Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆
Feb 5, 2016 at 4:15 PM Post #10,771 of 42,836
A word to the wise:    In this universe, whatever you focus upon, you subjectively experience more of.
So if someone predominantly prefers to focus upon flaws rather than upon positives, then they're not giving themselves the best chance of happiness. However, it is every person's right to enjoy a miserable life experience, if that's what they prefer
Feb 5, 2016 at 4:26 PM Post #10,772 of 42,836
A word to the wise:    In this universe, whatever you focus upon, you subjectively experience more of.

So if someone predominantly prefers to focus upon flaws rather than upon positives, then they're not giving themselves the best chance of happiness. However, it is every person's right to enjoy a miserable life experience, if that's what they prefer :wink_face:  

This is so true and needs to be understood deeply especially when evaluating sound. When we focus on certain aspects of sound reproduction - our favorite things to notice such as bass timing, treble extension, transient response, etc... we literally experience those qualities in exagerrated proportion - we get more information. This doesn't mean listening to and focusing on treble makes recordings more trebly - but it does change our perception of the overall reproduction.

This can also generate ear fatigue much sooner - an important topic people forget about often.

Of course to me this whole process is so much more obvious when I listen to a mix I did after a few months without hearing it. Its already in the clients hands so I sit back and relax and turn off my left brain somewhat. And I enjoy it more.. and sometimes I realize that I'm enjoying it for the first time.
Feb 5, 2016 at 4:27 PM Post #10,773 of 42,836
I love my mojo, I've come to love my se846 (because of experience with other iems, to me se846 Is superior overall) (to me)
My DX80, I like the form factor and that's about it.

I feed beloved mojo with dx80, and when I want better sound I feed it with note 5, I want a dap weather it's a smartphone or a player of sports I want it to sound as good as my note 5 feeding it.

I've tried iPhone (didn't sound nearly as good) tried my laptop which did ok, tried moto g 2nd Gen(didn't sound as good)

What do you guys use for portable Dedicated source feeder for your mojo?
Feb 5, 2016 at 4:31 PM Post #10,774 of 42,836
I love my mojo, I've come to love my se846 (because of experience with other iems, to me se846 Is superior overall) (to me)
My DX80, I like the form factor and that's about it.

I feed beloved mojo with dx80, and when I want better sound I feed it with note 5, I want a dap weather it's a smartphone or a player of sports I want it to sound as good as my note 5 feeding it.

I've tried iPhone (didn't sound nearly as good) tried my laptop which did ok, tried moto g 2nd Gen(didn't sound as good)

What do you guys use for portable Dedicated source feeder for your mojo?

astell kern ak100 mkii and it sounds fantastic
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:00 PM Post #10,775 of 42,836
Mojo initial impressions compared to Geek Out 450
I have had my Mojo for a couple of days now. It is an exceptional product.  The pictures don’t do the build quality and feel justice.  I pretty much agree with all the praise that had been covered over and over in this thread and reviews.
I plugged the Mojo into one USB output of my MBP and the GO 450 into the other.  I’m using BitPerfect with iTunes,  Mostly 16/44.1 apples lossless files. 
I was able to adjust the output of the two DACs to match so I could quickly plug from one to the other and I must in all honesty say I hear very little improvement over the GO 450, sometimes I think I do but at other times I don’t. The soundstage, separation of instruments or quality of sound all seem quite similar.
Before somebody says he must be deaf, I’m 65 and I know I don’t hear anything above about 8Khz.  So keep that in mind.  
I used my HE-400s primarily for comparison.  I really don’t care about portability when I travel I just get by with my classic iPod and Shure IEMs.  
I’m just saying if I was on a tight budget and was just going to use it at my desk I could be quite satisfied with the GO.  I’ve not heard the current GOV2 so I don’t know how it compares but I’d like to think it is as good or better.
If it were not for the fact that it seems there will be an SD reader coming down the road, I might consider taking the restocking fee and shipping cost hit from Moon Audio and return the Mojo. I think it is a great product and I’m probably going to keep it.  I guess the GO is pretty darn good too.
As alway YMMV, my opinion may change after a little longer time with the Mojo, I really am only throwing this out there for someone who wants one but is really struggling with the cost.
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:02 PM Post #10,776 of 42,836
[COLOR=454545]Mojo initial impressions compared to Geek Out 450[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I have had my Mojo for a couple of days now. It is an exceptional product.  The pictures don’t do the build quality and feel justice.  I pretty much agree with all the praise that had been covered over and over in this thread and reviews.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I plugged the Mojo into one USB output of my MBP and the GO 450 into the other.  I’m using BitPerfect with iTunes,  Mostly 16/44.1 apples lossless files. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I was able to adjust the output of the two DACs to match so I could quickly plug from one to the other and I must in all honesty say I hear very little improvement over the GO 450, sometimes I think I do but at other times I don’t. The soundstage, separation of instruments or quality of sound all seem quite similar.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]Before somebody says he must be deaf, I’m 65 and I know I don’t hear anything above about 8Khz.  So keep that in mind.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I used my HE-400s primarily for comparison.  I really don’t care about portability when I travel I just get by with my classic iPod and Shure IEMs.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I’m just saying if I was on a tight budget and was just going to use it at my desk I could be quite satisfied with the GO.  I’ve not heard the current GOV2 so I don’t know how it compares but I’d like to think it is as good or better.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]If it were not for the fact that it seems there will be an SD reader coming down the road, I might consider taking the restocking fee and shipping cost hit from Moon Audio and return the Mojo. I think it is a great product and I’m probably going to keep it.  I guess the GO is pretty darn good too.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]As alway YMMV, my opinion may change after a little longer time with the Mojo, I really am only throwing this out there for someone who wants one but is really struggling with the cost.[/COLOR]

I'm glad you like it. What you feed it matters, have u tried different sources?
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:10 PM Post #10,777 of 42,836

So far the only source I have used is the MBP,  I will have to get a CCK for my iPhone and I'm going to do a trial from Tidal and check that out.  This was just my initial impressions I wanted to share for someone on a tight budget.
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:55 PM Post #10,778 of 42,836
So far the only source I have used is the MBP,  I will have to get a CCK for my iPhone and I'm going to do a trial from Tidal and check that out.  This was just my initial impressions I wanted to share for someone on a tight budget.

If I might suggest a different approach to testing. I find that the Mojo doesn't lend itself to quick a/b comparisons with other competent DACs*. Rather, the overall enjoyment in terms of timing, musicality, and in particular, bass detail and timing is where I find the greatest differences. I have found extended listening to albums I know well wil invariable provide several ah-ha moments I terms of those details. Then, with that in mind, go back to your other dac. You'll likely still here what you discovered, but perhaps not rendered the same way. If you still hear no difference, you've saved $600 :).

*now DAVE may be another story. At a dealer where Rob Watts was speaking, they demo'd DAVE against another top dac (forget which) with a piano piece and the a/b was obvious to pretty much all 40'people in the room, regardless of seating position. The timing and clarity was astonishing.
Feb 5, 2016 at 6:33 PM Post #10,780 of 42,836
I love my mojo, I've come to love my se846 (because of experience with other iems, to me se846 Is superior overall) (to me)
My DX80, I like the form factor and that's about it.

I feed beloved mojo with dx80, and when I want better sound I feed it with note 5, I want a dap weather it's a smartphone or a player of sports I want it to sound as good as my note 5 feeding it.

I've tried iPhone (didn't sound nearly as good) tried my laptop which did ok, tried moto g 2nd Gen(didn't sound as good)

What do you guys use for portable Dedicated source feeder for your mojo?

Dx90 and Fiio X5, both make music sound absolutely brilliant with Mojo and 846s.
Feb 5, 2016 at 6:54 PM Post #10,781 of 42,836
If I might suggest a different approach to testing. I find that the Mojo doesn't lend itself to quick a/b comparisons with other competent DACs*. Rather, the overall enjoyment in terms of timing, musicality, and in particular, bass detail and timing is where I find the greatest differences. I have found extended listening to albums I know well wil invariable provide several ah-ha moments I terms of those details. Then, with that in mind, go back to your other dac. You'll likely still here what you discovered, but perhaps not rendered the same way. If you still hear no difference, you've saved $600 :).

*now DAVE may be another story. At a dealer where Rob Watts was speaking, they demo'd DAVE against another top dac (forget which) with a piano piece and the a/b was obvious to pretty much all 40'people in the room, regardless of seating position. The timing and clarity was astonishing.

I'll definitely give that a try and report back.  Thanks for the suggestion.
Feb 5, 2016 at 7:13 PM Post #10,782 of 42,836
If I might suggest a different approach to testing. I find that the Mojo doesn't lend itself to quick a/b comparisons with other competent DACs*. Rather, the overall enjoyment in terms of timing, musicality, and in particular, bass detail and timing is where I find the greatest differences. I have found extended listening to albums I know well will invariably provide several ah-ha moments in terms of those details. Then, with that in mind, go back to your other dac. You'll likely still here what you discovered, but perhaps not rendered the same way. If you still hear no difference, you've saved $600 :).

I'll definitely give that a try and report back.  Thanks for the suggestion.

As one of several people who have followed every page of this thread, from its release-day beginning, I have to say this seems to be quite a popular perspective on Mojo - for some, it immediately impresses, but a substantial number of people find that no one area of its musical presentation immediately stands-out, during first listening, but rather that it gradually reveals itself to be particularly capable in several aspects. One notable example of this, is the detail in the presentation. Some DACs have slightly emphasised treble presentation which can initially sound impressively-detailed, but may eventually become a little fatiguing to the ears (my own experience of this happens to be with a DAP - iBasso's now-discontinued DX100, but many will have experienced something similar, with various other digital products, irrespective of whether the subjective treble emphasis may be intentional or perhaps, in some instances, an inadvertent artifact of poor digital design/implementation). But the Mojo doesn't seem to emphasise the treble, and yet provides loads of detail, which, although not necessarily immediately apparent, does become enjoyable, as time goes on. I noticed this within 7-8 days. For some it will be sooner, for others later. For me, I had a tendency to listen a bit too loud during the first few days (funnily enough, I found myself doing exactly the same thing with Hugo, which I had on-loan for a while, a year or so earlier. I think my urge to push the SPL of both Hugo & Mojo stems from the fact that I find both products to have an addictively-dynamic and rhythmic presentation - whether that's primarily due to the high-tap-count WTA filter, I can't say for sure, but it's certainly possible). After I'd become disciplined enough to curtail my listening volume to something more sensible (and safer!), the delicacy of Mojos treble gradually became more apparent to me.
Feb 5, 2016 at 7:30 PM Post #10,783 of 42,836
As one of several people who have followed every page of this thread, from its release-day beginning, I have to say this seems to be quite a popular perspective on Mojo - for some, it immediately impresses, but a substantial number of people find that no one area of its musical presentation immediately stands-out, during first listening, but rather that it gradually reveals itself to be particularly capable in several aspects. One notable example of this, is the detail in the presentation. Some DACs have slightly emphasised treble presentation which can initially sound impressively-detailed, but may eventually become a little fatiguing to the ears (my own experience of this happens to be with a DAP - iBasso's now-discontinued DX100, but many will have experienced something similar, with various other digital products, irrespective of whether the subjective treble emphasis may be intentional or perhaps, in some instances, an inadvertent artifact of poor digital design/implementation). But the Mojo doesn't seem to emphasise the treble, and yet provides loads of detail, which, although not necessarily immediately apparent, does become enjoyable, as time goes on. I noticed this within 7-8 days. For some it will be sooner, for others later. For me, I had a tendency to listen a bit too loud during the first few days (funnily enough, I found myself doing exactly the same thing with Hugo, which I had on-loan for a while, a year or so earlier. I think my urge to push the SPL of both Hugo & Mojo stems from the fact that I find both products to have an addictively-dynamic and rhythmic presentation - whether that's primarily due to the high-tap-count WTA filter, I can't say for sure, but it's certainly possible). After I'd become disciplined enough to curtail my listening volume to something more sensible (and safer!), the delicacy of Mojos treble gradually became more apparent to me.

Mython speaks some wise words here. For me it was apparent rather quickly, but I echo that over time I've appreciated the subtleties even more.
Feb 5, 2016 at 7:42 PM Post #10,784 of 42,836
Just got my mojo yesterday. I can honestly say this is the best money ive ever spent on Audio. This thing has such effortless intensity and really good imaging. I can hear every note of any instrument but its not intrusively expressing it.

This thing doesn't have soul, its got damn spirit.
Feb 5, 2016 at 8:55 PM Post #10,785 of 42,836
[COLOR=454545]Mojo initial impressions compared to Geek Out 450[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I have had my Mojo for a couple of days now. It is an exceptional product.  The pictures don’t do the build quality and feel justice.  I pretty much agree with all the praise that had been covered over and over in this thread and reviews.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I plugged the Mojo into one USB output of my MBP and the GO 450 into the other.  I’m using BitPerfect with iTunes,  Mostly 16/44.1 apples lossless files. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I was able to adjust the output of the two DACs to match so I could quickly plug from one to the other and I must in all honesty say I hear very little improvement over the GO 450, sometimes I think I do but at other times I don’t. The soundstage, separation of instruments or quality of sound all seem quite similar.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]Before somebody says he must be deaf, I’m 65 and I know I don’t hear anything above about 8Khz.  So keep that in mind.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I used my HE-400s primarily for comparison.  I really don’t care about portability when I travel I just get by with my classic iPod and Shure IEMs.  [/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]I’m just saying if I was on a tight budget and was just going to use it at my desk I could be quite satisfied with the GO.  I’ve not heard the current GOV2 so I don’t know how it compares but I’d like to think it is as good or better.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]If it were not for the fact that it seems there will be an SD reader coming down the road, I might consider taking the restocking fee and shipping cost hit from Moon Audio and return the Mojo. I think it is a great product and I’m probably going to keep it.  I guess the GO is pretty darn good too.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=454545]As alway YMMV, my opinion may change after a little longer time with the Mojo, I really am only throwing this out there for someone who wants one but is really struggling with the cost.[/COLOR]

Could iTunes be sampling the music before sending it to mojo? I highly suggest looking into Jriver or similar audiophile software, iTunes doesn't even play flac. Also give it some time, mojo reveals itself slowly.

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