Headphoneus Supremus
Originally Posted by MXRaia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I asked Piotr for a "galaxy" motif and suggested a few colors. Piotr knows I prefer simpler designs, so he went with a translucent blue with silver/white swirls.
Very pretty, especially up close! It reminds me of that van Gogh painting
They look great!
I guess you meant this one?
I'm not really qualified to describe the Harmony 8.2's sound signature since I'm still kind of a casual listener, so all I can say for now is it's an IEM that makes you want to dance! I was tapping my toes and grinning the entire time I was at work.
I'm also not that good at describing signatures in detail, but here's my take on H8.2's sound so far:
When I put the H8.2 in my ears (although it immediately sounded good) I wasn't wowed from the start. At first I noticed that it didn't deliver the sparkle of the (V-shaped) Solar and it didn't have the air / spaciousness of the AR6. Solar probably has more quantity (even harder slamming) bass in the picture, but I noticed that the bass quality of the H8.2 is better (more clean / tight) defined. Vocals sound very impressive (like mentioned in reviews) with H8.2 and the longer I listened, the more I realised that basically everything sounds quite realistic and natural with it.
For my taste it could use a little more in the treble department, but after some cable matching I found that the Toxic Silver Widow cable delivered that without sacrificing on the lows and vocals.
Imagine you're going to a party and there are lots of girls (or boys, depending on your own interest of course) in the room. At first you notice the ''beautiful model kinda'' ones, all dressed up and looking great. But then you are sitting next to a, what seems to be, ''girl next door'' kinda type at first sight. The longer you talk with her, the more you notice that she says all the right things, that she has a great sense of humor and that she has some kind off inner beauty which seems to come more to the surface, the longer you are around her. Well, to me the H8.2 is that girl
Long story short, the longer I listen to the H8.2 the more it grows on me and imo it is without a doubt an excellent totl monitor!