Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆
Sep 19, 2018 at 11:03 AM Post #10,891 of 19,519
There has been no indication of a Poly 2. Recently Chord have been working flat out on preparing the production/launch of MScaler, TT2, Etude, plus finalising the Poly Android app, so I doubt that they have had any time to consider a Poly 2.
Don't be too scared by @Syracuse problems with updates. Part of the issue is that his Poly was running version 1.05 software, and he misunderstood the procedure to update to the current version 1.26 of the firmware. This has confused some posters, but there is a wiki, plus a large community of owners here, such as @Gr8h8m who are happy to help explain things for newbies. There is also Chord Support always willing to help.
Regarding the tight card slot, it is frustrating for him, but I can find only one other instance of a Poly with the same issue on this thread - so it isn't an issue affecting every Poly.

I don't think I misunderstood the update procedure, Chord just makes it hard to update from an older firmware version without the gofigure app since then you can't manually trigger it. (or so I've read in the manual) :)

I hope the next one is in a newer firmware version.
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Sep 19, 2018 at 12:11 PM Post #10,892 of 19,519
I don't think I misunderstood the update procedure, Chord just makes it hard to update from an older firmware version without the gofigure app since then you can't manually trigger it. (or so I've read in the manual) :)

I hope the next one is in a newer firmware version.
I read both the manual and this forum and followed the instructions carefully. It still took 24 hours and then “bricked” with the blue light stuck on until discharge.
Sep 19, 2018 at 1:58 PM Post #10,893 of 19,519
I'm not trying to discourage potential buyers from getting their Poly since I still want one. I was just in bad luck, luckely I've received good service and I will get a refund soon. Chord has evolved their software and they will continue to do so I've read somewhere on this forum.

edit typo
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Sep 20, 2018 at 5:47 AM Post #10,894 of 19,519
Jed, I tried to get a update earlier though the guy I need to talk to is off for a couple of days (I know Matt needs to ask him stuff), give me a day or so then I can update you on the 'update'... I really 'do not' want to harass Matt as he's well busy getting products out to Customers (yes I know you're a valued Customer as well).

Update news: that's a bit of a misnomer in truth as there is no news of a update this week, my apologies.
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Sep 20, 2018 at 5:39 PM Post #10,895 of 19,519
@OK-Guy -- I have an issue following some further Poly troubleshooting that I wanted to share here. I emailed back and forth with Mitch about this many times but yet to get any firm response on this issue.

As an owner of an older Mojo model (different black finish, no QR code on the side), I needed to swap out my original Poly because it would not power on consistently. Apparently, Chord made subtle design changes to the Poly that were intended to make it more compatible with the older Mojos, and offered to swap out any Polys to users experiencing this problem.

I've now gone through two (2) more Polys, which both suffered from the "blue light" or "bricking" problem that other people have experienced. From my experience, this has nothing to do with a failed firmware update, I have had the firmware fully updated from the day I received the replacement Poly units.

Recently, I dropped my Mojo, which broke one of the headphone jacks. The other one still worked, but I wanted to replace it anyway. I bought a brand new Mojo, one with the same finish at the Poly, and QR code on the side.

I was hoping that the new Mojo would help the Poly with the blue light/brick issue... I was optimistic. Nope. I am currently on a plane with a Poly stuck in blue-light mode, it will pair with my iPhone, but it won't register as an Airplay device, and it won't turn off.

Is there ANY explanation for this issue yet? Am I the only one having chronic issues with this? Any insight from other users or Chord is appreciated. Mitch has gone silent.
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Sep 20, 2018 at 5:50 PM Post #10,896 of 19,519
Some other info:

GoFigure app will connect to Poly when it’s in brick mode. Why can’t there be some reset option to unfreeze it?!

Sep 20, 2018 at 6:51 PM Post #10,898 of 19,519
Keep that small hex key wrench handy. You never know when the Solid Blue Light of Terror might strike again!
Waiting impatiently for the next GoFigure/Firmware Update myself here!!!
Sep 20, 2018 at 11:41 PM Post #10,901 of 19,519
@OK-Guy -- I have an issue following some further Poly troubleshooting that I wanted to share here. I emailed back and forth with Mitch about this many times but yet to get any firm response on this issue.

As an owner of an older Mojo model (different black finish, no QR code on the side), I needed to swap out my original Poly because it would not power on consistently. Apparently, Chord made subtle design changes to the Poly that were intended to make it more compatible with the older Mojos, and offered to swap out any Polys to users experiencing this problem.

I've now gone through two (2) more Polys, which both suffered from the "blue light" or "bricking" problem that other people have experienced. From my experience, this has nothing to do with a failed firmware update, I have had the firmware fully updated from the day I received the replacement Poly units.

Recently, I dropped my Mojo, which broke one of the headphone jacks. The other one still worked, but I wanted to replace it anyway. I bought a brand new Mojo, one with the same finish at the Poly, and QR code on the side.

I was hoping that the new Mojo would help the Poly with the blue light/brick issue... I was optimistic. Nope. I am currently on a plane with a Poly stuck in blue-light mode, it will pair with my iPhone, but it won't register as an Airplay device, and it won't turn off.

Is there ANY explanation for this issue yet? Am I the only one having chronic issues with this? Any insight from other users or Chord is appreciated. Mitch has gone silent.

if it's connected with your phone and can be seen in gofigure, try switching to hotspot mode and back. this solves the problem in my poly-mojo whenever i cannot turn it off or it cannot be seen as an airplay device.
Sep 20, 2018 at 11:46 PM Post #10,902 of 19,519
if it's connected with your phone and can be seen in gofigure, try switching to hotspot mode and back. this solves the problem in my poly-mojo whenever i cannot turn it off or it cannot be seen as an airplay device.

yeah, i can confirm this works to unfreeze the Poly. thank you!

why do only a few people have this issue though?!
Sep 21, 2018 at 12:01 AM Post #10,903 of 19,519
yeah, i can confirm this works to unfreeze the Poly. thank you!

why do only a few people have this issue though?!
Problems with Poly not working as an airplay device happen all the time for me and I just restart everything until it works again, or get frustrated and use only what I have on my SD card. Being stuck on has only happened once after a firmware update.
Sep 21, 2018 at 12:31 AM Post #10,904 of 19,519
I keep popping into this thread hoping to hear about sound impressions and all I generally get is issues. For a device costing this much I would have assumed a lot of the kinks would've been worked out by now. I won't be buying it until I get a chance to try it for myself though. Until then I'll just try to get a raspberry pi and build a streamer for my MoJo.
Sep 21, 2018 at 5:36 AM Post #10,905 of 19,519
As an owner of an older Mojo model (different black finish, no QR code on the side), I needed to swap out my original Poly because it would not power on consistently. Apparently, Chord made subtle design changes to the Poly that were intended to make it more compatible with the older Mojos, and offered to swap out any Polys to users experiencing this problem.

Ooh good please don't scare me like this, the mojo I bought doesn't have a QR code on the side, I'm currently waiting to get my poly..but I'm guessing there would have been an up roar from customers if mojos without the QR code all had issues?

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