Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Oct 14, 2021 at 4:38 PM Post #33,617 of 40,686
To my ears EVO has more AND better quality bass (faster, richer, more textured, more nuanced, more detailed) than LX and IE 900, which in my book makes it the best bass I've heard in an IEM by some distance. It also has a physical viscerality that neither of the previous bass champions can match, without any bloom, bleed or fatigue (for me anyway). From what I understand Odin has excellent bass quality (possibly even matching EVO since they both use the same drivers) but much LESS quantity (which disqualifies it as a basshead IEM in my book). EVO also has Weapon X, which further shapes and enhances the bass.

We can debate every other FR ad nauseum, with good reason, but It's no spoiler to say that, in my opinion, EVO is the gold standard for IEM bass.

I haven't heard the 900, but my LX is up for sale, I prefer the EVO by a wide margin.
Oct 14, 2021 at 4:43 PM Post #33,618 of 40,686
EDM is all about the experience and your emotions. The Odin's and the IER-M9 have been the 2 best IEM's in the last few years that have done a good job of letting me experience it. I would even argue the Odin comes really close to recreating the feeling of being in the middle of the dance floor at a club with a good sound system.

That's another place where I was wrong, I don't know jack about EDM. Yeah every once in a while I listen to recommendations, but that's it, so definitely not enough to make a sweeping judgment.
Oct 14, 2021 at 4:44 PM Post #33,619 of 40,686
Oct 14, 2021 at 5:06 PM Post #33,623 of 40,686
What arrived?
Big boys have crossed the Atlantic! Unfortunately all i managed to to is open the parcel. Havent even seen new Legends! Waiting for kid to pass out.

Oh you need to see my wife's grin....

Your Wife is calculating how long a holiday you can take to Spain in January, heck, €3,000 will get you a great beachfront villa for a week! 🤣
Oct 14, 2021 at 5:31 PM Post #33,624 of 40,686
Before EDM there was Enigma, and the best of Enigma is surely contained inside this DSD classic:

images - 2021-10-14T232055.668.jpeg

Another flawless EVO performance, 10/10, this time displaying the sheer width and (a nice surprise) depth that EVO can create with the right material. Not a hint of harshness or forwardness anywhere, with layer upon layer of sound often appearing from nowhere.

This was an almost hypnotic, meditative listen, and I think I may have dozed off for a while after the music ended. Like with Heart earlier today, I know this album so well, I'm anticipating the next note long before it lands, and yet was startled more than once at new details I was hearing - or, at least, the shimmering way in which EVO was making the familiar fresh again. I even had to touch the right earpiece slightly as Weapon X, at one stage, started to tickle my ear (in a good way).

EVO + Enigma is a highly recommended experience.
Oct 14, 2021 at 5:57 PM Post #33,625 of 40,686
Before EDM there was Enigma, and the best of Enigma is surely contained inside this DSD classic:

images - 2021-10-14T232055.668.jpeg

Another flawless EVO performance, 10/10, this time displaying the sheer width and (a nice surprise) depth that EVO can create with the right material. Not a hint of harshness or forwardness anywhere, with layer upon layer of sound often appearing from nowhere.

This was an almost hypnotic, meditative listen, and I think I may have dozed off for a while after the music ended. Like with Heart earlier today, I know this album so well, I'm anticipating the next note long before it lands, and yet was startled more than once at new details I was hearing - or, at least, the shimmering way in which EVO was making the familiar fresh again. I even had to touch the right earpiece slightly as Weapon X, at one stage, started to tickle my ear (in a good way).

EVO + Enigma is a highly recommended experience.

When this album came out in the early 90s, I believe, I burned out on it because I listened to it so much, it was so different than any other album I had. I still have it in my collection, time for a fresh listen. ✌️
Oct 14, 2021 at 6:19 PM Post #33,626 of 40,686
Before EDM there was Enigma, and the best of Enigma is surely contained inside this DSD classic:

images - 2021-10-14T232055.668.jpeg

Another flawless EVO performance, 10/10, this time displaying the sheer width and (a nice surprise) depth that EVO can create with the right material. Not a hint of harshness or forwardness anywhere, with layer upon layer of sound often appearing from nowhere.

This was an almost hypnotic, meditative listen, and I think I may have dozed off for a while after the music ended. Like with Heart earlier today, I know this album so well, I'm anticipating the next note long before it lands, and yet was startled more than once at new details I was hearing - or, at least, the shimmering way in which EVO was making the familiar fresh again. I even had to touch the right earpiece slightly as Weapon X, at one stage, started to tickle my ear (in a good way).

EVO + Enigma is a highly recommended experience.
wow - I ordered mine (after switching from a headphone order...I know..staying in my comfortzone) and I assume sooner or later on its way to be part of the 3k+ club, to reward for the suffering with work :) ...so I am always excited to read something I can relate too...Enigma in this case. Truthfully, I feel very humble to read on how Empire Ears and Eletech are so passionate, along the resellers (mine headphone.com) are to please the audience....especially with all the constraints we endure to meet expectations. I will enjoy the ride - and as like any hobby..it is a journey.

The board of course keep us on our toes....to keep things exiting....I told myself this is my early holiday gift to myself....and I wont' go for more...we shall see....lol
Oct 14, 2021 at 6:23 PM Post #33,627 of 40,686
I think the consensus on head fi would be that upper mids is indeed between 2-4khz +/- 1k. It's in the Pinna or ear gain region. Probably ended up there because of it so easy to pick out on a frequency response graph. This chart pretty closely maps how I define the various terms.

The highest key on a piano is roughly 4000hz. Hit it and tell me that is midrange. Even the fundamental frequencies produced by a flute are below that. Those are treble frequencies. Your chart probably shows how an increase in 4000 to 6000 Hz can provide more presence and the frequencies above 6000 brighten up the presentation. Deezel had a chart that showed this I believe for recording music.
Oct 14, 2021 at 6:31 PM Post #33,628 of 40,686
The highest key on a piano is roughly 4000hz. Hit it and tell me that is midrange. Even the fundamental frequencies produced by a flute are below that. Those are treble frequencies. Your chart probably shows how an increase in 4000 to 6000 Hz can provide more presence and the frequencies above 6000 brighten up the presentation. Deezel had a chart that showed this I believe for recording music.
You can call 4000 hz monkey wrench if you want. I don’t care. I told you how i define it. You define it any way you want. Nobody is going to understand you though because they define it differently than you do. If that is your aim, fantastic, you are meeting your objective.
Oct 14, 2021 at 7:35 PM Post #33,629 of 40,686
Just received my EVOs (thanks Andrew @MusicTeck) and, on first listen with the Eletech Iliad (as I’m one of the ones waiting for the Genesis), I have to say they are pretty mind-blowing. A significant step-up from the Legend Xs (which remain one of my favourite IEMs of all time). Amazing work @Jack Vang!
Oct 14, 2021 at 8:11 PM Post #33,630 of 40,686
Right so had couple of hours of listen so far.

First thing straight away it gave a quick reminder its an EE product lol.
Bass is a significant improvement over LX OG. The control and speed is a lot better. Its still pretty much the same thick bass, LX is famous for. I think both LX And Evo bass is just made for rock and metal. I still had to look for tips that tame midbass a touch, though its much better than LX OG. But its just a preference thing. Its not bleeding into mids.

Mids. Lower mids are not as present and less thick than LX OG. I dont find upper mids offensive at all. In fact its a welcome boost in my book. What i did notice on couple songs, there is a bit of lower treble zing that might come out as harsh to some and can me contributing to harsh upper midrange. But its all tamable by tips. Im actually quite happy with mids.

Treble. Yeh, there is more presence in lower treble.and i do hear a roll off in upper treble. Not that its non existent, Its just a fairly reserved presentation giving way to mids and bass. But it does take away some air.
I would love a touch more upper treble in here but in general it will depend on tips. Evo like LX is not intended to be a treble monsters.

Soundstage. Is very wide. It has a good depth but not something out of this world and height is even less so. I would not go as far as saying it beats Mest in soundstage. Mests height is noticeably better giving it that 3d effect but its not as wide as Evo. So they both more like trade blows.
I would say Evo has better imaging slightly? Hard to say exactly without a/b

One other thing Evo does well, as expected in this price range is resolution and layering. Really top notch.

I think Evo is an upgrade over LX in every technical aspect. But tuning is slightly different.

It did not blow me out of my pants. But that does not mean i am not impressed. I just had really really high expectations. And it has met most of them with flying colours.

Did not mean to end up with thay much crap written up. As these are really my first impressions. So something will surely change in few days once i fully get used to them.

I went through the following tips so far:
SD++, SD, acoustunes 07, final E pinks 2020 model, crystals, xelastecs, epros, and and some nameless cheapos.

So far i settled with Epros. Just because it tames midbass and adds some needed air in treble.
Runner up was xelastecs.

On thing i noticed. Evos were not as affected by narrow nozzle tips. In fact it loves tight bore fit that clamps on nozzle well. Must be BC effect?

Anyways will be enjoying them for a while, and review my impressions later.

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