DT880 bass impact kicks JUST as hard as HD650
Jun 2, 2011 at 10:19 PM Post #16 of 46
Between my HD600 and DT880, the HD600 has far more bass impact for sure. Maybe saying three times as much is an overstatement but it has at least twice as much bass. The biggest difference is mid bass to me but the DT880 reaches deeper and the bass is tighter. The HD600 simply has more body to the bass, even more than the DT990. I hear the kick drums the most but also hear the bass guitar just fine, actually rather loud and clear.
cheers that's the sort of thing I've been after all this time, would be grateful if anyone else can do a comparison like this
but THREE TIMES more, are you serious? That seems a huge difference and are you talking mainly mid-bass or sub bass.
What in the track sticks out more on the HD650 - the lower end of the guitars? the kick drums? the bass guitar?

Jun 2, 2011 at 11:51 PM Post #17 of 46
as a former owner of the DT880/250, DT990/600, HD600, and HD650 - the Senns have a bit more mid-bass hump overshadowing the lowest octaves, and the Beyers have a very linear bass response without a mid-bass hump.  the Beyers can reach down low.  the Senns can too, but their mid-bass warmth overshadows this.  probably the best combo i've heard with the HD650 (admittingly not a HD650 fan) is a Benchmark DAC1 as DAC and headphone amp.  i could live with this combo.  the DT880/990 need a bit more warmth from upstream components - tubes are popular with the Beyers for a reason.   
Jun 3, 2011 at 12:41 AM Post #18 of 46
having had a DT880-600 & a current HD650, my ears tells me that the HD650 has more midbass kick & imparts more body to the music. OTOH the DT880 seemingly has deeper bass but a lighter airy feel overall. in the end, i ended up with the HD650 for its lush mids & forgiving nature & has added a K702 to my repertoire for additional top end info & airiness.
my HE5LE has the best combo of both with better deeper articulated bass, better mid clarity & refined treble. cant asy im unhappy to have all 3 to play with 

Jun 3, 2011 at 3:50 AM Post #19 of 46
cheers for the replies guys, you all seem to be saying that the MID bass on the HD650 whereas the sub bass edge probably goes to DT880.
What (in your experience) instruments boosted by a mid-bass hump. I've seen that frequency chart and still a bit confused...
I always feel like the bottom end of guitars is where I notice the biggest difference between HD650 and DT880 - but is the bottom end of guitars the mid-bass or just the midrange? ie., is the bottom end of an electric guitar even low enough to reach mid-bass?
Otherwise, are kick drums and floor toms more emphasized by a midbass hump?
Jun 3, 2011 at 4:48 AM Post #20 of 46
Also, I meant to ask all of you doing the comparison (in particular Zombie_X) - do you change the volume on your amp when comparing the HD650 vs DT880?
For me, the DT880 plays quieter out of my amp. So when I listen to the HD650 then switch over to the DT880, I turn up the amp until the DT880 is playing as loud as the HD650 - and, when playing bass heavy music, that makes it very hard to determine which one is actually playing the louder bass because I don't know if I'm overcompensating for the DT880's bass deficiencies with the volume knob.
Jun 3, 2011 at 4:55 AM Post #21 of 46
I feel the DT880 has better extension than the HD650 while the 650's tend to have a bit of a mid bass hump that makes them sound a bit more pleasant to some people. Which one has more bass? How do you define quantity? In extension or apparent quantity, although I guarantee if you put both on a non-audiophile set of ears, the HD650 will have "tons" more bass, even though we know that's not the case. It amazes me how some people used to think bass was black and white but it's just as complex, if not more, than some of the higher frequencies.
Jun 3, 2011 at 4:02 PM Post #23 of 46
I don't know about the Sennheisers, but the DT880 seems to be the right amount of bass for me. I mean, if it had anymore bass then I would find it pretty heavy sounding already.
Jun 3, 2011 at 6:41 PM Post #27 of 46
I ran them side by side out of my WA3+ using splitter and volume switch (custom splitter and an inline volume control for both headphones). They are now both the same volume and the HD650 definitely has more bass to it than the DT880. The DT880 reaches much lower and the bass is tighter with less mid-bass and body, while my HD600 does not go quite as low and is not as tight but also has much more mid-bass.
Also, I meant to ask all of you doing the comparison (in particular Zombie_X) - do you change the volume on your amp when comparing the HD650 vs DT880?
For me, the DT880 plays quieter out of my amp. So when I listen to the HD650 then switch over to the DT880, I turn up the amp until the DT880 is playing as loud as the HD650 - and, when playing bass heavy music, that makes it very hard to determine which one is actually playing the louder bass because I don't know if I'm overcompensating for the DT880's bass deficiencies with the volume knob.

Jun 3, 2011 at 7:36 PM Post #28 of 46
cheers, could you explain what instrument parts (lets go with the In Flames song) are louder owing to the increased mid-bass of the HD600?
For example, are the kick drums or floor toms more prominent on the HD600? Or the bass guitar?
Also, are you using a decibel meter to ensure they're both the same volume or you're going on perceived volume?
Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #29 of 46
Jun 3, 2011 at 8:27 PM Post #30 of 46
thanks I've seen that chart many times, I was asking what instruments would be classified as 'mid-bass' within the context of that In Flames song ('leeches')
The chart doesn't make it all that clear either as, for instance, a kick drum from 'sub bass' to 'midrange' with the overtones projecting into the 'high freqs'

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