Cowon Plenue D
Mar 15, 2016 at 11:12 AM Post #1,741 of 4,955
Hello HiFlight,
I have tied that, already.
Sadly, the favourites are capped at 1024 items :frowning2:
Currently i have a 0-second dummy-mp3 at the root of the music- and audiobook-folders. When I play this file, all files and folders below are played when in playmode "Folder". Works OK, though i have to scroll to the bottom when searching the 0.mp3

You can try and create a playlist on your computer. I've used Mp3tag to create playlists, though I'm not sure if there is a limit.
Mar 15, 2016 at 1:50 PM Post #1,742 of 4,955
Hello HiFlight,
I have tied that, already.
Sadly, the favourites are capped at 1024 items :frowning2:
Currently i have a 0-second dummy-mp3 at the root of the music- and audiobook-folders. When I play this file, all files and folders below are played when in playmode "Folder". Works OK, though i have to scroll to the bottom when searching the 0.mp3

I think you need to be grateful for what you already have. In other Cowon's past and present you were capped at ether 100 or 256 files for Favorites.
Many DAPs support things like adding a single file to a playlist, but not an entire album or artist. I used to love the ability with my Cowon to add an entire Artist's collection (ie multiple albums) to a playlist in one go, it seems a rare feature indeed across many DAPs.

But, I'm not sure what yer really gunning for, but even when I was capped at 256 files that was PLENTY for a single listening session (and mine were 4-6hrs at a time). I never ran out of songs during that time. To have that cap lifted for the PD to 1024 is even better news!

Perhaps you need to be better organised and forward thinking and be like me and use PC software to generate m3u files for the day? Typically these days I prefer to connect my DAP to winamp or foobar and just build a playlist of what I want to listen to that day (it's often faster and prettier an experience than fiddling with tiny touch screen devices). Then I turn my DAP on and just run that m3u file, gets around any file limit restrictions as well.
Of course I understand you can't do this on the go, but then that's kinda what the Favorites is intended for and Cowon at least give you 1024 for that as well as the ability to add multiple files in a single click! You won't find that ability on other devices easily...
Mar 15, 2016 at 2:46 PM Post #1,743 of 4,955
I'm new here.
I ordered this device yesterday, Should arrive Thursday.
I'm confused by some of the information regarding playlists and such. I mean, if I simply want to play an album, from beginning to end, this will be straight forward, correct? I use dbpoweramp to rip my cds into ALAC, and I've never tinkered with the file naming protocols. Everything comes up well-organized in iTunes. I'm worried the UI is going to be a disaster. Should I expect any hassles? I'm really not willing to go back into my lossless collection and start editing tags.
Be easy on me, and thanks!
Mar 15, 2016 at 3:04 PM Post #1,744 of 4,955
I'm new here.
I ordered this device yesterday, Should arrive Thursday.
I'm confused by some of the information regarding playlists and such. I mean, if I simply want to play an album, from beginning to end, this will be straight forward, correct? I use dbpoweramp to rip my cds into ALAC, and I've never tinkered with the file naming protocols. Everything comes up well-organized in iTunes. I'm worried the UI is going to be a disaster. Should I expect any hassles? I'm really not willing to go back into my lossless collection and start editing tags.
Be easy on me, and thanks!

You'll find out soon enough

Just kidding! UI is fine, make sure to update firmware if not 1.1 already. Tag browsing seems to work pretty well, I haven't had problems with albums so far. IDK about ALAC playback though.
All the playlist talk is about playlists on the DAP I think- basically It has 10 preset "Favorites" playlits you can add to but not edit (from what I can tell at least), and limited number of tracks per Favorites playlist apparently.
Mar 15, 2016 at 8:42 PM Post #1,745 of 4,955
Wish I had read all the comments here before I bought this.. I got it today and really annoyed with the ****ty, laggy screen.. (v1.10)  I can even see the fonts getting painted and skewed while scrolling - Aaaahhhhh.
Sounds great though, but not considerably better than the C2 I have... I'd still stick to C2 over this, given a second chance...
Though not planning to return, could've saved the $260 for something better....
I am sure the prices will drop to the 150s-200 for this thing to sell. (Unless some magic happens and the lag goes away with some FW update -Well this can happen only if they were in a hurry to release plenue D to compete - which is unlikely)
Mar 15, 2016 at 10:01 PM Post #1,746 of 4,955
Though not planning to return, could've saved the $260 for something better.... I am sure the prices will drop to the 150s-200 for this thing to sell. (Unless some magic happens and the lag goes away with some FW update -Well this can happen only if they were in a hurry to release plenue D to compete - which is unlikely)

Well it can't be that bad if you're not planning to return it, can it?

The problem is of supply rather than demand at the moment. Scrolling isn't too bad, it's not Iphone standard but it's not a huge hindrance to usability. Personally, I think it's price is about right, but as ever, each to their own.
Mar 16, 2016 at 2:03 AM Post #1,747 of 4,955
  How would you guys compare it to X3 I?

Though the X3 I sounds very good, I would put PD in a different class. I agree that with no dsp the PD might sound a bit sterile but why would you even consider a cowon dap if you do not use their excellent dsp settings? I have been using the Plenue D for a couple of months now (have setup custom eq for different IEMs that I use regularly) and everytime I compared it to my X3, the X3 sounded much inferior in terms of soundstage, imaging and refinement of sound. I am a treblehead and the PD gives me a very refined sound which is never sibilant with my Hidition Viento-A. I have tried tweaking the X3 (custom eq and hardware bass/treble) to get a sound that is as detailed as the PD but it always brings in a lot of sibilance. The soundstage and imaging with the PD is top notch as well. This maybe due to the excellent cowon dsp but at the end of the day I really don't care how the magic happens, only that I am loving the sound coming out of this small wonderful device. The X3 soundstage is so narrow and sounds congested in comparison. Hands down the PD is a big step up for me compared to the X3 but YMMV.
Mar 16, 2016 at 2:44 AM Post #1,748 of 4,955
  Wish I had read all the comments here before I bought this.. I got it today and really annoyed with the ****ty, laggy screen.. (v1.10)  I can even see the fonts getting painted and skewed while scrolling - Aaaahhhhh.
Sounds great though, but not considerably better than the C2 I have... I'd still stick to C2 over this, given a second chance...
Though not planning to return, could've saved the $260 for something better....
I am sure the prices will drop to the 150s-200 for this thing to sell. (Unless some magic happens and the lag goes away with some FW update -Well this can happen only if they were in a hurry to release plenue D to compete - which is unlikely)

Interesting to hear this, as a C2 owner I kinda predicted that the PD would sound similar to the M2. I'm sure in some cases the PD out performs, depending upon user volume and headphones used, but yeh not exactly a night and day difference, certainly not the extra $350AUD difference they're asking for. Not hating on the PD here, I'm just saying for that price it's kinda hard for a person like me to justify the 'upgrade'. Even if it were $250-300AUD it might be tempting (it retails for $429AUD here)...

And Cowon have a habit of doing stuff like using old left over tech, it seems to me to have good parts everywhere but terribly outdated processor that can't even run their own house custom UI decently, I mean it's not Lollipop Android they're trying to run here... :|

If you think about it, many are paying a fortune for a Cowon with a capacitive screen. Replace the capacitive screen of the PD with a resistive one, would you pay the same price? It starts to look an awful like a M2 doesn't it, and that retails for half the price! I'm sorry.. I'm not paying $200 extra (over a M2 price) for a capacitive screen when the guts ain't up to scratch to make it enjoyable. For me the capacitive screen is almost irrelevent if the experience of interacting with it is subpar. And to make matters worse it doesn't even support video (like the C2 and M2 did), so why really all the fuss over a laggy capacitive screen?

No hate lol, I mean there are some additional nice other crucial features the PD has, a higher Favorite count, a higher file limit, custom playlists and I think the ability to rename said playlists? Nice stuff, just for me not essentially crucial to the DAP experience.

Honestly, if someone asks the question what to recommend, I might recommend the PD, if their areas of needs can only be met by the PD and not the M2 etc, but just for me it's a pass (for now) at this price range.
Mar 16, 2016 at 7:07 AM Post #1,749 of 4,955
If anyone has tried the Plenue D with any of the AKG cans, can you post your experiences. I thought my 550's would be a dream match and whilst they sound pretty decent, it wasn't quite the match up I was expecting.
I'm specifically interested in AKG synergy with the D, rather than what AKG cans are considered to be decent. Also, experiences with amps /AKG / D set ups, specifically..
I may have to buy a new pair of AKG's for home listening. My MF200's have great synergy with the Plenue D but the clamping force is hurting my bonce for long listening sessions...
Hopefully someone can help this ignorant, sore-headed Brit out
Mar 16, 2016 at 7:53 AM Post #1,750 of 4,955
For an audiophile player, Plenue D is compact and handsome. Its Korean edges are few, and less painful than the ones found in modern Astell&Kern devices. Its battery life appears to be pretty good (more on that later), but its interface is sluggish and its audio performance isn't notably better than a good smartphone. Specifically, its stereo signal is troublesome. But that form factor and the myriad audio adjustments for which Cowon are famous are truly tempting.

Is the audio performance of pd is lower than a good smartphone? ?? Is this true??

Today's best-performing smartphones absolutely give a run for the money to any high-end player. But they have to run through a few hoops through which they were not made to run: turn off all wireless communication, and some have noticeable touch-screen noise. If those things bother you, good audiophile players will perform as [good] or better, but I am 100% confident that volume matched, playing the same files, that almost no one would be able to reliably tell which is which in a blind test. That is to say: Plenue D is as good, or slightly better, than a good smartphone, which is very, very good. I purchased one because I wanted the battery life and pocketability.

Mar 16, 2016 at 10:10 AM Post #1,752 of 4,955
Don't forget about the low output impedance and good hiss performance.

I forget about those things for the simple reason that if a player hisses, I won't use it. If it has too high impedance an output, I won't use it. If a player is built specifically for audiophiles, those two are a given. Otherwise, the player/players are worthless.
Mar 16, 2016 at 10:13 AM Post #1,753 of 4,955
For an audiophile player, Plenue D is compact and handsome. Its Korean edges are few, and less painful than the ones found in modern Astell&Kern devices. Its battery life appears to be pretty good (more on that later), but its interface is sluggish and its audio performance isn't notably better than a good smartphone. Specifically, its stereo signal is troublesome. But that form factor and the myriad audio adjustments for which Cowon are famous are truly tempting.

Is the audio performance of pd is lower than a good smartphone? ?? Is this true??

I should quote you again just to point out that you misread what I said. I said: "its audio performance isn't notably better than a good smartphone", which doesn't mean that it is worse or its output in any way _lower_ than a good smartphone. I said that it isn't notably better. 
Mar 16, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #1,754 of 4,955
  If anyone has tried the Plenue D with any of the AKG cans, can you post your experiences. I thought my 550's would be a dream match and whilst they sound pretty decent, it wasn't quite the match up I was expecting.
I'm specifically interested in AKG synergy with the D, rather than what AKG cans are considered to be decent. Also, experiences with amps /AKG / D set ups, specifically..
I may have to buy a new pair of AKG's for home listening. My MF200's have great synergy with the Plenue D but the clamping force is hurting my bonce for long listening sessions...
Hopefully someone can help this ignorant, sore-headed Brit out

In my opinion AKG cans are generally harder to drive, and with a very flat response.
Surprisingly, the D can drive my K712 pretty well, but without any EQ, the vocal feels very recessed. The bass is very powerful, which is quite unusual for my AKG.
To sharpen the vocal (if that's what you prefer), I recommend using preset "BBE MP" for a smooth, natural sound, "maestro" for similar effect but with more thickness, and "Pop" for clear and bright vocal. 
Fiddle more with EQ you will find the sound you want, thats the charm of cowon product

Mar 16, 2016 at 2:46 PM Post #1,755 of 4,955
I should quote you again just to point out that you misread what I said. I said: "its audio performance isn't notably better than a good smartphone", which doesn't mean that it is worse or its output in any way _lower_ than a good smartphone. I said that it isn't notably better. 



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