Oct 15, 2016 at 4:13 AM Post #5,101 of 26,005
Romaz, you sold it after 2 month, this is what you claim in your advirt on Audiogon, not 6month as you are saying now.
"This is a mint condition TotalDac d1-monobloc DAC and d1-Server, a 3-box system.  Rarely is this DAC + Server offered on the used market.  It was purchased new just 2 months ago and has the DSD option.  It is the finest digital front end I have every experienced and my unfortunate circumstances are your gain.  "
Oct 15, 2016 at 6:28 AM Post #5,104 of 26,005
Sometimes on Head-Fi things can get a bit like this - which may require one of the Mods to give a group hug to calm things down. 

Oct 15, 2016 at 11:58 AM Post #5,105 of 26,005
To heck with it... I can't avoid this thread it seems   :)   I have a second opinion from a friend that knows my system very well also, so I have to share this for the people that don't mind the competition.
I thought this was a High End Audio Head Fi Thread? I didn't realize it was a Chord only thread. There are only a couple of you guys who don't like what I did, and that is fine with me. As for the rest, who wouldn't want to know how the DAVE compared to the Twelve? The DAVE was compared to the Monobloc, so I compared the DAVE to the Twelve, and posted it right here on the DAVE thread.
I posted the review because I wanted to, nobody told me to. I made it honest, and with regards to my system, my findings, IMO. I didn't treat one DAC differently than another, just swapped out the DAC's only, and listened. Who wouldn't want to replace a 30K DAC with one less than half the price? Boy I sure would, but unfortunately, I cannot. One DAC is very clearly more transparent than the other in my system.  One DAC also has an overall lower perceived noise floor in my system. Resistors piled to the ceiling or not.
I made very clear the value the DAVE presents. The fact that one can use any source, and not have any reclockers, USB tweaks, etc. and get world class sound, well that is really something!!
However, the Twelve, with the best possible source components in front of it, is better. It just is, so maybe the USB input of the DAVE is the one part of the DAC that is not actually transparent?? I do know the digital sources sound extremely similar using the USB input of the DAVE, and in effect masking transparency? I don't know, but it could be....
My friend came by Thursday, because I wanted a second set of ears and a second opinion. Both the Twelve and the DAVE were set up to quickly A/B the two of them running through my preamp. Only a USB Cable swap was required from the Server to either DAC, and a selector switch on the preamp, so maybe 10 seconds between comparisons.
Using the preamp, we listened to the Twelve for a couple tracks that he always likes to listen to here. "Made In The Shade" Lynyrd Skynyrd, and "Tobacco Road" Eric Burdon and WAR. Made in the Shade has a tuba in it that is very hard to recreate without sounding mechanical. Tobacco Road is so focused and clear, displaying holographic images supremely well. These are both PCM, with Skynyrd being 176/24, and Burdon and WAR being 16/44 CD rip.
After listening to the Twelve with these tracks, I asked what he thought. He said "sounds like it always does, amazing".
We then proceeded to A/B. I played Made in the Shade through the DAVE, then again through the Twelve, then again through the DAVE. Then he looked at me and said, "The Totaldac is more magic". I asked what he meant by that and he said "it sounds freakishly real, and the Tuba don't sound right with the DAVE". I asked what was wrong with it? He said "I can't tell where it is, and if I didn't know what it was, I don't think I could tell you it was a tuba".
Then we tried Tobacco Road with the Twelve, then the DAVE, then back to the Twelve. I asked what he thought. He said "Totaldac, I can see Eric, like even touch the guy he sounds so real. With the DAVE, he is gone. Not gone, but not here". His words, I took notes.
After this, I hooked the DAVE directly to the amps. I played the same tracks, and he asked "what did you do there?" Hooked the DAC to the amps directly. He said "well, it sounds pretty good actually, but I like it better the other way". I then put the preamp back in the loop. We listened to allot of music, and some vinyl. Had a great time talking about his system of which I am helping him build currently. Before he left, I asked him what he thought of the DAVE, and he said "oh it is very good, and better than I thought knowing your other DAC". I also asked him what he thought about the Vinyl in comparison to the DAC's. He said "The Totaldac sounds allot like your turntable, I'll say that". He is a therapist, so he then proceeded to tell me my problems and how stupid my system was, all while he was falling into his Porsche 911 with all the trimmings....   :wink:
The Twelve is different, and in fact, revelatory with regards to transparency in a DAC . It is far better than any other Totaldac, and better than anything else I have tried. It is the only DAC that gets close to my vinyl. I can't say this about any other DAC, and yes, I mean on a resolute and transparent basis.
Oct 15, 2016 at 12:09 PM Post #5,107 of 26,005
  The Chord Dave Dac is the best Dac in the world!
In my opinion, now see how this works, it's a forum with different opinions, yours are not anymore valid then mine.
Have a nice day

Which is exactly the point I am trying to make  :)   However, since there is no way any DAC could be better than the DAVE, it must be my euphonic system that makes it sound worse, and the Totaldac sound better.
Oct 15, 2016 at 12:17 PM Post #5,110 of 26,005
That's true. But who? That is the question.... I post a difference, and everyone tells me my system is broken because the DAVE didn't win. So ya, I suppose that would cause a defense, but my butt feels fine.

Well then, maybe it's time to move on rather then causing more dust up, it's your choice of course. Also you knew you were going to get differing opinions coming here, you do know where you are right? I mean what dac is being discussed here, right? In other words don't be surprised by the responses your getting.
Oct 15, 2016 at 12:19 PM Post #5,111 of 26,005
Yep, differing opinions but nobody with a Twelve. I have both a DAVE and a Twelve, am I not qualified to post differences? It is not about getting someone to agree with me. What I have a problem with has nothing to do with that.
Oct 15, 2016 at 12:25 PM Post #5,114 of 26,005
So we have now determined that people hear things differently......
The primary question is when all of the friends go home are you loving your systems? If so, then all is good.

Oct 15, 2016 at 12:31 PM Post #5,115 of 26,005
  Romaz, you sold it after 2 month, this is what you claim in your advirt on Audiogon, not 6month as you are saying now.
"This is a mint condition TotalDac d1-monobloc DAC and d1-Server, a 3-box system.  Rarely is this DAC + Server offered on the used market.  It was purchased new just 2 months ago and has the DSD option.  It is the finest digital front end I have every experienced and my unfortunate circumstances are your gain.  "

You are correct.  When I looked at our string of communications, it began on July 3.  I sold my TotalDac on December 13.  That is where my "nearly 6 months" estimate came from.  After reviewing our e-mail thread, I see now that I did not take delivery of your DAC until October.  Even then, you were generous enough to give me a whole month (and not just 14 days) to evaluate your DAC and so after the length of time that I had it, it never crossed my mind that I would try and ask for a refund.  I am not trying to intentionally be deceptive here.  That is not who I am.  Once again, my fine opinion of TotalDac has not changed.

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