Fender IEM (Aurisonics) Impressions, Reviews & Discussions Thread
Jun 26, 2012 at 9:07 PM Post #1,141 of 6,413
I really really hope not (oh Dale please don't make it so expensive :D)... and I do plan to keep my ASG1v1de... there's only 1 of this in the world

Jun 26, 2012 at 10:03 PM Post #1,143 of 6,413
I can only refer to it as the prototype. That's all I'm at liberty to state right now (Dale made me sign away my first born - if I ever have children - in order to listen to these jewels...lol).

Thanks for the clue...seems like my early assumptions were right...
Naw, I'm sure they were some form of AS-2...it's way too early
Jun 26, 2012 at 10:09 PM Post #1,144 of 6,413
Assumptions and drawing conclusions are welcomed (as long as you guys can't state>> Eric said......blah blah blah....lol)
Jun 26, 2012 at 10:14 PM Post #1,146 of 6,413
ericp10 is to aurisonics as dsnuts is to audio technica, as in we're all gonna be spending a lot of money soon?

If it's anything like the ES5 (and given all that I've read about the AS2 prototype, I do believe it can definitely hang with the likes of the best), I will regret NOTHING :D 
Jun 26, 2012 at 10:24 PM Post #1,148 of 6,413
[size=10pt]So, head-fi family, I am one of the fortunate ones chosen by Aurisonics to hear and give suggestions on the company's "prototype" IEM. Let me first express my deepest gratitude to Dale for allowing me this opportunity and valuing my opinion. I know some have accused me of being an Aurisonics fan boy (along with being accused of being a fan boy of other IEMs I have enjoyed since I've fallen in love with this audiophile hobby), and I would agree with you. It is true that I am a fan boy of products that assault my cerebral cortex in such a way that an indelible impression is imprinted in my mind.[/size]
[size=10pt]Aurisonics' prototype lives up to any hype one might bestow on it. The prototype has taken the best parts of the AS-1, the ASG-1, and sprinkled some secret recipe hot sauce to give this IEM that extra fire!! The end result is an in-ear monitor that kicks out sounds of sizzling ecstasy! The prototype proves that Aurisonics is a forward-thinking company that listens to the head-fi community, but also that refuses to alienate its original core audience of professional musicians.[/size]
[size=10pt]Just imagine some of the cleanest deepest bass your ears have ever heard, wrapped around deliciously rich and highly detailed mids, with extended highs that could never be considered rolled off (yet not too hot or harsh). Well, don't imagine it. It's all there in the prototype. The prototype is an IEM that gives new meaning to high definition and 3-Dism. Yes, I am proudly riding this hype machine. [/size]

[size=10pt]By the way: These have to be some of the most beautiful IEMs I have ever laid eyes on from an aesthetic point of view. Happy listening and viewing! [/size]
[size=10pt] [/size]

I really wish i hadn't read that.
I haven't even gotten my ASG-1 yet! ugh
Jun 26, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #1,150 of 6,413
ChrisSC, I have compared them to my 1964-Q, W4, GR07, ASG-1.2, AF78, AF56 (putting together the complete line of Audiofly products review this week), and the XBA-4. I really don't want to go into great details until after I purchase my own personal pair (plus Aurisonics has limit us testers/reviewers on how much we can state right now). But I will give some thoughts on comparisons against a couple that I have maybe later on in the week. It is my opinion, however, that the prototype beats all I listed (some by a great margin, some by a lesser margin, but the prototype is the clear winner >> especially in details, clarity and transparency).

Ugh! Why oh why? Money's already gone....


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