FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought
Dec 10, 2012 at 11:36 PM Post #4,951 of 6,777
Sometimes you just gotta force it when it doesn't want to simply slide in. 

Yah it was my mistake. It felt solid down there and when I forced it a bit and it didn't go in, I didn't want to wreck anything but i just needed to push a bit harder :)

Dec 10, 2012 at 11:52 PM Post #4,955 of 6,777
Hey guys, I've been using the E17 for a couple weeks now, and I've been experiencing a couple issues that I can't seem to get rid of.  For background purposes, I'm using these with ATH-M50s, so I keep the volume pretty low since these do not require an amp.
1. If I leave my computer and the E17 on for a few days, it will display a line across the middle of the screen and it will not work properly.  I have to reset the E17 when this happens, it's not a huge deal, but the next one is.
2.  The longer I have the E17 on, the more distorted it gets.  At work throughout the day, the E17 will start out fine, then I start to hear some minor distortion, then it's really noticeable and I have to turn it off and back on.  I've tried unplugging the E17 and plugging it back in, only turning it off and on gets rid of the distortion.  I've also plugged my headphones directly into the computer, heard no distortion, plugged headphones back into E17, and there's distortion.  The distortion is in the mid-high range if that helps.  Oh, and I'm also using the included USB cable.
Do I have a defective unit?  Any ideas on how to fix these problems?  
Dec 10, 2012 at 11:57 PM Post #4,956 of 6,777
Hey guys, I've been using the E17 for a couple weeks now, and I've been experiencing a couple issues that I can't seem to get rid of.  For background purposes, I'm using these with ATH-M50s, so I keep the volume pretty low since these do not require an amp.
1. If I leave my computer and the E17 on for a few days, it will display a line across the middle of the screen and it will not work properly.  I have to reset the E17 when this happens, it's not a huge deal, but the next one is.
2.  The longer I have the E17 on, the more distorted it gets.  At work throughout the day, the E17 will start out fine, then I start to hear some minor distortion, then it's really noticeable and I have to turn it off and back on.  I've tried unplugging the E17 and plugging it back in, only turning it off and on gets rid of the distortion.  I've also plugged my headphones directly into the computer, heard no distortion, plugged headphones back into E17, and there's distortion.  The distortion is in the mid-high range if that helps.  Oh, and I'm also using the included USB cable.
Do I have a defective unit?  Any ideas on how to fix these problems?  

not sure what the issue is, but that definitely is not normal. I've used mine for probably about 3 or 4 hours straight before and never experienced this. 
Dec 11, 2012 at 12:33 AM Post #4,957 of 6,777
Hey guys, I've been using the E17 for a couple weeks now, and I've been experiencing a couple issues that I can't seem to get rid of.  For background purposes, I'm using these with ATH-M50s, so I keep the volume pretty low since these do not require an amp.

1. If I leave my computer and the E17 on for a few days, it will display a line across the middle of the screen and it will not work properly.  I have to reset the E17 when this happens, it's not a huge deal, but the next one is.
2.  The longer I have the E17 on, the more distorted it gets.  At work throughout the day, the E17 will start out fine, then I start to hear some minor distortion, then it's really noticeable and I have to turn it off and back on.  I've tried unplugging the E17 and plugging it back in, only turning it off and on gets rid of the distortion.  I've also plugged my headphones directly into the computer, heard no distortion, plugged headphones back into E17, and there's distortion.  The distortion is in the mid-high range if that helps.  Oh, and I'm also using the included USB cable.

Do I have a defective unit?  Any ideas on how to fix these problems?  

Never heard of the problems you are facing :O
Though frankly I skipped a few thousand posts before I came back.

#1 definitely not normal.

For #2... I had a short period with similar experience. It was after I just installed Win8. While everyone was reporting no driver conflicts, mine was distorting practically everything, in a very serious way. Lyrics become alien $p34k. It somehow fixed itself after a while of never-plugging-into-my-Win8-system-again.
So if there is such possibility, can you also try on another system/computer to determine if it would be some odd driver conflict? might help in identifying the problem.
Dec 11, 2012 at 1:15 AM Post #4,958 of 6,777
It may be that your mode of charging it is incorrect? What country are you in? Do you use laptop or wall adapter to charge?
If you are inputting incorrect charge the power management(probably is one) will not allow it to be use to protect unit.
Otherwise it may just be defective battery. I have a how to use vid on youtube, see if the menu matches mine. Some small changes have been made like no run time indicator in new ones.
No fake of e17 detected yet.
Either return to seller you buy from if there is seller or site warranty. If all else fails, you may need to send to fiio.
Contact fiio support
I avoid it now as they are such lengthy reads based on each persons interpretation of a study

Ah thanks for the reply bowei,
I've checked out your video, and I'm fairly sure I have a new version of the E17 (without run time). I can't be sure since it won't turn on. 
I'm currently in Australia, but I doubt the charge is the problem, since it had been functioning correctly and recharging for a month or two. 
Could the lack of a red light while charging mean something other than the battery eg. the circuit board or usb port being fried?
Also, sometimes while plugging in the usb cable, the red light flashes. I don't think it is a contact issue with the plug, since there I cannot make the light stay on by moving the plug.
Dec 11, 2012 at 10:00 AM Post #4,959 of 6,777
Hey guys, I've been using the E17 for a couple weeks now, and I've been experiencing a couple issues that I can't seem to get rid of.  For background purposes, I'm using these with ATH-M50s, so I keep the volume pretty low since these do not require an amp.
1. If I leave my computer and the E17 on for a few days, it will display a line across the middle of the screen and it will not work properly.  I have to reset the E17 when this happens, it's not a huge deal, but the next one is.
2.  The longer I have the E17 on, the more distorted it gets.  At work throughout the day, the E17 will start out fine, then I start to hear some minor distortion, then it's really noticeable and I have to turn it off and back on.  I've tried unplugging the E17 and plugging it back in, only turning it off and on gets rid of the distortion.  I've also plugged my headphones directly into the computer, heard no distortion, plugged headphones back into E17, and there's distortion.  The distortion is in the mid-high range if that helps.  Oh, and I'm also using the included USB cable.
Do I have a defective unit?  Any ideas on how to fix these problems?  

I Think there is a chance your PC has a driver issue. Did this start right after you got the Fiio or after a few days/weeks of usage?
My Fiio has for example a diffrent issue (now i have to plug in before i turn on PC or some programs wont have sound runing), but i know its related to some driver since i had nothing like that when i first pluged the Fiio in.
For example, when i just bought it, if i was watching a stream, if I changed from the laptop sound to the Fiio, i only had to refresh the stream for sound to load properly. Now i have to restart the PC >D.
Also, before i could have 2 volums working at the same time (Fiio and laptop speakers both had a volume bar in windows), now i only get one.
These things i belive have been disscuesd, and it seems removing the fiio driver from windows and pluging it again solves the problem.
The secondary part would be to know if its not your soundcard that creates this problem. If problem persists, and you still have issues with the sound after some time, i would suggest to:
First, disable sound card drivers (might be enought).
Second, uninstall soundcard drivers, install clean soundcard drivers, then install fiio drivers ( by just plugin in the Fiio).
If none of those work, id try with no scoud card drivers to rule out a driver conflict, and finally, see if there is a incompatibility with the GPU audio driver (if applicable).
Its a lot of work but it might be enought to fix your problem.
Dec 11, 2012 at 10:05 AM Post #4,960 of 6,777
Ah, i forgot, did you try to use something like an MP3 player with the AUX-IN to confirm that the distorsiion is created by the Fiio? If so, i think you might have gotten unlucky with your unit.
Dec 11, 2012 at 10:13 AM Post #4,961 of 6,777
It must be something OBVIOUS but alas I am missing it! I want to try my E17 on my macbook pro using spdif. How do I do this? I have been through the midi and sound settings but to no avail. I have switched to "OPT" on E17 etc tec... Has anyone else had same problem? It's a 2009/2010 macbook pro. I know I'll be embarased by the answer but I'm not spending hrs figuring out just to save face! Help me out peeps!
Dec 11, 2012 at 10:16 AM Post #4,962 of 6,777
It must be something OBVIOUS but alas I am missing it! I want to try my E17 on my macbook pro using spdif. How do I do this? I have been through the midi and sound settings but to no avail. I have switched to "OPT" on E17 etc tec... Has anyone else had same problem? It's a 2009/2010 macbook pro. I know I'll be embarased by the answer but I'm not spending hrs figuring out just to save face! Help me out peeps!
You plug a mini to 3.5mm plug into your MBP. And then into the E17
Dec 11, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #4,965 of 6,777
Duh. Thou shalt be POWER TO MY E17! By my commandement! Thou shalt work!!!!....

*chirp chirp*

Ha ha....have you tried turning it off and on again?

I was wanting a tad more of an in depth answer but may be I should've told you what I have tried first ;-D

I figured it in the end, needed to set up a new audio device.


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