Empire Ears - Discussion & Impressions (Formerly EarWerkz)
Nov 30, 2018 at 10:37 PM Post #16,921 of 40,826
@Colors were you the one who bought the SP1000SS? The listing is gone from Charles site.
Nov 30, 2018 at 11:06 PM Post #16,922 of 40,826
Dec 1, 2018 at 1:04 AM Post #16,923 of 40,826
Dang that didnt last long. The Se100 better not hiss...
Dec 1, 2018 at 2:24 PM Post #16,925 of 40,826
Some rock, some pop, hip hop, mostly worship stuff(studio and live)
Dec 2, 2018 at 12:24 AM Post #16,926 of 40,826
hey jack (or an EE rep), do you guys do reshells? when i bought my Legend Rs a long time ago, i opted for the recessed sockets. now it's playing hell with potential cable swaps i'm thinking about doing.

Dec 2, 2018 at 3:15 AM Post #16,927 of 40,826
hey jack (or an EE rep), do you guys do reshells? when i bought my Legend Rs a long time ago, i opted for the recessed sockets. now it's playing hell with potential cable swaps i'm thinking about doing.

not anymore, search the word reshell in the thread the details are there
Dec 3, 2018 at 3:40 PM Post #16,932 of 40,826
To my ears, yes. It sounded a lot richer in the mids with a slightly weightier lower end.
Coolio, thanks for the insight. Just to be clear, when you say, 'weightier low end'. Do you mean it has more/better 'quality' of what makes up that part of the spectrum? I'm only asking because that could be interpreted as simply more bass overall - which could upset the balance of the LX sound signature. I'll definitely give it a whirl this afternoon, and see how it stacks up.
Dec 3, 2018 at 4:59 PM Post #16,933 of 40,826
Coolio, thanks for the insight. Just to be clear, when you say, 'weightier low end'. Do you mean it has more/better 'quality' of what makes up that part of the spectrum? I'm only asking because that could be interpreted as simply more bass overall - which could upset the balance of the LX sound signature. I'll definitely give it a whirl this afternoon, and see how it stacks up.

No problem. The bass goes lower with more of a rumble and there's a tiny bit of bloom, which beefs up the lower mids. It has quite a euphonic sound and doesn't upset the balance on the LX. Let us know what you think :).
Dec 3, 2018 at 5:09 PM Post #16,934 of 40,826
No problem. The bass goes lower with more of a rumble and there's a tiny bit of bloom, which beefs up the lower mids. It has quite a euphonic sound and doesn't upset the balance on the LX. Let us know what you think :).
Absolutely. Will give the LX some time with the Lionheart this week, and report back. Thanks again!
Dec 3, 2018 at 6:45 PM Post #16,935 of 40,826
Just scored a mint Ares II at an awesome price. Can wait to pair these them with my CIEM Spartan IV when they get in. So excited, should be coming around Christmas time ironically! Totally unplanned.

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