Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!
Mar 23, 2024 at 5:16 AM Post #5,240 of 5,250
Just purchase a D9200. Wonder how much difference compare to another closed back D7200
The price difference is almost 10 times. But D9200 is V-shaped and the D2000 is not, so the D2000 is very good for professional purposes as it is flat and neutral throughout the frequency range. If Denon had released a limited edition of the D2000 I would buy a pair without a second thought
Mar 28, 2024 at 10:59 AM Post #5,241 of 5,250
I like both, but I prefer the d2k for the voices and the comfort

Apr 4, 2024 at 2:40 PM Post #5,244 of 5,250
Hi! So recently a friend gave me back a D2000 that I sold to him several years ago, he told me I can have them back for free if I want, because they are in a really bad condition--he used them heavily and the ear pads and headband padding and covering fell apart, cable was broken in a few places and the left driver was dead. I took them apart and cleaned what could be cleaned, replaced the pads, sort of "fixed" the headband (removed what the fake leather and foam, replaced with a cloth headband cover with a zipper from aliexpress). I also had to order new foam "damper" rings that surround the driver as the old ones were falling apart. Now what I thought would be impossible to replace was the bad driver. Luckily after searching on Aliexpress I found one that looked exactly like the original one and had "biofiber" in description, so I bought a pair, very curious about what the driver will actually sound like. I was lazy to bother replacing the working original driver on the right, so I only replaced the dead one in the left phone. At least I would be able to directly compare the original driver to the driver from Aliexpress, and if I hear a significant difference between left and right, I can still replace the original driver too, to make both sides sound the same. To my surprise, once I put the headphones together, with a new cable soldered to the drivers, when I finally listened to this restored old AH-D2000, I could not, and still cannot, tell the drivers apart sound-wise. The Aliexpress driver, at least to my ears, sounds exactly the same as the 13-years-old original one. The sound unfortunately also reminds me of why I sold them those ~8 years ago--unnatural, glary yet dull, weird treble (especially cymbal sounds are not very natural). But still, they do have that punch and those crazy dynamics that I missed on the AH-D5200 (which luckily made me buy the E-MU Teak, which I consider headphone perfection).

If anyone is interested and ever needs to buy a new driver for the AH-D2000, this is the listing:
(item name "24ohm 300ohm Headphone Speaker Unit AH-D9200 Headset Driver Horn For 52MM Biofiber Membrane DIY Earphone Speakers 2PCS", should the link stop working. Seller name "LEVOPHON Audio Speaker Store". Obviously, I bought the 24 ohm version to match the working original driver, but I am curious whether replacing them both with a 300-ohm version would make the headphones sound better?? Also, there is a very similar one also on Aliexpress with a different magnet. While this one that I bought is, per description, N42, there is also a N52 version--I wonder, would a stronger magnet have better control of the voice coil, resulting in a better sound? I guess the N52 drivers would in the very least be louder...)
Aug 18, 2024 at 8:11 AM Post #5,249 of 5,250
I know it's already been recommended in this thread, but just wanted to add another endorsement for the Accessory House Global Denon pads. I got a secondhand Denon AH-D5000 (EDIT: on closer inspection, it's actually an AH-D7000!) and the pads were wearing out. I had minor issues with the sound of the stock pads too, the bass was a little boomy and the treble had a little too much zing.

I had both the Fostex TH-610 and TH-900 stock pads on hand, but they didn't match very well imo. Made the tone drier and lost some of those luscious mids. The bass was cleaner, but also softened in impact. Tried the YAXI Alcantara pads and those were worse on them, made them sound somewhat muddy.

But the AHG Denon pads are absolutely amazing. Really reminds me of the E-MU Teak's bass now. It cleaned up the boominess and hits very hard, but still left that layer of warmth that gives the Denons that rich, euphonic tone. The treble's been smoothed out too, but still has excellent detail. Note that AHG has two of the Fostex-style pads, the Denon one has a larger and more comfortable ear hole than the Fostex/Teak replacement.

I had also gotten AHG's Fostex/Teak pads in the past and they came with a plastic attenuation disc inside like the stock Fostex/Denon pads. The AHG Denon pads don't come with them, but I thought I'd try seeing how they are with the attenuation disc. Surprisingly, it made it worse, the bass became a bit muddy again. So I wouldn't bother with an attenuation disc like from Dekoni or something, I think AHG really pulled it off the Denon-style pads alone.
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Aug 19, 2024 at 12:08 AM Post #5,250 of 5,250
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