DIY Cable Gallery!!
Mar 11, 2011 at 6:12 PM Post #6,392 of 16,317

Thanks, I need to change the internal wires on the 595 when I get a chance, did you change them on yours?

no I haven't, thought about doing it but I don't have a soldering iron with thin enough tip for the job as the joints have to be very small. But if I do decide I will probably make it dual entry and connect the cable directly to the driver.
Mar 12, 2011 at 1:00 AM Post #6,395 of 16,317
What size techflex did you use? I just ordered some, but I think I ordered a size too small. I'm also planning on doing a detachable mod, but it'll have to wait until I'm almost done modding and ready to settle down.
Mar 12, 2011 at 5:30 AM Post #6,398 of 16,317

What size techflex did you use? I just ordered some, but I think I ordered a size too small. I'm also planning on doing a detachable mod, but it'll have to wait until I'm almost done modding and ready to settle down.

thanks for the kind words guys.... i didn't use techflex.. i don't have a distributor in my country for it.. i bought this nylon sleeving that is very similar to it.. used the smallest size available.. not sure what that is.. i tried fitting it over the left and right channels but it was too big! lol!
one thing i realised about that sleeving though, i bought 2 metres and to make a 1.2 meter cable i had to use 1.5 meters of the sleeving.. in the future i'll just buy a lot more of the sleeving since it isn't that predictable...
Mar 12, 2011 at 11:53 PM Post #6,402 of 16,317
I have been so anxious to post up some cable photos. I finally got around to recabling my AKG K81 DJ's this afternoon. My first recable. They came out nice on the eyes, but I know what I need to work on for the next one. Audiowise, they sound a whole bunch better than the stock cables, wider soundstage, mids and highs came more forward, and the bass still kicks. Any opinions/suggestions welcome.

Sorry about the blurry second picture, my camera skills are pretty non existant :D
In case you can't see it, my cables going into the cups are slightly smaller than the hole on the cups. On the inside they are glued down with some all purpose cement because my glue gun decided it didn't want to make me hot glue.
Mar 13, 2011 at 3:57 PM Post #6,403 of 16,317
i need a piece of advice. I´m planning to build a diymod LOD myself, but there is one problem. i want to use  this silver wire. The outer thickness is 2mm so it means i need  mini plug w/ at least  8mm diameter. Viablue mini is a bit expensive, i´d rather buy sth cheaper. Or another possibility is that i would solder just one wire as a ground. I´m not sure what´s better solution.
Mar 13, 2011 at 4:52 PM Post #6,404 of 16,317
May I ask why do you want to use 2 wires as the ground??
Mar 13, 2011 at 4:59 PM Post #6,405 of 16,317
So as i can understand from your answer, it is no needed. Thank´s a lot. it was made this way somewhere here on head-fi

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