Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Dec 6, 2018 at 7:12 PM Post #16,951 of 40,826
@Gavin C4
Yuppppp, one upped by that DAP though. I did ask Deezel whether Leo II was a good match with Zeus and he said (paraphrasing) only if you want Zeus to be more Zeusy. Figured I give it a try since I was waiting potentially another 2 weeks for Janus D as Musicteck had sold out on BF. Worse case I go back to my Exo Tri Copper and saved Leo II for Phantom. A bit cheaper and more ergonomic too.

From the first song I queued up, I already fell in love with this pairing. Leo II is the endgame silver cable I've been looking for all this time. Retaining that signature mid as well as that shimmer in the trebles, quality bass with sub extension and not overwhelming impact all the time.

The question is now, Palladium wired IEMs when? The next Empire TOTL? :p

Glad to hear you're liking the Lionheart, its much more ergonomic to use too compared to 8 wires. Balanced really does make a difference, going from a SE Lionheart, it improved infinitely more on its strengths. I never really pushed it myself but I never hear a roll off in the highs with the Zeus.

It is correct that Leo II makes Zeus more Zeusy with even better mico details. However, there is another strength that Leo II brings. It gives a tight and punchy bass that is better than the Ares II 4wire, while maintaining Zeus's transparency. This is the reason why I am using the Leo II as my main cable for Zeus, instead of Ares II 8wire / 4 wire. Using the Ares II 4 wires, on some particular tracks, the bass sounded a bit weak and not as full. Using the Ares II 8wires, on some particular tracks, Zeus's bass can rumble and makes me feel like I am listening to Legend X. Bass with the Leonidas II takes the middle ground between Ares II 4wire and 8wire. This is why Leonidas II is so special for the Zeus.
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Dec 6, 2018 at 8:23 PM Post #16,952 of 40,826
It is correct that Leo II makes Zeus more Zeusy with even better mico details. However, there is another strength that Leo II brings. It gives a tight and punchy bass that is better than the Ares II 4wire, while maintaining Zeus's transparency. This is the reason why I am using the Leo II as my main cable for Zeus, instead of Ares II 8wire / 4 wire. Using the Ares II 4 wires, on some particular tracks, the bass sounded a bit weak and not as full. Using the Ares II 8wires, on some particular tracks, Zeus's bass can rumble and makes me feel like I am listening to Legend X. Bass with the Leonidas II takes the middle ground between Ares II 4wire and 8wire. This is why Leonidas II is so special for the Zeus.
Pretty much.

Aries II 4 had a rumble but was too subdued consistently. Aries II 8 had a excellent rumble on tracks where bass was the driving factor, but it wasnt consistent and felt weak on tracks where bass wasn't strong. I liked the warmth but the inconsistent bass turned me off.

Always went back to copper cables because silver cables delivered too much impact for my liking. Leo II shocked me with the quality of bass: it doesn't bleed, it rumbles when I expect it to rumble, likewise with impact.

OEMs should be R&Ding Palladium wiring in everything.
Dec 6, 2018 at 10:04 PM Post #16,954 of 40,826
Agreed. Palladium is awesome in the janus d and phantom. Can't get over it
I'm awaiting Special Edition Phantoms with Palladium plated internal wiring that comes with a Leo II variant ala Arthur and Merlin.
Dec 9, 2018 at 12:33 PM Post #16,956 of 40,826
How is it?

i see you have Zeus XR + Lionheart , is this your preferred match ? what kind of cables do you find best ?
Dec 9, 2018 at 2:07 PM Post #16,957 of 40,826
How is it?
Well, it’s still early days - I only have around 120 hrs of burn in thus far. But I will say that the overall sound signature of the Legend X is pretty astonishing. Technically, with the Lionheart I’m hearing more; layers, air, clarity, and separation across the entire spectrum - compared to the Ares II. I can literally distinguish individual voices within a sung harmony part, for example! There have been many other instances like this, where I’m blown away by the quality of what I’ve heard.

I disagree that the LX is bass heavy; as for the most part, I’m hearing a balanced portrayal of whatever I’m listening to. I’m no bass-head, and listen to; Jazz, Rock, Classical, Popular, EDM, you name it. I will admit though, on 2-3 pieces I’ve noticed a little unwanted bass bloom. To add context though, this is only a tiny contingent of hundreds of songs, so... I put this down to the fact I haven’t yet reached the 200+ hrs burn in mark; as the LX does require adequate burn in to tighten things up in the lower register.

So ultimately, so far so good. The Lionheart just sounds sweeter - without loss of detail, and is just fuller and more resolved across the entire aural gamut. Absolutely loving these IEMs!
Dec 9, 2018 at 7:17 PM Post #16,958 of 40,826
i see you have Zeus XR + Lionheart , is this your preferred match ? what kind of cables do you find best ?

Perfect combination for me Lionheart adds some warmth and sweetness to the Zeus.

Well, it’s still early days - I only have around 120 hrs of burn in thus far. But I will say that the overall sound signature of the Legend X is pretty astonishing. Technically, with the Lionheart I’m hearing more; layers, air, clarity, and separation across the entire spectrum - compared to the Ares II. I can literally distinguish individual voices within a sung harmony part, for example! There have been many other instances like this, where I’m blown away by the quality of what I’ve heard.

I disagree that the LX is bass heavy; as for the most part, I’m hearing a balanced portrayal of whatever I’m listening to. I’m no bass-head, and listen to; Jazz, Rock, Classical, Popular, EDM, you name it. I will admit though, on 2-3 pieces I’ve noticed a little unwanted bass bloom. To add context though, this is only a tiny contingent of hundreds of songs, so... I put this down to the fact I haven’t yet reached the 200+ hrs burn in mark; as the LX does require adequate burn in to tighten things up in the lower register.

So ultimately, so far so good. The Lionheart just sounds sweeter - without loss of detail, and is just fuller and more resolved across the entire aural gamut. Absolutely loving these IEMs!

Sounds like I should swap the Horus to my phantoms and Lionheart to my legend x go give it a spin soon
Dec 9, 2018 at 8:38 PM Post #16,959 of 40,826
Perfect combination for me Lionheart adds some warmth and sweetness to the Zeus.

Sounds like I should swap the Horus to my phantoms
Lionheart 4 and Zeus is a great pairing as @Deezel177 mentions in the the review of the 8. It was one of the reasons why I bought it initially. (That and the ergnomics of a 4 wire)

Let me know how the Horus pairs up with the Phantom. With the Leo II attached to Zeus, I don't think I'll be taking it off for Phantom anytime soon.

Now is a good time to get Leo II :p almost the sound the of a 8 wire in 4 wire configuration. Ergonomics + Sonics. Plus I hear its much less fatiguing than PW Stuff in that price range if long listening sessions are your thing.
Dec 9, 2018 at 9:47 PM Post #16,961 of 40,826
How is the SQ of the Horus with the Phantoms?
for now its really similar to Leonidas with Phantoms. Basically just like a slightly improved Leonidas. Just slightly less emotions.

This is base on 20 mins of working+listening btw
Dec 10, 2018 at 6:22 AM Post #16,962 of 40,826
Has anyone been able to directly compare the Polaris from CA with either the Legend X or the Nemesis?

Also, any reason 2 pin of MMCX with EE? I've KO'd MMCX before and have concerns the 2-pin will fair worse with my lifestyle.
Dec 10, 2018 at 7:10 AM Post #16,963 of 40,826
Depends on how often you intend to swop cables out I think. Never had any issues with 2-pin whereas I've had a couple of mmcx go, and most (generalization here, granted) reports of failures seem to be mmcx related. I'd go 2-pin every time quite honestly!
Dec 10, 2018 at 11:05 AM Post #16,964 of 40,826
for now its really similar to Leonidas with Phantoms. Basically just like a slightly improved Leonidas. Just slightly less emotions.

This is base on 20 mins of working+listening btw
Did you feel that there was overall more impact in the bass with Horus?

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