Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread
Mar 28, 2019 at 5:54 AM Post #22,816 of 33,692


I swear this is the last chi-fi I'll ever buy, god knows how much I've spent in total on chi-fi.... :dizzy_face:
why are you waisting your money on that boomy mess?
Mar 28, 2019 at 5:58 AM Post #22,818 of 33,692
Mar 28, 2019 at 6:21 AM Post #22,820 of 33,692
Mar 28, 2019 at 6:44 AM Post #22,821 of 33,692
I swear this is the last chi-fi I'll ever buy, god knows how much I've spent in total on chi-fi.... :dizzy_face:

ye Yye... bla bla... here we go again...

Why did You even buy them? Reviewing? You haven`t found Your personal subjective "holy grail" IEM?

Btw guys, I`m amazed how close iBasso IT01 is without nozzle grills and with wide-bore tips to S version when I compare my FR measurement to crinacle and others graphs!
It is basically S version but with original IT01 "diving" bass.
Worth 100$ price jump (based only on graphs)? Heck no imho!
KPE is straight upgrade from modded IT01 and more value for money and better signature (not so "jumpy" highs as IT01/S), imho. YMMV.
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Mar 28, 2019 at 6:50 AM Post #22,822 of 33,692
Mar 28, 2019 at 6:59 AM Post #22,823 of 33,692

Guys I'm facing a real dilemma right now, I REALLY want to buy the M6/DMG given how low the price is now, but at the same time my poor wallet tho...... but if I don't buy it then I'd probably have to wait another 6 months for another huge sale.

Decisions, decisions.... :disappointed_relieved::sob:

Didn’t I read somewhere that the M6 is not exactly the same as DMG, but rather their version? In other words, similar but not identical.

I could be wrong.
Mar 28, 2019 at 7:13 AM Post #22,825 of 33,692
As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Anyways if the bass is too much, these 3rd party filters should do the trick as described by Otto.

Does anyone know if those filters fit on anything else, like the KZ ED9 or Magaosi K3?
Mar 28, 2019 at 8:23 AM Post #22,826 of 33,692
Does anyone know if those filters fit on anything else, like the KZ ED9 or Magaosi K3?
They don't fit ED9. I don't know if they fit Magosi, but they fit my Semkarch CNT1. The 3rd party mid/high frequency filter actually has a hole drilled in the nozzle and that rolls the bass off hard and fast at 100hz.
Mar 28, 2019 at 9:29 AM Post #22,827 of 33,692
thank you mr Smooth, i decided to stay away from the Ali sale this time, is hard you know, but hey, i have Kanas Pro :floatsmile:

Agreed, it’s a more capable IEM. I would choose Kanas Pro > Idun Deluxe. Nice to own both though.
Mar 28, 2019 at 10:37 AM Post #22,828 of 33,692
Here are my short impressions about the LZ A6 Mini :boy:

The LZ A6 Mini tries to convince its users with a variety of music types with the help of 3 different sound tuning filters. The A6 Mini is build like a “Tank” and surpasses the expectations, in terms of soundstage, detail, separation and treble performance for the price.

Pros & Cons:
  • + Detail, Clarity and Separation
  • + Wide Soundstage
  • + Treble Performance
  • + Price to Performance Ratio
  • + Build Quality
  • - Blue Filter is Prone to Sibilance
  • - Not the Best Stock Cable
  • - Average Isolation
Full Review :globe_with_meridians:

..and some Shots :camera_with_flash:
20190302_151102.jpg 20190302_154120.jpg
Mar 28, 2019 at 12:26 PM Post #22,829 of 33,692
Does anyone here have the dodocool a106 dap or the ziku x10 can anyone know if they have 10 band equalizer?
OK, just checked!

It has a built-in 5 band customizing equalizer: :point_right: 60, 300, 1k, 3k, 6k

Plus, a built in preset equalizer: :point_right: Normal, Bass, Heavy, Pop, Jazz, Unique

Hope this helps...

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Mar 28, 2019 at 12:40 PM Post #22,830 of 33,692
Holy macro do these single DDs sound good...they surely are a contender for the new DD standard up to $200 (at half the price). I am not quite known for shilling earphones but I can only recommend running to get a pair of these (currently sold out in Canada). Warm, open (yes, no veil), superb clarity and depth, good bass extension (maybe a bit too much of a mid bass punch for some...certainly visceral at the low end), intimate...very organic and cohesive sounding. More balanced than my iBasso IT01. The ie40 Pro sound like a headphone, full and rich. Very easy to drive. Connectors appear to be proprietary. Best I have heard in a long time! Very unexpected!

Designed in Germany, manufactured in China...therefore eligible fort his thread. You clearly hear the experience of this company. And all that while I was struggling for kind words on a 4+2 unbalanced multi that is way pricier than the ie40 Pro.

The single DD is very much alive!


I can live well with this curve -- not the old Sennheiser V-shape. Very good channel matching. I have updated the green blog's database.

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