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    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      Yes the Amazon linked cable should work. For myself I already have a Hart Audio Cables modular system (various headphone cables and a...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to Devodonaldson's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      The reason the left cable has that pin output is because there is a microphone inline. If you are just the trying to get audio, then it...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      I’ve said not to reason by analogy with these headphones. I need to amend that statement. Reason by analogy between speakers and these...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      I have that direct experience and have played with a few of Vic's prototypes. In my opinion, the bass characteristics are consistent...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      Glad to hear someone with great gear holding a similar opinion on the sonic performance of these things. They're an acoustics marvel...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      Four days after putting on the hybrid pads and I'm still using these at my desk all day at the expense of a pair of Focal Clear. And I...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      I received the hybrid pads today. I'm still using the stock cable though as my new cable hasn't arrived yet. Sound is... improved. It's...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to Devodonaldson's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      Ordered yesterday. Will give a chance when they come in. I listen too all different types of music so I'll see how they do. Hip hop...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to Devodonaldson's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      I remember these pads from Canjam. These definitely made a positive impression for music listening. For gaming and film, I love the...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      I've been waiting for these new pads since trying them out at CanJam SoCal '23! Michel from VZR was supposed to email me when they were...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to Avean's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      Damn makes me want to buy these again with the pads. I was really impressed when i checked these headphones out before and for the price...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      Very interested in hearing your thoughts when you’ve got a chance to listen at home. The timbre is noticeably better. I think it’s going...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      Hey @Helvetica bold, just to clarify: Your main use case is gaming & you don't have a DAC? Did you try the VZR?
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward replied to the thread VZR Model One.
      So I recently moved back to Washington and got to have coffee with Vic. Super nice guy. Had some fun stories about working with Jobs &...
    • AlwaysForward
      AlwaysForward reacted to RPGWiZaRD's post in the thread VZR Model One with Like Like.
      Meanwhile STILL waiting for europe launch xD
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