Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Jan 11, 2020 at 11:25 AM Post #20,581 of 40,721
As many have said, the quality of recording production makes a big difference, regardless of tracks being downloaded in low or high res. IMO

I completely agree with this regarding quality of the recording. A good IEM can pull out more stuff in a track, but at the end of the day you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
Jan 11, 2020 at 11:40 AM Post #20,582 of 40,721
you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

I look forward to the day a Nano-engineer can respond "Oh really? Hold my beer.."
Of course, I'll probably be too busy turning lead into gold to pay much attention at that time :p
Jan 11, 2020 at 6:48 PM Post #20,583 of 40,721

Joined the club. Absolutely loving these...bass of the gods. But more than that-- so detailed, resolving and natural. While they certainly aren't "balanced all rounders" their reputation as bleeding bass monsters is not deserved imho (though it can be overwhelming on certain tracks). If ever there was an "audiophile basshead" IEM this is it. A worthy addition to my collection.
Congrats! I can't get enough of my LX.

Really curious about your quick impressions between Solaris and LX.
Jan 11, 2020 at 7:19 PM Post #20,584 of 40,721
Congrats! I can't get enough of my LX.

Really curious about your quick impressions between Solaris and LX.

For sure, I've been thinking a lot about this myself for the past day that I've had the LX. The two put forth very different sound signatures-- and personally I find them very complementary. With the LX the whole signature is defined by the bass-- it's large, it's powerful and it's everywhere. Thankfully it's also very resolving and detailed so that the rest of the sound isn't drowned out in the bass. Nonetheless the bass is present and it dominates. Consequently the mids, particularly vocals, while sufficiently bodied and robust, are pushed back a bit behind the bass...but this is true in any V-shaped monitor. The result, I find, is that the sound is a bit "closed in"...I wouldn't go so far as to say congested, as one of the great things about LX is that it somehow avoids this despite all the bass...it's why I would call it the ultimate "basshead audiophile" IEM. Nonetheless, due to the robust low end on the LX it can be said to be lacking a bit of air.

The Solaris, on the other hand, is an entirely different beast. Whereas the LX does the "v-shaped club sound " better than anything else I've ever heard, the Solaris gives you a sense of air and space and a holographic stage-- I have not encountered any IEM, and I've tried many, that can replicated the sense of 3-d space and separation of sounds that Solaris creates...it's simply breathtaking. Consequently everything has more space to breath, vocals are more forward, and there is more thickness in the mids overall. The bass is still present and impactful. but it's at the centre of a vast space rather than dominating the mix. With the LX I feel as thouh I'm at the club, on the floor with the bass pulsating around me, with the Solaris I feel as though I'm inhabiting a vast space with detail and sound coming at me from all directions.

What's interesting to me is that with each IEM I can listen to the same track and enjoy it in two different ways. Take for instance Ice Cubes "Amerikkka's Most Wanted" off the album of he same name. It's one of my favorite hip hop tracks and it's driven by a deliciously textured and deep bassline. On the LX this bass is brought to the forefront and it really gets you going, with the lyrics retreating to the background a wee bit. On the Solaris, the same texture and rumble is there in the bass, but it's in the background while Cube's voice is more in the foreground and it feels as though he's rapping right into your ear. The sound on the whole is a tad cleaner & clearer and much more spacious. I enjoy the presentation of each equally, depending on my mood. I love both and would still consider Solaris my favorite IEM as it ticks all my boxes and is a better "all rounder to me"...but the LX is a fantastic "partner in crime" for the times when I want a more robust, pounding club type sound-- it is peerless in that regard. Hope this helps.
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Jan 11, 2020 at 8:37 PM Post #20,585 of 40,721
For sure, I've been thinking a lot about this myself for the past day that I've had the LX. The two put forth very different sound signatures-- and personally I find them very complementary. With the LX the whole signature is defined by the bass-- it's large, it's powerful and it's everywhere. Thankfully it's also very resolving and detailed so that the rest of the sound isn't drowned out in the bass. Nonetheless the bass is present and it dominates. Consequently the mids, particularly vocals, while sufficiently bodied and robust, are pushed back a bit behind the bass...but this is true in any V-shaped monitor. The result, I find, is that the sound is a bit "closed in"...I wouldn't go so far as to say congested, as one of the great things about LX is that it somehow avoids this despite all the bass...it's why I would call it the ultimate "basshead audiophile" IEM. Nonetheless, due to the robust low end on the LX it can be said to be lacking a bit of air.

The Solaris, on the other hand, is an entirely different beast. Whereas the LX does the "v-shaped club sound " better than anything else I've ever heard, the Solaris gives you a sense of air and space and a holographic stage-- I have not encountered any IEM, and I've tried many, that can replicated the sense of 3-d space and separation of sounds that Solaris creates...it's simply breathtaking. Consequently everything has more space to breath, vocals are more forward, and there is more thickness in the mids overall. The bass is still present and impactful. but it's at the centre of a vast space rather than dominating the mix. With the LX I feel as thouh I'm at the club, on the floor with the bass pulsating around me, with the Solaris I feel as though I'm inhabiting a vast space with detail and sound coming at me from all directions.

What's interesting to me is that with each IEM I can listen to the same track and enjoy it in two different ways. Take for instance Ice Cubes "Amerikkka's Most Wanted" off the album of he same name. It's one of my favorite hip hop tracks and it's driven by a deliciously textured and deep bassline. On the LX this bass is brought to the forefront and it really gets you going, with the lyrics retreating to the background a wee bit. On the Solaris, the same texture and rumble is there in the bass, but it's in the background while Cube's voice is more in the foreground and it feels as though he's rapping right into your ear. The sound on the whole is a tad cleaner & clearer and much more spacious. I enjoy the presentation of each equally, depending on my mood. I love both and would still consider Solaris my favorite IEM as it ticks all my boxes and is a better "all rounder to me"...but the LX is a fantastic "partner in crime" for the times when I want a more robust, pounding club type sound-- it is peerless in that regard. Hope this helps.

Yup. LX is firmly exactly the headphone I’m searching for. I have an “audiophile Bass” speakers setup at home and have it dialed in where it’s always got this heavy bass available but it’s so clear and precise and fast and well integrated. I crave it on the go.
Jan 11, 2020 at 9:33 PM Post #20,586 of 40,721
Has anyone compared the Valkyrie, and LX? I had a mini-meet today, and the other head-fi'er was saying that per his recollection he thought the Valkyrie had better overall SQ, and about the same bass. However, obviously the LX was done on recollection, not immediate comparison to the Valkyrie to which he was listening.
Jan 11, 2020 at 10:54 PM Post #20,587 of 40,721
Has anyone compared the Valkyrie, and LX? I had a mini-meet today, and the other head-fi'er was saying that per his recollection he thought the Valkyrie had better overall SQ, and about the same bass. However, obviously the LX was done on recollection, not immediate comparison to the Valkyrie to which he was listening.

Maybe he just preferred it?

For me, when I owned the LX and demoed the valkyrie, I couldn't listen to it for long. The treble was way too piercing for me. I guess I'm too used to BA treble (Solaris and VX being the brightest I've heard so far). Even found the Khan easier to listen to when I demoed it.

Bass quantity is definitely less, but that's probably cus I just couldn't pump the volume up before the treble got to me. Quality is probably on par just because it's the same driver (however I can't say for certain since the LX has more crossovers in the lower freqs)
Jan 11, 2020 at 11:08 PM Post #20,588 of 40,721
Has anyone compared the Valkyrie, and LX? I had a mini-meet today, and the other head-fi'er was saying that per his recollection he thought the Valkyrie had better overall SQ, and about the same bass. However, obviously the LX was done on recollection, not immediate comparison to the Valkyrie to which he was listening.
I actually have both. It's about preference. I don't think one replaces the other. Valkyrie is definitely brighter than the LX and doesn't have the low end as present and on your face as the LX. Depending on the mood and the music you listen. IMHO and based on the music I like most (Metal, Hip-Hop and a bit of R&B), LX sounds better, I do like the strong and rumbling coming from it.

As the Valkyrie sounds brighter, one can consider it more detailed. Depending on my mood, I do like both.

I wonder if my Valkyrie was Custom if I would listen to it more or even like it more than the LX. (PS.: after my customs I am tending to not give much attention to my universals, doesn't matter how good they are, just the comfort of a Custom is unbeatable.)
Jan 12, 2020 at 5:42 AM Post #20,589 of 40,721
I actually have both. It's about preference. I don't think one replaces the other. Valkyrie is definitely brighter than the LX and doesn't have the low end as present and on your face as the LX. Depending on the mood and the music you listen. IMHO and based on the music I like most (Metal, Hip-Hop and a bit of R&B), LX sounds better, I do like the strong and rumbling coming from it.

As the Valkyrie sounds brighter, one can consider it more detailed. Depending on my mood, I do like both.

I wonder if my Valkyrie was Custom if I would listen to it more or even like it more than the LX. (PS.: after my customs I am tending to not give much attention to my universals, doesn't matter how good they are, just the comfort of a Custom is unbeatable.)
Isn't the Valkyrie quite recessed in the midrange though? I tried it and that was my first impressions as well as that of a friend who owned it for a little while before selling it
Jan 12, 2020 at 6:17 AM Post #20,590 of 40,721
Isn't the Valkyrie quite recessed in the midrange though? I tried it and that was my first impressions as well as that of a friend who owned it for a little while before selling it

I remember the Valkyrie having a significant rise around 2-3kHz. It’s rather upper-mid-forward, actually.
Jan 12, 2020 at 6:39 AM Post #20,591 of 40,721
Isn't the Valkyrie quite recessed in the midrange though? I tried it and that was my first impressions as well as that of a friend who owned it for a little while before selling it
I would put the mids on par to LX, but less details and separation. But due to the stat driver it pulls the upper mids higher and the highs brighter.
Jan 13, 2020 at 10:32 AM Post #20,592 of 40,721
DHL have just delivered a package to me. It's the Legend X...

First impressions:- dat bass!

Now I just need to get a good cable to go with them.
Jan 13, 2020 at 10:39 AM Post #20,593 of 40,721
DHL have just delivered a package to me. It's the Legend X...

First impressions:- dat bass!

Now I just need to get a good cable to go with them.

Congrats man...as someone else just spending my first few days with them you're in for a treat. I see you have the n6ii as well...enjoy!
Jan 13, 2020 at 10:48 AM Post #20,594 of 40,721
Congrats man...as someone else just spending my first few days with them you're in for a treat. I see you have the n6ii as well...enjoy!

I'm only about 40mins into my listening but so far I'm enjoying them. Yeah, they are currently hooked up to the N6ii and sounding good. The LX is nicely warm. They don't seem very forgiving on less than perfect res tracks though. But on hi-res the sound is divine.
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Jan 13, 2020 at 7:36 PM Post #20,595 of 40,721
Thought I'll be able to receive my LX today, but it's just sitting in the FedEx depo despite arriving yesterday. So close yet so far...

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