of a much higher quality so far as fidelity is concerned.  Or it could be that i'm noticing the difference between the DAC in the ipod and the DAC in the E7.  It isn't a huge difference, you'll have to try it out for yourself to see which you prefer, YMMV, etc. . . both sound better than straight out of my ipod, though.
May 3, 2011 at 8:17 PM Post #882 of 1,324
I personally feel the M50 doesn't gain enough out of the E9 over the E7 to consider it worthwhile.
May 3, 2011 at 8:32 PM Post #883 of 1,324
PL50s may not be the best headphone to plug into the E9 straight out of the box, and using my 6G Nano as source probably wont be as good as my MSII tonite, but I just wanted to record that my initial impression is heartening - its every bit as dreadful to my ears as I expect an amp to be pre burn-in.  Not sure how an amp can be 'dark and recessed' yet still 'aggressive', but the E9 sounded like that to me straight from the box. No dramas.
For those who dont believe in burn-in, this will be all about placebo, but I know what I heard on my D4 from the same source this morning and I know what I am hearing now - chalk and cheese. No question that there is power galore, but atm this is not an amp that I would want to listen to. Its insane to judge a component by its sound in that first hour, yet that is exactly what happens when you audition something straight out of a box. I cant imagine anyone buying this amp based on an audition like that.
estreeter, 10:30am Weds 4 May 2011
(relax, I'm not going to bore people with hour-by-hour breakdowns of any changes - just wanted to note this initial 'culture shock' for future reference)
May 3, 2011 at 8:35 PM Post #884 of 1,324

PL50s may not be the best headphone to plug into the E9 straight out of the box, and using my 6G Nano as source probably wont be as good as my MSII tonite, but I just wanted to record that my initial impression is heartening - its every bit as dreadful to my ears as I expect an amp to be pre burn-in.  Not sure how an amp can be 'dark and recessed' yet still 'aggressive', but the E9 sounded like that to me straight from the box. No dramas.
For those who dont believe in burn-in, this will be all about placebo, but I know what I heard on my D4 from the same source this morning and I know what I am hearing now - chalk and cheese. No question that there is power galore, but atm this is not an amp that I would want to listen to. Its insane to judge a component by its sound in that first hour, yet that is exactly what happens when you audition something straight out of a box. I cant imagine anyone buying this amp based on an audition like that.
estreeter, 10:30am Weds 4 May 2011
(relax, I'm not going to bore people with hour-by-hour breakdowns of any changes - just wanted to note this initial 'culture shock' for future reference)

I agree.  I'm on day two and it is a much tamer beast. 
And I just want to add, that with the D2000s and the E7/E9 combo, I feel that I am getting a genuine, though small, taste of what hi-fi audio can really be.  I can already tell that this is going to be a long, and expensive, road.
May 3, 2011 at 9:00 PM Post #885 of 1,324
I might add that is chunkier than I thought it would be from the weight specs (still feels very light to lift the amp) and looking at the dock on top it makes perfect sense to use this as an iPod dock - I believe there is an optional adapter to do just that ?

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