Cowon Plenue D
Apr 4, 2016 at 1:37 AM Post #2,101 of 4,954
I just got the "PD". However my box is not sealed. I believe it is normal right? (Bought from Amazon JP) . Inside the flash memory, there is a few song pre loaded.

Here is the list, 4 song.

April - Jack Lee & Bob James

It was written thousand year

Paper Moon- Jack Lee & etc

Sphere- Jack Lee & etc

Do you guys have these pre loaded as well? It is 24 bit though.

Is this normal?? :confused:
Apr 4, 2016 at 1:52 AM Post #2,102 of 4,954
So many freak out about not having shrink wrap,  Cowon should probably add that or a seal sticker just to avoid causing panic attacks.
Apr 4, 2016 at 2:42 AM Post #2,104 of 4,954

Thanks for clarifying!  

  So many freak out about not having shrink wrap,  Cowon should probably add that or a seal sticker just to avoid causing panic attacks.

Haha, well. Most stuff I bought does come with it. Plus in my country, some shop/seller. Actually have this kind of practice.
Example, Item A is broken so they swap a new one for you. But they still put the Item A (Which is broken up) up for sale.
Hope you understand why I get so paranoid about it. 
Apr 4, 2016 at 2:54 AM Post #2,106 of 4,954
  Thanks for clarifying!  

Haha, well. Most stuff I bought does come with it. Plus my in country, some shop/seller. Actually have this kind of practice.
Example, Item A is broken so they swap a new one for you. But they still put the Item A (Which is broken up) up for sale.
Hope you understand why I get so paranoid about it. 

I don't think shops will swap a broken device to another customer. That's more work and trouble for them to deal with another exchange/claim.
But a little scratch? Yes I think most retails in the world do it. Not many distributors will take back goods that are not functionally broken. How would they deal with the returns then?
Not everyone cares about a little scratch. So it is a win win for the shop and the customer. 
I do mind any flaw in my purchases but if it's just been touched for a few minutes and nothing's wrong, that's fine for me.
The best way to guarantee a brand new is to pre-order and get the first batch.
Apr 4, 2016 at 3:36 AM Post #2,107 of 4,954
  I don't think shops will swap a broken device to another customer. That's more work and trouble for them to deal with another exchange/claim.
But a little scratch? Yes I think most retails in the world do it. Not many distributors will take back goods that are not functionally broken. How would they deal with the returns then?
Not everyone cares about a little scratch. So it is a win win for the shop and the customer. 
I do mind any flaw in my purchases but if it's just been touched for a few minutes and nothing's wrong, that's fine for me.
The best way to guarantee a brand new is to pre-order and get the first batch.

Nope.. They really put the product that I exchange with them back to the selling shelf... But I seriously not sure how does that shop works. Mine comes with the box a little dented.
But the PD isn't damage in anyway. 
Being in the first batch is like a lab rat imo.
 As flaws are more bound to happen on the first batch unit, second batch maybe they rectify it the following batch and so on.
I do care about scratches or scuff. But if the price is good, why not? 

@Whaleshark12 since your profile says you have flc8s, I want to ask how FLC8S sounds with plenue D?? is it good combo?

I just receive it 2 hour. I can't really comment on it yet. 
Initially, without BBE or any enhancement.
It sounds far warmer than my DX90, Detail is there but not like the DX90. DX90 sounds more clean imo. 
Do take this as a grain of salt. 
Apr 4, 2016 at 4:31 AM Post #2,108 of 4,954
Hello all,
Do you think that the Cowon Plenue D is true upragde from an iPhone 5S ? I do not speak about autonomy, form factor etc..just sound aspect. And also, in mobility environment (subway, street..)
I have the feeling (just reading opinion)  that this Plenue D (in term of SQ) is just equal to an iPhone, or not worth the trouble of carrying another DAP besides the Smartphone.
What do you think ?
Apr 4, 2016 at 4:34 AM Post #2,109 of 4,954
Hello all,

Do you think that the Cowon Plenue D is true upragde from an iPhone 5S ? I do not speak about autonomy, form factor etc..just sound aspect. And also, in mobility environment (subway, street..)
I have the feeling (just reading opinion)  that this Plenue D (in term of SQ) is just equal to an iPhone, or not worth the trouble of carrying another DAP besides the Smartphone.

What do you think ?

Sure is but your phone apps can help.
Apr 4, 2016 at 9:00 AM Post #2,110 of 4,954
  Hello all,
Do you think that the Cowon Plenue D is true upragde from an iPhone 5S ? I do not speak about autonomy, form factor etc..just sound aspect. And also, in mobility environment (subway, street..)
I have the feeling (just reading opinion)  that this Plenue D (in term of SQ) is just equal to an iPhone, or not worth the trouble of carrying another DAP besides the Smartphone.
What do you think ?

I think that is debatable. It has less hiss than the 5S, better music playback battery life, and measurably (at insane volumes), it betters the iPhone 5S in a number benchmarks. Does it actually 'sound' better? That's purely subjective. If you think so, then _to you_ it does. If you don't, then no. 
Apr 4, 2016 at 10:16 AM Post #2,112 of 4,954
  Thank you for your answers.
Nobody told me : yes it's a big gap go go go !
So maybe i'll look for another DAP ?

Take a listen. Beyond measurable things, EVERYTHING we say here is subjective. So, while I err on the side of measurements to determine a thing's sound quality, others trot out their personal experience in an authoritative manner. Because it sounds more akin to their preferences, someone may say it sounds better or has better sound quality, but that means nothing to you. To your subjective experience, it may sound worse. 

I've actually read people argue that a dap or amp has better dynamic range than another DAP based on listening impressions. When measured, the dap or amp actually was FAR worse. So, take people's opinions with a grain of salt. I'd even encourage you to have someone set up a properly volume-matched blind test between devices. If you prefer one, then go for it, even if it's cheaper. But don't take my word, or anyone else's on what a thing sounds like. 

Reference knowables, not feelables. 
Apr 4, 2016 at 11:40 AM Post #2,113 of 4,954
take people's opinions with a grain of salt.

Check out this honest review on one of the most popular entry level iem yet overrated IMO, SE215
I personally agree with his pros and cons.
Pros: Bass detailing
Cons: Mids completely lack details, flat soundstage, harsh treble with a nasty metallic upper treble range

Apr 4, 2016 at 6:03 PM Post #2,114 of 4,954
Check out this honest review on one of the most popular entry level iem yet overrated IMO, SE215
I personally agree with his pros and cons.
Pros: Bass detailing
Cons: Mids completely lack details, flat soundstage, harsh treble with a nasty metallic upper treble range

Correct, this has been said again and again and beat to death. We are all biologically different and we all will hear things differently. Sometimes other's views will match yours, some will not. Most of the time what the majority says seems to be true but not always. Sometimes it slides on the wrong side sometimes the right side.
Example, if 10 people said something is great, the odds it really is, is low. It takes hundreds and thousands of people to conform to something and even then it may not still be true as it depends who the people are and who provides the information. 10 people can be right but they all can have a different taste or not even know what is good as they never heard anything over a $100.00 headphone or IEM. Some on this board are really serious and know what is good and what is not, but then your taste will not always match theirs as some like sharp treble whereas others do not. Even if they don't like sharp treble, they may not even hear it but you may as your hearing again is biologically different and when you listen to the exact same setup you may dislike it and there is nothing wrong with that. No one has to agree something that is $1,000.00 must sound good to everyone. You would think something more expensive should but it's not always true.  
So that is why it's said YMWV or take with a grain of salt, etc. It's true. We can all look at the same art but all have different opinions what we think is art and beautiful as with sound. This is same with food, clothing even the type of music we listen to. Some like country, some hate it. The funniest thing I ever heard was  the statement "Opinions are like butt holes, everyone's got one, " funny but true. If we were all biologically exactly the same DNA and all (reppy thought), then all it would take is one person to try something before everyone else did and let everyone else know if it's good or not, it would make some things in life super simple. Unfortunately, this is not reality, so it's impossible to say it will apply to every human being on this planet 100%.
Apr 4, 2016 at 6:09 PM Post #2,115 of 4,954

Going philosophical on us now?


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