EarSonics SM3 Appreciation, Discussion, & Review Thread - Technically Best Universal? (see first post for reviews and info)
Jul 5, 2010 at 6:53 PM Post #1,936 of 2,831
Howdy Sinth;
We have both travelled the same path in IEM's and I have to say I am pretty much over the moon with the SM3, they do lift that last pane of glass off my music in comparison to the MTPC in regtards to clarity and immersiveness and I do think they are a good upgrade in that if I only had them I think I would be happy regardless of the loss of the bite/edge I get from the MTPC with certain types of hard rock as they make all the other music I listen to that much better.
But I do think James has nailed their main signature or quality if you will in that these simply immerse you in the music for most songs versus having rthe music coming from the front. For me this quality is a big part of what is bringing a smile to my face, for others like Jame's not so much.
Sonically speaking these are technically better in almost every way over the MTPC IMO, I am even starting to like the snare drums and cymbals. But I would wait a while as you are already thinking.
I am going to use these for a week or two and then do a review and comparison between them and the MTPC after I have had a chance to get used to them. Hopefully that review will help give you a better picture. Also you can PM me and let me know what you would be hoping for from these and I will let you know if I think they are doing that for me over the MTPC.

This thread has turned very very interesting from page 123ish onwards, I knew someone had to throw a spanner in the works of this iem, I was really hoping it would happen when I didn`t go the extra £100 when I bought my coppers.
What I am surprised about is the IE8 mention which are great iems but do not have the un-veiled detail, detail yes, but clarity, hmm no.
I am also surprised that I now find them even moreso veiled.
dweavers comments are what I am interested by (owns what I do, burnt in using the same files blah).
I have been soo tempted to buy these, almost to the point on "sheesh if I only paid that extra money" but cracks have started to appear, especially with a member selling.
Time to sit tight and await the next new offering which will probably have a thread as long as this.

Jul 5, 2010 at 7:37 PM Post #1,937 of 2,831

Ok, fair enough. I've got a Clip+ as well, and was listening to it earlier when my J3 battery ran out of juice.  It's pretty rubbish, despite what all the afficianados say - good for the money, but dire next to the Cowon magic.

Now I see why people get Cowon's for battery life and rail on the 10 hour Sflo2's.  They never charge their DAP's!!  

x2 on the Clip+.  
Jul 5, 2010 at 9:54 PM Post #1,939 of 2,831
Them be fighting words :wink: I'm only 17 and have been into Pink Floyd from the age of 13 when I first heard Dark Side of the Moon on vinyl at a friends.
I also have to say Animals is my favorite Pink Floyd album, Pigs (The Three Different Ones) is fantastic. 
Just guessing, but you are probably under 35 ? <snip>

Jul 5, 2010 at 10:53 PM Post #1,940 of 2,831
.... but then again so does ENYA!!!!!!
Old man who listens to darn near everything

Jul 6, 2010 at 12:00 AM Post #1,941 of 2,831
Photofan, I suspect your feeling may be similar to mine and due to a combination of sound sig and presentation. The IE8 and RE252 both have a more neutral and laid-back midrange, whereas the SM3 are richer and very mid-forward. Such mid-forwardness can convey the feeling that the music is being "forced" upon you. Now, because the SM3's mids are excellent, refined and detailed, this doesn't seem a bad thing at first. You'd rather feel like a little boy at a fantastic funfair, marvelling at all the attractions. But add in the SM3's immersive soundstage and this can become gradually overwhelming and you may long for some "air to breathe".
That's exactly what I meant with my cake analogy and that switching from the SM3 to the IE8 (after a prolonged listening session) came as a relief. Because even though the SM3 are technically superior to the IE8, to my ears their combination of in-your-face mids and "surround" soundstage can get pretty fatiguing over time.
Photofan1986 said:

The things that bothers me the most is the presentation, as it is the case for you, James.
IE8 and RE-252 let me "breathe", whereas with the SM3, I sometimes feel a little claustrophobic. Not that it is a bad thing per se, but I am not sure to love it yet.

Just to make things clear: those sound awesome, but so do my other iems (IE8 and RE-252). The issue I have has nothing to do with the sound sig, but more with the presentation.
But I admit that they offer something other iems simply don't. So I'm not sure wheter I will keep them, but I certainly will for a good while before taking my decision.

Jul 6, 2010 at 1:10 AM Post #1,942 of 2,831
Ok construction is an issue I think. The body on my right IEM popped open at the join :frowning2:. The idea of shipping these back to France for such a minimal issue is just to much, I am going to use a thin bead of glue to fix the problem. But QC does seem to be an issue as I have never broken an IEM before.
EDIT: Was to much of a hassle, I have already fixed IEM and warranty be damned as I can't see how the little spot of glue used should void anything. BTW sonically it's all good :).
Jul 6, 2010 at 1:25 AM Post #1,943 of 2,831
i just lost my ck10 a week ago :frowning2: i hope the lucky person who picked it up get ear cancer or something.lol
desperate for something to replace my ck10, i bit the bullet and ordered the SM3 after reading so many gd reviews about it.
hope i wont be disappointed :)
anyway any idea how long it usually takes to arrive?
Jul 6, 2010 at 1:31 AM Post #1,944 of 2,831
It took around 10 business days for mine to arrive.

Sonically these are amazing but they really do appear to be fragile. So make sure you use the clamshell included.
Jul 6, 2010 at 2:46 AM Post #1,945 of 2,831
If the mids are too overbearing, try listening to the sm3 at louder volumes. Nothing dangerously loud, obviously, but just louder than is your norm. You will naturally hear more treble and bass, so the mids won't seem as forward. Basic equal loudness contour at work. It won't fix the soundstage, but hopefully doing so will at least make them a little more pleasant for your ears.
Jul 6, 2010 at 2:47 AM Post #1,946 of 2,831

Photofan, I suspect your feeling may be similar to mine and due to a combination of sound sig and presentation. The IE8 and RE252 both have a more neutral and laid-back midrange, whereas the SM3 are richer and very mid-forward. Such mid-forwardness can convey the feeling that the music is being "forced" upon you. Now, because the SM3's mids are excellent, refined and detailed, this doesn't seem a bad thing at first. You'd rather feel like a little boy at a fantastic funfair, marvelling at all the attractions. But add in the SM3's immersive soundstage and this can become gradually overwhelming and you may long for some "air to breathe".
That's exactly what I meant with my cake analogy and that switching from the SM3 to the IE8 (after a prolonged listening session) came as a relief. Because even though the SM3 are technically superior to the IE8, to my ears their combination of in-your-face mids and "surround" soundstage can get pretty fatiguing over time.


I don't mind mid forwardness at all, which is why I have my MD's.  But the 3D thing concerns me.  I went through that phase many years ago w/ my XFi and CMSS 3D on my PC.  Its fun and entertaining but gets old after a while.  Nowadays I don't use that stuff except for gaming and never music.  If it is spatially accurate as to how the music was recorded I would consider the argument.  But Castanets behind my head?  I'm not sure about that.  Its hard enough dealing w/ the stereo separation on Beatles remasters on more than one song.  Hard to say how much I could enjoy standing in the middle of a band while it plays.  Certainly offers a unique sound signature.  
Jul 6, 2010 at 4:43 AM Post #1,947 of 2,831
At the moment, I'm swerving between two custom settings on my J3 that have the 3D surround option on and the other has it off.  There is a definite difference, and it helps with some songs to use one over the other, I think.  But even with the 3D option off, the SM3s are able to project 'backwards' somewhat so the music is kind of wrapped around the head (not all the way, mind), far more than other iems I've tried. The Beatles reference is interesting - I'm of the opinion the SM3s actually really make the remasters come alive.  Listening to Abbey Road this morning and it was blowing out the cobwebs thats for sure. With 3D Surround enabled on the J3, it becomes even more insane, and there's only so much of that you can take, but is fun to be blasted from all angles for short bursts. Sort of distorts the way the music's presented when playing it that way, but I enjoy that. Makes trip hop a total headbender, but less successful with straight ahead rock.  Good to have both options.
I'll echo the comment that you have to play these things at fairly high volume to get the most out of them.  They respond well to power.
I don't mind mid forwardness at all, which is why I have my MD's.  But the 3D thing concerns me.  I went through that phase many years ago w/ my XFi and CMSS 3D on my PC.  Its fun and entertaining but gets old after a while.  Nowadays I don't use that stuff except for gaming and never music.  If it is spatially accurate as to how the music was recorded I would consider the argument.  But Castanets behind my head?  I'm not sure about that.  Its hard enough dealing w/ the stereo separation on Beatles remasters on more than one song.  Hard to say how much I could enjoy standing in the middle of a band while it plays.  Certainly offers a unique sound signature.  

Jul 6, 2010 at 12:09 PM Post #1,949 of 2,831
Well, I think there must be some type of pipeline between the region of France where the Earsonics headquarters is located and Chi-town. I finally received a tracking number today from Earsonics, indicating that my second SM3 has been shipped to me. Of course, that French postal site is showing that my SM3 is still waiting to clear out of customs in France. Yet, something inside of me said check the U.S. Postal Service, and to my surprise it showed the SM3 was processed (received) from the company July 2 and is already in Chicago today, July 6. The first time  I got my SM3 in about five days also. That is good fast freakin' service!! I don't know what it is about Chicago and France liking each other so much, but let's keep that goodwill. 
Mai les personnes de la France et de Chicago continuent à prospérer avec de bons bruits pénétrant leurs oreilles. Mai Earsonics continue à prospérer dans le monde sonore.

Jul 6, 2010 at 1:19 PM Post #1,950 of 2,831
Good to hear you almost have them back. I fixed mine last night since they just required a spot of glue to seal the two halves of the shell. But these really are a bit to fragile for the price.

But the sound! What a glorious sound :)

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