Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆
Aug 19, 2019 at 2:59 AM Post #14,116 of 19,435
You're paying for the convenience of Roon categorizing your personal music and integrating it with Tidal/Roon. Even if you don't use Tidal or Roon, it does a fantastic job categorizing and genre matching your music. Think of Pandora style radio with your own music. It automatically tags and assigns album art too. For many albums, it will give you a synopsis of the album and a review of said album. It will also tell you about the artist and some background info. So part of your fee goes to their intellectual property.

The problem I've always had with my music collection is I have so many albums It's hard to remember what I have. I end up listening to the same albums over and over. The Roon radio feature explores my entire library. Can you do all of the with another program cheaper? Probably. But I don't have the time or patience. I want to spend my time listening and enjoying the music.

I'm not going to get into if Roon "sounds better" than another program. I've used iTunes, Fidelio, and Audirvana. I can't say I've heard any difference playing the ALAC files ripped from my CDs. YMMV

The RAAT protocol streams bit perfect to the poly/mojo without dropouts or glitches.

I'm sure that there are more features to Roon I haven't touched or mentioned, but this is how I use it.

Hello Daniel,

thank you for your long answer. Yesterday I sat down and listened to Roon and Qobuz the whole evening. I can confirm everything you said. I don't want to spend the time to manage everything. Roon does that superb. A lot of music I haven't listened for a long time was played by Roon radio. So I think for me (a man in the end 30s with family) it is worth every penny!

Have a nice week
Aug 19, 2019 at 3:06 AM Post #14,118 of 19,435
I know it's not the main focus at the time, but...

Will the poly ever work with Spotify?

I bought the monopoly combo about a year ago, based entirely on the fact that it was advertised as working with Spotify.

Have used it for maybe a total of two hours...
It kind of feels like I wasted a lot of money based on false advertising.

Yes it will but what we assumed would be a simple process has turned into months of work with Spotify to get code and licensing. We still have more work to do but it's
much close now.
Aug 19, 2019 at 6:43 AM Post #14,122 of 19,435
Hey Matt why don’t you get rob watts off his ass and update the fpga on mojo . Ps audio has updated the direct stream 5 times such that it’s like getting a new device.., none of the chord fpga s has ever been updated.

ps audio dac genius ex Microsoft and knows how to play the update game. Rob is a shoot once guy? Cmon.
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Aug 19, 2019 at 9:21 AM Post #14,123 of 19,435
Hey Matt why don’t you get rob watts off his ass and update the fpga on mojo . Ps audio has updated the direct stream 5 times such that it’s like getting a new device.., none of the chord fpga s has ever been updated.

ps audio dac genius ex Microsoft and knows how to play the update game. Rob is a shoot once guy? Cmon.
Gets it right first time. Also they are not field updateable I believe.
Aug 19, 2019 at 7:49 PM Post #14,125 of 19,435
Is it normal that the Chord Mojo drains battery first despite the Chord Poly still have a green P. status?

I think my Chord Poly + Mojo has only 5 hours of battery life in total while using IEM’s.
Aug 19, 2019 at 8:56 PM Post #14,126 of 19,435
Is it normal that the Chord Mojo drains battery first despite the Chord Poly still have a green P. status?

I think my Chord Poly + Mojo has only 5 hours of battery life in total while using IEM’s.

Is your Mojo much older than your Poly? I replaced my Mojo battery when Poly was about a year old, and Mojo does die sooner, but Poly is usually on yellow and total battery life is in ver 6 hours, depending on material and use case (Roon, hot spot, so card, etc).
Aug 20, 2019 at 12:56 AM Post #14,127 of 19,435
Yes, my Mojo is quite old. I bought it close to the release date.

How much does it cost to replace the battery?
Aug 20, 2019 at 6:05 AM Post #14,128 of 19,435
Yes, my Mojo is quite old. I bought it close to the release date.

How much does it cost to replace the battery?


I should add, that's just for the battery and if you were to replace it yourself.

It might cost more if you sent it to your dealer or chord for them to do it for you.
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Aug 20, 2019 at 7:16 AM Post #14,129 of 19,435
Hey Matt why don’t you get rob watts off his ass and update the fpga on mojo . Ps audio has updated the direct stream 5 times such that it’s like getting a new device.., none of the chord fpga s has ever been updated.

ps audio dac genius ex Microsoft and knows how to play the update game. Rob is a shoot once guy? Cmon.

Let me guess, you're a people person ?

You've went from bursting folks imaginary bubbles in the mscaler & tt2 threads, because you think what they have just bought is total crap, to now telling Rob to get off his ass and to give mojo a firmware update. Huh, why ? what's wrong with Mojo that it needs an update ?

So, what exactly is wrong with mojo in your opinion that it need's an update ?

A little more tact dude.

If I was starring in a new batman movie, i'd be twoface :)
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Aug 20, 2019 at 7:51 AM Post #14,130 of 19,435
Let me guess, you're a people person ?

You've went from bursting folks imaginary bubbles in the mscaler & tt2 threads, because you think what they have just bought is total crap, to now telling Rob to get off his ass and to give mojo a firmware update. Huh, why ? what's wrong with Mojo that it needs an update ?

So, what exactly is wrong with mojo in your opinion that it need's an update ?

A little more tact dude.
Look at the SQ difference between directstream dac updates. With an fpga i am
Sure mojo could get quite a nice bump as well as hugo 2. Rob is not a true software guy so this is not his forte.

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