DX90. 2X Sabre,1st page: Downloads, info&inst. . ! Lurker0 FW Mod link 1st page !!. .NEW FW! 2.3.0 . . . . .
Jan 8, 2014 at 1:16 PM Post #481 of 14,089
  I would like to throw my vote in the bucket for the balanced option.
I have not yet experienced the RSA Intruder with balanced in.  At one point I was considering the Cypher Labs Algorhythm Solo - dB.  But I went the route of the DX50 instead.
So, yea.  I would like to have balanced line out available.

Balanced out (HO and LO) would make me buy this device actually.
Jan 8, 2014 at 1:23 PM Post #482 of 14,089
Well, I suggest that anyone who sincerely desires balanced HO &/or balanced LO on the DX90 had better directly e-mail iBasso, then, because just posting it here on Head-fi won't carry enough clout.
They may be too far along with production, but there's no harm in a bunch of people asking...
Let's see what happens.
Jan 8, 2014 at 1:29 PM Post #483 of 14,089
  Well, I suggest that anyone who sincerely desires balanced HO &/or balanced LO on the DX90 had better directly e-mail iBasso, then, because just posting it here on Head-fi won't carry enough clout.
They may be too far along with production, but there's no harm in a bunch of people asking...
Let's see what happens.

I can do it actually, Soren, lead the way mate!

Jan 8, 2014 at 2:28 PM Post #484 of 14,089
Balanced LO +1
Jan 8, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #487 of 14,089
I should totally have started a thread with a poll, it worked pretty well the last time 

Jan 8, 2014 at 3:48 PM Post #490 of 14,089
If you email them about the balance question, state why you want it and while this may seem obvious stated a reason and benefits states more that you just want it. 
I think the die has been set for the DX90. Would I like balanced out to the PB2? Maybe. I like balanced but what are you taking the balanced signal into? There isn't room in the DX90 for balanced headphone out and the battery life would be too short. A balanced line out would work but to what? I don't care to go from two of the top dacs for portable on the market, if not the top portable dacs to lesser ones, just to have balanced out into lesser dacs. If source balanced out into a home balanced system, I can totally see this. Again, state a reason and benefit.
I believe the DX90 single out is going to be excellent. I already know what the DX100 sounds like with a desktop Sabre dac, now the DX90 will have two Sabre dacs and while the portable Sabre dacs don't quite measure the same as the desktop version, I don't expect that in a listening test you are going to hear much difference and now with Two used, my feeling is that the DX90 will equal most any dap on the market and surpass even many of the other top daps out there, maybe even the DX100. 
Jan 8, 2014 at 4:04 PM Post #492 of 14,089
Well if it's too late, they can always say no and if it's not available I am not going to loose sleep over it. Already with given specs, it's pleaser.

Yes, but it is food for thought. I know it will happen but to be honest, I am just plain excited about the DX90 because we are talking about the same size as the DX50, a mature UI and dual dacs and a Whole new amplifier section, totally different. Kind of like putting Arnold Schwarzenegger's younger body in Pee-wee Herman's! lol   Ok, the DX50 isn't a Pee-wee Herman but it was the best I could do and I like the contrast. :^)
Jan 8, 2014 at 4:16 PM Post #493 of 14,089
  Yes, but it is food for thought. I know it will happen but to be honest, I am just plain excited about the DX90 because we are talking about the same size as the DX50, a mature UI and dual dacs and a Whole new amplifier section, totally different. Kind of like putting Arnold Schwarzenegger's younger body in Pee-wee Herman's! lol   Ok, the DX50 isn't a Pee-wee Herman but it was the best I could do and I like the contrast. :^)

New amp section? I thought they only changed the dac section. I didn't know they also improve (?) the amp section too.
Jan 8, 2014 at 4:18 PM Post #494 of 14,089
New amp section? I thought they only changed the dac section. I didn't know they also improve (?) the amp section too.

The amp section is totally changed. It is a whole new animal. Arnold and Pee-wee. lol

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