Earpeace Livewires T1. A Detalied Review.
Sep 30, 2007 at 1:53 PM Post #91 of 140
Great read, i will be getting a pair sometime soon...., i need to get my impressions done.....I dont wanna be ripped off, i dont know where to go to get them done at the first shop, rather than go on a wild goose chase to find someone that will do them, without only doing them if i buy their IEM's!

Any suggestions? ( I am in Hampshire / Surrey / Berkshire area, i could probably travel abit... )

Im so excited!

-= Matt =-
Sep 30, 2007 at 3:26 PM Post #92 of 140

Just go ahead and call the Ear Peace office. Andrew (the assistant there) may have some audiologists in mind for your area. I know for sure he has a whole catalogue for US buyers. Yay for you and getting livewires! I feel like they are so bang for the buck and under the radar - it's great finding such a gem!
Sep 30, 2007 at 9:41 PM Post #94 of 140
Okay, since this is the most alive thread on the Livewires - Here is a very limited add-on review, to augment the OP review

LIVEWIRES VS Denon AH-C700 and Shure SE500's (and a little bit of ER6i)

I have had out of town company all weekend, and gone driving through the mountains yesterday, and to the golf course today with son and mother-in-law who is now quite ill...

...So, I haven't been able to do much comparison of my Livewires that arrived yesterday vs Denon AH-C700 - this is my "first impression" with less than 2-3 hours with them on. I have A LOT more listening to do with them.

(1) VOLUME: LW's are a little more efficient = 40% on volume is same as Denon at 50% on a 3G nano, BUT they can go to 100% on the 3G nano without distortion.

(2) HIGHS: They are brighter, but not in a bad way, i.e. not fatiguing with most program material (except Pixies). They have more defined highs like other balanced armatures vs dynamic, but are also more extended than any of my Shures have been, likely matching the C700 highs extension. Livewires states they are flat to 12K before falling off, which should put them up there with other balanced armatures that can reach the 16K practical limit.

(3) MIDS: Are more defined and detailed than the C700, but not harsh in the upper mids like an ER6i, and not as subdued in the mids as the SE310/E4c/SE500's. Still, I am not sure about piano realism yet - I have only listened with an unamped 3G nano so far and not for enough time to study them. My music collection on the nano is limited.

(4) SOUND-STAGE: Everything sounds more present, yet at the same time the sound stage is wider than C700.
Often, like with SE500's, the wider the soundstage the less present or forward the midrange, but these don't seem to fit that expected behaviour. They match the SE500's wider sound stage without feeling distant.

(5) BASS: amplitude (i.e. volume) matches the C700's bass volume easily, and out-performs the ER6i bass. Using the 3G nano EQ set as "small speakers" which will only increase the bass and NOT raise mids or treble, the SE500's still have more bass impact. For some this will be good news, as that means the bass isn't bloated, and it is also not colored like a uper.fi 5 pro.

Meanwhile, the poor little ER6i NEED the EQ bass turned up in EQ (as above) to come close to the LW's - proof the LW have more bass than ER6i. At first, the more present mids and highs can make it seem like there is less bass, but a quick switch from LW's to the C700 does not result in an increase in bass with the C700 (even when adjusting the volume for less efficiency).

(6) ISOLATION: the LW isolate much more than the Denon C700, and almost but not quite matching the ER6i with black foams (which block out my alarm clock and cell phone in the morning). All of my Shure's have isolated more than the C700, but less than the ER6i. The LW are between the Shure and ER6i with both using black olive foamies for sound isolation.

(7) COMFORT: the LW disappear after a few minutes and you don't feel them. No other IEM I have tried does that!!

(8) SOUND SIGNATURE: What else do they sound like? I've said before my SE500's unamped kinda remind me of my Sennheiser HD600's with stock cable and an amp. The Denon C700 remind me of my Ultrasone HFI700 DVD sound balance, but without the sound stage. The LW's sound signature kinda reminds me of a high end Grado (i.e. better than iGrado, SR-60/80/125). It's a shame I haven't heard everything out there yet, or I'd have a better stable of phones to compare them to.

SUMMARY: LW's have brighter more detailed highs and mids than C700, with equal bass to C700 (but less than SE500's and more than ER6i's), a bigger soundstage that equals the SE500's, a good degree of isolation and more comfort than anything else I tried.

Again, this is my first impression, and I plan to do more A-B-C comparisons over the next few days. But, if I was forced to chose Denon AH-C700 vs Livewires right now, I pick Livewires. If forced to chose between Shure SE500's and Livewires, I'd shoot myself out of exasperation. I'm my case, I keep all 3. I actually bought the Denon for the decreased sound isolation and ability to keep up the bass output without a tight seal. I got the SE500's for times when I like to be a bass-head, otherwise I would have kept my SE310 and E4c. I got the Livewires to be my neutral monitors, to replace the E4c that I sold because they were too boring for me after the SE500's. The Livewires fortunately, while not colored, are not boring.


PS: I am still playing with getting the right position for the LW's. While the left ear-piece fits closer to perfect and even reseals by itself if I break the seal; the right one might be a little smaller than needed, as I can break the seal more easily than it should - and it stays unsealed until I reposition it. It seems like it could use a little more material right at the inferior and superior auditory meatus (I am a doctor, so I get to use big words).

I will give the LW's at least a week before I contact EarPeace about that. The manufacturer is more than happy to redo them for improper fit until it is right, at no charge. John even begged me to get them tweaked before complaining about them to everyone. (I am not complaining
) After reading about fit and seal in the UE11 threads, I am not 100% sure the issue is not my fault yet, so I want to do my part to find the right earpiece position first (screw them in, push, rotate, etc). It is mostly an issue if I am laying down in bed, sometimes with a neck roll pillow, but mostly if I roll over to my side or turn my head head a certain way. This can press on the ear canal between the pinna of the ear and mastoid process (more doctor words) and try to eject the earpiece. This is the same way you remove them when you are done using them too. Again, the left earpiece reseals itself, so I'd like the right to do that too.
Sep 30, 2007 at 9:54 PM Post #96 of 140
wow nice review Larry! Great to hear your impressions...so the consensus is that the LW are more analytical but it's a relief to hear that they aren't boring - I was scared they might be. I am preparing myself with an amp to color the sound in case this happens. I am a little sad to hear about the bass.. hopefully either my XP or a Tomahawk will rectify that.

So Doctor, can you explain why there are are a lot of custom IEM users who experience the same fit issues as you? I always here of people having one ear that fits beautifully and the other ear not so much. This happens with other IEM brands as well...
Sep 30, 2007 at 10:24 PM Post #97 of 140

Originally Posted by filipelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
wow nice review Larry! Great to hear your impressions...so the consensus is that the LW are more analytical but it's a relief to hear that they aren't boring - I was scared they might be. I am preparing myself with an amp to color the sound in case this happens. I am a little sad to hear about the bass.. hopefully either my XP or a Tomahawk will rectify that.

So Doctor, can you explain why there are are a lot of custom IEM users who experience the same fit issues as you? I always here of people having one ear that fits beautifully and the other ear not so much. This happens with other IEM brands as well...

Trust me, after the Colorado Rockies game, and then the Denver Broncos game, I can start listening to my Livewires with amp and better source (cd optical out or iRiver optical out, or Macbook optical/usb).

This is a review where the variable was the earphone to earphone differences, with a standardized source and 320kbps VBR program material being the same. This was not to see how good the Livewires really are - that comes next, but has already been done by the OP and others. Since many people know what the Er6i or E500/SE530 sound like (or HD600, Ultrasone, Grado), this gave a point of comparison..

As for size differences of the ear at time of impressions to the time of final product. Don't forget first they make an impression from the ear (so a cavity becomes a mass), then they make a mold from the impression (back to a cavity), then they make a custom IEM from the mold (a mass again). Changes can be introduced at each step, whether physiological or mechanical.

I would guess that when you are talking about 0.1mm making a big difference in seal or not, that probably 5-10% of custom monitors will be slightly off and maybe 1-3% of customs will need to be modified to fix things if changing the placement position doesn't. It might be an issue of did you drink more water one day vs another, and your skin turgor (tension or filling out of the skin cells) is different. Or, do you have a little edema in the nose and ear area with hay fever allergies (me), that reduces the size of the ear hole auditory meatus) by 0.1mm on a good day, but on days when your ears and eyes don't itch the fit is looser, blah blah blah.

In my case, I did neutral jaw position (jaw open - mouth closed) so that I'd have less chance of the IEM's being too small or loose. After the impression was hard, biting down did produce a fair amount of pressure inside the ear. I am willing to bet that just adding in the 0.1-0.2mm to the diameter of the in-ear portion of the sound tube, at the end or the base, would solve the intermittant broken-seal issue for me if it doesn't get better over the next week.

PS: Too tired to proof read-this reply, just live with the typos...
Sep 30, 2007 at 10:53 PM Post #98 of 140

Originally Posted by Trager /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Originally Posted by lostboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW, great sound unamped on the Video. I am running sound volume at around 1/3rd to less than a half of the volume bar. By comparison, my UM2s keep me happy at ~40-60% and my old ER-4Ps ran 60-80%. BTW, almost all of my music was leveled by MP3Gain at around 92 (if you are familiar with it); keeps from having one song rattle your soul and another too quiet to hear...

I think that explains it... With my 80G iPod, I can't listen to the LiveWires past about 20% without feeling like I'm about to blow out my ears. If you're listening at 33-50%, the noise will be correspondingly less noticeable. I used to listen to my ER-4P phones around 35-50%. Maybe my ears are just too damn sensitive. Then again, these are the only headphones I've tried my iPod with that I've heard the hiss, so it's not just my wonky ears.

With my ER-4Ps and an unamped 5G iPod it feels like my ears will blow out at 50%. I'm usually running at 25%-33%. Is this a good or bad thing?
Sep 30, 2007 at 11:43 PM Post #99 of 140

Originally Posted by lightningfast35 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
With my ER-4Ps and an unamped 5G iPod it feels like my ears will blow out at 50%. I'm usually running at 25%-33%. Is this a good or bad thing?

The 3G nano wont play as loud as a 5.5G ipod video.
Oct 1, 2007 at 4:40 AM Post #100 of 140

Step 1 was to compare LW vs other earphones I have liked and kept.

Step 2 was to upgrade the source and see what the LW can really do. Switching to the iRiver H140, which I have noted is a DAP source that sounds better than any of my 5 ipods, the LW are even more remarkable.

So, according to plan I changed my source from 3G iPod nano to iRiver H140 via headphone jack. (I'm working my way up to step 3 = adding the iBasso D1 DAC/AMP via optical out, then step 4 = going to lossless optical out via my Sony pcdp.)

With just iRiver H140 via headphone out - WOW! The Livewires are even more impressive to say the least. I should have just skipped right to the iRiver.

In regards to the improved source, with the LW's I can clearly hear the LACK OF HISS in the iRiver.
The nano does have some hiss, which does quiet down when the program material begins. Also, if I play anything under 256kbps VBR I can tell more easily with the LW, just by listening to the imperfections in 192, 160 and especially in 128kbps. The 3G nano hides those, covers them up.

With the proper source the bass is now BASS and improved noticably, in volume level, impact and bass texture and not just amplitude.

Sound stage is improved noticably as well. Pianos are not a question mark anymore, they are clean and detailed and blend right in with the rest of the instruments. The nano just couldn't do them justice. I've documented the sound stage in iRiver vs the 5.5G ipod video on other threads before.

Going back to try the Denon C700's, the LW do everything the Denon do, just better. Same with the SE500's - I think the E500's just hid the imperfections in the source, and the LW are now my favorite IEM's if I have a good source

Next up, I will do optical out into iBasso D1 (source iRiver DAP, then Sony CD player). But, I am off to bed now. You'll just have to wait
Oct 1, 2007 at 3:28 PM Post #101 of 140

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PS: I am still playing with getting the right position for the LW's. While the left ear-piece fits closer to perfect and even reseals by itself if I break the seal; the right one might be a little smaller than needed, as I can break the seal more easily than it should - and it stays unsealed until I reposition it. It seems like it could use a little more material right at the inferior and superior auditory meatus (I am a doctor, so I get to use big words).

I've got exactly the same problem, also the left goes in and seals much easier than the right, which i have to fiddle with to get good suction. Trouble is that i can't work out exactly why, or which part is causing it. Keep us updated with how you get on, and if you get them adjusted.
Oct 1, 2007 at 5:16 PM Post #102 of 140
I keep debating about laying on some thin layers of clear nail polish, one layer at a time, until I get the right earpiece fit tighter. They are so close now and I don't want to part with them for the time it takes to get them adjusted.

Last night I found that when I get the right one sealed, it will stay sealed longer if I bite down. I had the molds done with jaw loose and open a few milimeters/lips closed = relaxed neutral, so I can tighten the canals more with biting down if needed.

I also note that if I drink from my big mug of water (or eat peanut butter off a spoon) that BOTH ears unseal as the lower jaw thrusts out, BUT when I am done drinking the left one seals up all on it's own when I return to the neutral relaxed jaw poisition. The right one is alllllllmost there so that a bite down will get the right somewhat or partially sealed, but the neutral relaxed jaw position wont seal it on the right like the left does all on it's own. It needs a little nudge and sliding down lower with a finger.

I might just call and bug EarPeace just for advice and post it here, but I am not ready to send them back for tinkering.
Oct 1, 2007 at 6:39 PM Post #104 of 140

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I keep debating about laying on some thin layers of clear nail polish, one layer at a time, until I get the right earpiece fit tighter. They are so close now and I don't want to part with them for the time it takes to get them adjusted.

Last night I found that when I get the right one sealed, it will stay sealed longer if I bite down. I had the molds done with jaw loose and open a few milimeters/lips closed = relaxed neutral, so I can tighten the canals more with biting down if needed.

I also note that if I drink from my big mug of water (or eat peanut butter off a spoon) that BOTH ears unseal as the lower jaw thrusts out, BUT when I am done drinking the left one seals up all on it's own when I return to the neutral relaxed jaw poisition. The right one is alllllllmost there so that a bite down will get the right somewhat or partially sealed, but the neutral relaxed jaw position wont seal it on the right like the left does all on it's own. It needs a little nudge and sliding down lower with a finger.

I might just call and bug EarPeace just for advice and post it here, but I am not ready to send them back for tinkering.

I'd actually thought similar things about clear nail polish, but i've got no idea where it's needed. I had open mouth impressions, i think maybe the right side of my jaw moves about more than my left or something, because that earpiece is more curved.

Today though it seemed to fit better/easier, although i didn't have them in for long.
Oct 1, 2007 at 6:57 PM Post #105 of 140

Originally Posted by Rav /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd actually thought similar things about clear nail polish, but i've got no idea where it's needed. I had open mouth impressions, i think maybe the right side of my jaw moves about more than my left or something, because that earpiece is more curved.

Today though it seemed to fit better/easier, although i didn't have them in for long.

Have you been going back and forth with your LiveWires and your other 'phones? If you were to give a long listen to your RS-1 then switch to the LiveWires, would that make the LiveWires sound not as good?

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