FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought
May 28, 2013 at 10:28 AM Post #5,851 of 6,777
I would say the T5p is too good for the E17, it will just reveal the flaws
Aim higher to get the most out of the 5p

Yes cause we would not want to see a lowly E17 driving the beyerdynamic T5p's. That would be sacrilege...
I would suggest the iQube V3, ALO The International or wait for the CEntrance HiFi-M8... But the last two are only USB though, only the iQube has optical in like the E17 does...
May 28, 2013 at 3:01 PM Post #5,853 of 6,777
I would say the T5p is too good for the E17, it will just reveal the flaws
Aim higher to get the most out of the 5p

Ok and what would you recommend ?
The O2 amp? with perhaps the O2 DAC?
by the way i just went serving to the "qables" web site and all i can say is My god !!
Do they now there is a global economic crises in the world ?
hahah Well think again no crises in the world of "qables"  i'm not saying that i'm not spending top Dollar or in my case top Euros' hahaha getting the Beyerdynamic T5p.. But "qables" asks €107,50 for a iPod cable YEP that's $138,41 for a cable mind you !!
And considering that there is no objective data proving that a cable really does improve sound this is a company that in my mind really caters to the Wealthy people among us..
There is nothing wrong with that ..And in a better economy i would probably just get the tiny cable for $140 bucks .. But in this economy i would rather spend my hard earned $$ on something i REALY now will improve sound beyond a shadow of a doubt..
Getting back to the iQube V3 , it's a shame that no one has ever done a objective review about it with numbers and so on..Like with the O2. Just Googling "o2 amp " will get you to a site filed with objective data… The iQube costs €585 thats $754 BIG ONES … would it not be better to spend that $$ on perhaps a second open back headphone? Like HE-500 or LCD-3 ?
I just realised that iQube is a Dutch company ! Like me and the strange thing is if i get an amp from the USA that will cost me about the same..Getting an amp from China would save me a lot  hahah..
Summarising the FiiO E17 vs the iQube V3 that's a €445 $572 difference  i would have to get both and do a blind comparison letting a friend and my girl listen while i do the switching Because there is no objective review showing me that i should spend $572 more without the option to compare them both my self..pfff it's a hard thing to consider..i'm getting a headache just thinking about it..back and forth!
Do all you guys just go out and grab the most expensive gear out there of do you have a couple of reference amps that you have laying around to do your objective comparison with??
greets s ..thanks for all your inputs / help really appreciate it..
May 28, 2013 at 4:18 PM Post #5,854 of 6,777
Hey smpie!
I was the one who posted the iQube V3 suggestion as I was just being a little facetious in regards to the E17 not being worthy for the T5p... 

There are a actually quite a few Toslink supporting portables out there to choose from.
The iBasso D12, Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII, to name a few, but since this is a FiiO E17 thread, I see no problem with the E17 running your T5p's quite well, and if you find that it's sound does not suit you, it would be very easy to sell in the For Sale forums.
If you don't require optical or portable then there are a whole myriad of choices, that would be worthy of it's own thread.
There are others who would have choices for you as well.

May 28, 2013 at 5:24 PM Post #5,855 of 6,777
Ok and what would you recommend ?
The O2 amp? with perhaps the O2 DAC?
by the way i just went serving to the "qables" web site and all i can say is My god !!
Do they now there is a global economic crises in the world ?
hahah Well think again no crises in the world of "qables"  i'm not saying that i'm not spending top Dollar or in my case top Euros' hahaha getting the Beyerdynamic T5p.. But "qables" asks €107,50 for a iPod cable YEP that's $138,41 for a cable mind you !!
And considering that there is no objective data proving that a cable really does improve sound this is a company that in my mind really caters to the Wealthy people among us..
There is nothing wrong with that ..And in a better economy i would probably just get the tiny cable for $140 bucks .. But in this economy i would rather spend my hard earned $$ on something i REALY now will improve sound beyond a shadow of a doubt..
Getting back to the iQube V3 , it's a shame that no one has ever done a objective review about it with numbers and so on..Like with the O2. Just Googling "o2 amp " will get you to a site filed with objective data… The iQube costs €585 thats $754 BIG ONES … would it not be better to spend that $$ on perhaps a second open back headphone? Like HE-500 or LCD-3 ?
I just realised that iQube is a Dutch company ! Like me and the strange thing is if i get an amp from the USA that will cost me about the same..Getting an amp from China would save me a lot  hahah..
Summarising the FiiO E17 vs the iQube V3 that's a €445 $572 difference  i would have to get both and do a blind comparison letting a friend and my girl listen while i do the switching Because there is no objective review showing me that i should spend $572 more without the option to compare them both my self..pfff it's a hard thing to consider..i'm getting a headache just thinking about it..back and forth!
Do all you guys just go out and grab the most expensive gear out there of do you have a couple of reference amps that you have laying around to do your objective comparison with??
greets s ..thanks for all your inputs / help really appreciate it..

I really like my Leckerton UHA6S-MKII. But I don't have a T5p, so I can't comment on synergy. Leckertons are very solid overall. It matches high end gears like UERM well with very good detail and clarity.
May 29, 2013 at 12:26 PM Post #5,856 of 6,777
After finally managing to get the optical to work using the S/PDIF (optical) output of my Dell XPS desktop, and 24/96 sounding great , I try 24/192 and just get white noise, sounding a bit like my old 56k modem, some music is getting through but it is a horrible sound.

Any ideas ? It only happens on 192 or 176

My PC also has S/PDIF RCA connector, can anyone recommend a cable to try with the E17 ?
I find digital connections the biggest mess in the history of audio. Grrrrr
May 29, 2013 at 12:42 PM Post #5,857 of 6,777
Since your component chain is simply Dell XPS -> Fiio E17 then it would suggest that your Dell doesn't support outputting optical at 24bit / 192khz 
The reason you can hear anything at all is because the 192Khz is the rate at which it samples the input signal , if you set something to sample at 192khz and its only sending data at 96khz or 48khz then 1 in every 2 samples, or 1 in every 4 should be noise / artifacting of the signal. 
Since Fiio say the E17 supports 24/192 over an optical cable then either your dell isnt properly sending data for each sample or your optical cable is damaged, although if it works fine at lower rates then the latter is unlikely. 
May 29, 2013 at 1:11 PM Post #5,858 of 6,777
May 29, 2013 at 1:15 PM Post #5,859 of 6,777
There are many debates about sound quality and the value of higher sample rates, in general i prefer just to use 24/48000 , but the merit to going higher than that for recreational listening is shaky at best, but thats an argument for another thread.
My point being is that you should just be happy at 24/96 and only use higher if your mastering your own audio creations. 
May 29, 2013 at 1:22 PM Post #5,860 of 6,777
I think you are probably right, all my LP rips are now 24/48. I was concerned that my new E17 might be faulty , thanks to Foobar re-sampling I can live with the problem
May 29, 2013 at 1:30 PM Post #5,861 of 6,777
Just on that point, did you try test the connection with a genuine 192khz source file ?
May 29, 2013 at 1:48 PM Post #5,862 of 6,777
Found my best desktop sound to date!

PC to E17 coaxial , Fiio LOD into Graham Slee Voyager (via QED 3.5 to 3.5) into HD600

Incredibly smooth yet detailed, I guess the E17 is a better DAC than headphone amp.
It's a messy set up but worth the effort
May 31, 2013 at 2:11 AM Post #5,863 of 6,777
I'm having good luck running my e17 with toslink from macbook pro as a DAC and feeding the line out level (using L7 accessory) to a little dot 1+ hybrid amp. Pretty versatile with my Grado 225i cans and my He-400, although I have yet to try it with CIEMs so I can't really tell if the thing is realtively quite when nothing is playing.
May 31, 2013 at 10:46 AM Post #5,864 of 6,777
I'm having good luck running my e17 with toslink from macbook pro as a DAC and feeding the line out level (using L7 accessory) to a little dot 1+ hybrid amp. Pretty versatile with my Grado 225i cans and my He-400, although I have yet to try it with CIEMs so I can't really tell if the thing is realtively quite when nothing is playing.

I heard that E17 has dead silent background.
May 31, 2013 at 11:31 AM Post #5,865 of 6,777
I heard that E17 has dead silent background.

I think it is silent but, since I also use it with my cell phone, it does pick up cellular and wifi interference. I've confirmed this with 3 different phones.

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