Oct 14, 2016 at 4:43 PM Post #5,087 of 26,005
Thanks for the clarification Jude.

Whilst I respect the Head-Fi terms of use and generally abide by them, I do think that if a boutique audio manufacturer has been indirectly disparaged by a thread poster, then the slighted party should be allowed redress by posting at least one message to counteract the detrimental sentiments espoused. As this surely equates to parity of expression and an equilibrium of sorts.

Vincent can respond. And other posts he mentioned to us via PM are being reviewed, and may also be deleted.

In our rules/terms of use, we specifically do NOT allow members of the trade to go after one another (their companies, products, services, etc.). A sponsor can't criticize a non-sponsor or sponsor. A non-sponsor can't criticize a non-sponsor or sponsor. We do not want to see any of that kind of activity here, whether directly, or by proxy (through others).

What we saw first was what was first reported, and that was Vincent's post, and it was deleted, and Vincent notified. He has then pointed us to other posts that will also be reviewed and possibly deleted.
Oct 14, 2016 at 5:06 PM Post #5,088 of 26,005
Thanks for the clarification Jude.

Whilst I respect the Head-Fi terms of use and generally abide by them, I do think that if a boutique audio manufacturer has been indirectly disparaged by a thread poster, then the slighted party should be allowed redress by posting at least one message to counteract the detrimental sentiments espoused. As this surely equates to parity of expression and an equilibrium of sorts.

Once again, we're looking into all posts that were made that may have led up to this. This only came to our attention today, and we're dealing with it as best we can in between shooting two videos today.
Although Roy's post was fair-minded and honourable, doesn't it contain reports of one manufacturer's views about another's products, so that a response is inevitable?

The moral of the story might be be steer clear of such matters and inadvertently get drawn into a hi-fi divorce. A messy business.

Again, even now, I have no idea (in the context of this discussion) who all the member of the trade parties are, how they were/weren't related, etc. We're trying to sort through this now.
Oct 14, 2016 at 5:53 PM Post #5,089 of 26,005
Next is Nighthawk, easy listening all day long without fatigue and nearest to speaker listening in its tuning.

Quite a few people have said this. I have no idea what that means.

Some people say that Focal Utopia has some of that quality, too.

What does it mean when people say headphones have a tuning that's like speakers?
Oct 14, 2016 at 5:56 PM Post #5,091 of 26,005
Quite a few people have said this. I have no idea what that means.

Some people say that Focal Utopia has some of that quality, too.

What does it mean when people say headphones have a tuning that's like speakers?

I don't know, but if the FUs sound anything like the NightHawks with the DAVE, you can count me out (sorry Rob). Heh.
Oct 14, 2016 at 6:03 PM Post #5,092 of 26,005
Quite a few people have said this. I have no idea what that means.

Some people say that Focal Utopia has some of that quality, too.

What does it mean when people say headphones have a tuning that's like speakers?

I don't know, but if the FUs sound anything like the NightHawks with the DAVE, you can count me out (sorry Rob). Heh.

The Utopia's are nothing like the NightHawks. I had quite a bit of time with both last weekend at RMAF.
Oct 14, 2016 at 7:18 PM Post #5,093 of 26,005
You comment above ".....Obviously he sold it as second hand so he lost money.................So he decided that Totaldac was a burglar..........This is why is attacks Totaldac so often, but it was his mistake."

You appear to have 'assumed' Romaz' motive yet you stated it as if it were fact. You cannot know what he was thinking or his motives and it does you both a disservice to cast doubts on a persons motives in this way. If Romaz sold your DAC shortly after purchase then it would seem to me the more important point is he was not satisfied with the product as opposed to being unsatisfied with your subsequent service (that you allude to.)

Romaz is well respected on these boards for his evenhanded, well considered and informative comments. That reputation has been established over a decent period of time and has required a considerable commitment on his behalf for which many readers of the threads have stated their appreciation. Fwiw I think he presented his post in a manner which came across as genuine. It did not sound to me like he was being unreasonable or vindictive.

I am sure it must be frustrating to work so hard and believe in your product only to read about someone saying they preferred a competitor product but I do not think this warrants what seems to me to be a slight on his character.
Oct 14, 2016 at 7:23 PM Post #5,094 of 26,005
This is Vincent, owner Totaldac.

I have removed a sentence as a moderated demanded, about Chord. Here is the moderated message.

I was not supposed to talk here but being attacked I have to give my version.
Romaz bought a Totaldac DAC, he had 14days to test it, he liked it, he decided to keep it. Then a few weeks ago he decided to sell it without telling a single word about it to me.

No message about that. Obviously he sold it as second hand so he lost money.

His way to communicate is not understandable, he could have talked about it with me and we could have changed the type of DAC of I could have taken the DAC back and refund the money.

I allow refund for 14 days, it doesn't mean that I will never accept a few weeks later. I am not like he imagined.

So he decided that Totaldac was a burglar before he started any communication with Totaldac about his problem.

This is why is attacks Totaldac so often, but it was his mistake.

Now about Voxativ. I still believe that they talked badly about Totaldac as private discussion, and again romaz repeat everything negative about Totaldac on forum, not fair at all, and again a deliberate attack against totaldac.

In fact Voxativ is upset because we tried another amplifier an evening during the Munich show. This amplifier was vastly better than the Voxativ monoblocs according to all the audience except Voxativ people.

I even decided to use this other amplifer as reference and still keep Voxativ speakers and promote them. I will also use this new amp for next hifi show in Paris and this made Holger crazy and he ejected Totaldac from their distributor list (just like the previous french distributor, like Josound etc...).

So Holger didn't want a better DAC, first he wanted a non-Totaldac DAC. I understand, I also wanted a non-Voxativ speaker, which I have now, but on my side without saying bad things about Voxativ products on forums.

Picky, no bass.. Well, listen to Voxativ preamp and amp with their standard tubes and judge yourself. Don't expect reading it in review, this preamp and monoblocs have never been reviewed, whereas Totaldac DACs have been reviewed tens of times all over the world.

Holger should ask Romaz to remove this private (hope so but the photo doesn't confirm) comments.

Note that Voxativ doesn't have a special DAC from totaldac. It is just a standard d1-six-tube. They never had a special DAC version, what is reported is false. They also never tried the d1-twelve-SE.

What is reported about the bass boost is also false.

What evidence do you have that Romaz goes after your company because he sold your DAC in a short time? Why do you feel that he has the obligation to tell you that he sold your DAC in second hand market? Is this term included in your sales purchase agreement? Don't you not like your customers selling your DAC in second hand market? I think second hand market will increase exposure of anyone products. There are thousands of posts in Audiogon everyday. Selling and buying second hand gears are normal audiophiles activities. And I can assure you that almost 99.99% posts that sellers sold at a price less than they bought. So all sellers bear grudges against the manufacturers? Your logic seems very flawed.

I have been following Romaz's posts with keen interest. Never that I get the impression that he goes after your company.
Oct 14, 2016 at 8:10 PM Post #5,095 of 26,005
Dac's are a very personal audio item. The major technologies (Sabre, R2R, FPGA etc) all have high end players that offer a path toward recreating the master tape from the 16/44 digitized version. The last year has seen major leaps in success toward this elusive goal. 
Having spent time with many of the top DAC's I am pleased at how close to the source we are getting regardless of the particular approach being taken. Still, I am also seeing many friends come to different individual conclusions as to what constitutes a more analog sound.
My time with the DAVE and my conversations with John Franks has enabled me to appreciate their approach. They are one of a few that I have experienced who have basically achieved "Analog" in their sound.
I have not had a chance to hear the TotalDac though my friend Michael Lavorgna is a huge fan.  I personally am using the PS Audio DirectStream DSD DAC. For me (YMMV) a terrific analog sound and about half the price of the DAVE. That worked for me.
Ultimately, what occurred to me while reviewing the PS Audio DSJ recently is once you have placed a couple of DAC's in the near or at analog level the differences in sonics are akin to changing phono cartridges. There are clearly sonic signatures. It is a case of what nuance are you pulled toward more than which is "Better". 
Just my 2 cents....

Oct 14, 2016 at 11:27 PM Post #5,096 of 26,005
I see that Vincent's response this morning was quickly removed by a moderator. Seems to me that he should be allowed an opportunity to state his position if others are telling tales that involve him. Or is that a privilege only bestowed upon HF sponsors?

No it's not a privilege for HF sponsors - I have had posts deleted. And at the time it drove me nuts, as they were factual responses that could be verified by measurements. But because I was specifically talking about another manufacturer, they got deleted.
Now what's the harm in that? I always post on Chord or my thread, I only ever use Rob Watts, sponsor Chord, everybody knows who I am, what is wrong with verifiable factual replies?
The problem is life is short, and this hobby is supposed to be about being able to enjoy music more. And when you read a posting fight between people of different views - particularly when money or business is involved - it gets nasty, and as a reader I don't want to see that. There is a fine line between genuine posters having a healthy disagreement (good it exposes bias and taste) and things degenerating into something unpleasant, which I do not want to see.
So on balance I would prefer a heavy handed moderator than to see things descend into vulgarity. And that's coming from me who strongly believes in honest free speech. But it is nonetheless galling that I can't say some things, but somebody else can.
Oct 15, 2016 at 2:05 AM Post #5,097 of 26,005
  This is Vincent, owner Totaldac.
I have removed a sentence as a moderated demanded, about Chord. Here is the moderated message.

Hi Vincent,
I'm sorry that you believe that there has been some conspiracy here or that somehow, this is personal.  The fact of the matter is that another person came onto the DAVE thread to tell the thread how much more he preferred his TotalDac to the DAVE.  There's nothing wrong with this but then he should be prepared to have his statements scrutinized and I believe that is all that has happened.  Paul is a respected audiophile and I consider him a friend.  He is also a wonderful TotalDac advocate and I know there are many.  Even though I moved on from your DAC, in my own way, I am still a TotalDac advocate.  Those that know me know that I enjoy a healthy and gentlemanly debate but at no time is it ever personal for me.  
Now, as you have made some false assumptions about me, I feel compelled to reply:
  Romaz bought a Totaldac DAC, he had 14days to test it, he liked it, he decided to keep it. Then a few weeks ago he decided to sell it without telling a single word about it to me.
No message about that. Obviously he sold it as second hand so he lost money.
His way to communicate is not understandable, he could have talked about it with me and we could have changed the type of DAC of I could have taken the DAC back and refund the money.
I allow refund for 14 days, it doesn't mean that I will never accept a few weeks later. I am not like he imagined.

It's obvious you don't remember me and so let me remind you.  I owned your d1-monobloc for nearly 6 months last year (and I loved them).  After 6 months of owning them, I would never consider coming to you asking for a refund nor do I believe I owed it to you to tell you I was switching to another DAC.  Last year, we exchanged more than 70 e-mails.  All were friendly and I believe, this is our last e-mail.  Aside from deleting our e-mail addresses, these have not been edited:
From: Vincent Brient 
To: RLF 
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2015 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: d1-dual vs d1-tube-mk2
Thank you. We live far from Paris, but indeed this is crazy.
Ok I will ship it.
De : RLF 
À : Vincent Brient 
Envoyé le : Samedi 14 novembre 2015 10h14
Objet : Re: d1-dual vs d1-tube-mk2
Yes, please, Vincent.  Thank you!
I'm sorry to hear what's happening in France.  This is a crazy world we now live in.  Hopefully you and your family are safe.
Best regards,
You can decide for yourself if we have ever had personal differences.  I have only ever respected you and your work.  The fact that I now prefer another DAC doesn't diminish that.
  So he decided that Totaldac was a burglar before he started any communication with Totaldac about his problem.
This is why is attacks Totaldac so often, but it was his mistake.

Here are a few of my TotalDac-related posts here on the Chord DAVE thread just in the past 2 months.  You can decide for yourself if your comment about me is fair:
"I enjoyed my time immensely with this DAC when I owned it"
"To this day, I consider the TotalDac to be an excellent DAC and I would never try to convince another person that it was otherwise."
"While the differences were never night and day, the cumulative differences were meaningful and worthwhile enough to me that I went ahead and bought the d1- monobloc.  I had found my end-game DAC and since no other high-end DAC including the more expensive d1-twelve or any of the MSB DACs could drive headphones directly, I considered the d1-monobloc the finest headphone DAC in the world, bar none.  By this time, I had heard both the Hugo and TT and I still preferred my TotalDac."
I can go on but I think it's clear I have not been attacking you.  Just so you know, here are excerpts from a PM just 3 months ago between myself and another Head-Fier who wanted my opinion between the DAVE and the TotalDac.  For obvious reasons, I have not included the Head-Fier's identity but if he wishes to reveal himself, I am ok with that:
Jul 21, 2016 at 3:38 pm

Did you have the Totaldac?  i am looking to buy either a d1 dual plus reclocker or the Dave.  Can you tell me the differences in sound?


Jul 21, 2016 at 3:50 pm

You can't go wrong with a TotalDac.  It is a wonderful speaker DAC but can also drive headphones directly.  It excels in presenting a very dynamic yet relaxed and effortless sound.  Tone and timbre is also excellent.  It is my favorite R2R DAC.
As good as the TotalDac is, I sold my TotalDac d1-monobloc because I found the DAVE to be better in every way.  It is the most transparent DAC I have ever heard.  

While I have expressed my honest preference here, you can see I did not disparage you and I have other PMs like this that basically say the same thing.
  Now about Voxativ. I still believe that they talked badly about Totaldac as private discussion, and again romaz repeat everything negative about Totaldac on forum, not fair at all, and again a deliberate attack against totaldac.

You can choose to believe me or not but there was no conspiracy here.  I just met Holger for the very first time 7 days ago and I have not spoken with him since Sunday.  At no time did Holger say anything negative about you.  Obviously, based on my above responses, I hope you don't now think I would either.  Regarding the Voxativ post, in hindsight, I regret posting it as I see it has upset you and I would never intentionally do something like that based on the good relationship we had.  I thought it was an interesting and maybe even a fortuitous coincidence that these events happened shortly after Paul posted his comments about his TotalDac and the DAVE on a Chord thread.  When I posted it, I looked at it purely as a counterpoint to the opinion offered by another person.  TotalDac has such an established reputation that I don't think the opinion of one person can really hurt you.  At least, that's how I saw it when I posted it and so there was no malicious intent.
  Holger should ask Romaz to remove this private (hope so but the photo doesn't confirm) comments.

If Holger asks me to remove my post, I will do it.  If you ask me nicely, I will do it.
Vincent, even after all of this, I don't look at you or TotalDac in any negative light.  You make wonderful DACs and you have a well-deserved reputation.
Best wishes,
Oct 15, 2016 at 2:22 AM Post #5,098 of 26,005
Edit: Never mind.
Oct 15, 2016 at 2:41 AM Post #5,099 of 26,005
  Finally, my Dave is here. It makes me fall in love with every of my headphones all over again. Some photo to share. I really dig the black Dave. Looks great with the Utopia and HD800S in photo.




Looks very good. I wonder if I didn't make the wrong choice going for the silver edition. 
Oct 15, 2016 at 3:02 AM Post #5,100 of 26,005
the matter is much more sensitive when there is talk of two expensive gear specially when one is many a times more expensive than the other. there are so many stakes. that's why you rarely get direct group comparison or Hi Fi shoot outs of extremely expensive gear in hi Fi magazines. only few passionate audiophile dare to talk on forums . many who can't afford these gear at least get some glimpse of such products. imho there is nothing wrong if someone Privately express his opinion in a balanced manner, because such forums are for that purpose only. no poster claim his opinion as universal verdict . here also the opinion of romaz to me feels totally personal. for many the other dac may be better as also pointed out by one poster.

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