Campfire - Solaris
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:02 PM Post #4,141 of 12,042
Actually he can by actually answering the question being asked and providing information that he's done with a good number of his flagship IEMs previously. I'm willing to throw tantrums if it reminds everyone that Campfire Audio is literally dodging the issue of product variance since its only beneficial to all of us and the hobby if manufacturers can't just get away with half-assed quality control because people "subjectively liked the product enough".

If it was an exaggeration, fabrication or anomaly, Ken Ball is welcome to solve the entire situation providing the target curve and answering the issue of product variance (and not deflecting with claims that he channel matches) like he's done with with the Andromeda and Vega. But he's not doing this, why should I trust someone purposely dodging the issue by not providing information previously provided on previous flagships and intentionally dodging the issue? No reason for me to throw up my arms and go "welp who cares, people subjectively like the product enough".

Like I want to buy the Solaris. But why should I buy the Solaris if I'm not certain about what I'm getting? Taking the plunge might make sense if Campfire Audio said nothing since it could just be an anomaly. But a manufacturer intentionally running interference and being extremely cagey with previously divulged information tells me something is definitely up.

@Rockwell75 's point is not that Campfire can't solve the issue - it's that they won't. Not a good look IMO, but I suppose it doesn't hugely affect anyone who gets a good return policy.
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:05 PM Post #4,142 of 12,042
"Take the chance" is honestly an awful option for anyone without direct access (i.e. no international shipping/import duties) to Campfire Audio & their return policy. This isn't the $200 Comet we're talking about here.

No doubt-- my point is just that it's not the only option.
@Rockwell75 's point is not that Campfire can't solve the issue - it's that they won't.

Actually my position is that there is no issue.
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:08 PM Post #4,143 of 12,042
Actually my position is that there is no issue.

Then if there isn't any issue, why isn't the question ("what is your target curve"?) being answered and why is he consistently responding to that question with the claims that he's channel matching so there is no problem?

Like, its a super easy question to answer. Ken Ball has done it before, here is the target curve for the Campfire Andromeda and Campfire Vega from the boss man himself. All he has to do is post a graph like the one I linked. Its literally a single picture that he should have floating around on his computer, he doesn't even need to write a sentence.
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Mar 17, 2019 at 12:11 PM Post #4,144 of 12,042
Must admit I did have the Solaris for a few months but ended up selling them. I wanted to love these IEM's but they just didnt have enough bass for my taste. The bass extension was good, the midrange and treble were to my tastes but I wish it had 2 -3 db more from 40hz up which would have made it the perfect IEM for me.
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:18 PM Post #4,145 of 12,042
Then if there isn't any issue, why isn't the question ("what is your target curve"?) being answered and why is he consistently responding to that question with the claims that he's channel matching so there is no problem?

I have no idea. He must have his reasons and quite frankly that's good enough for me. Clearly it's not good enough for you and this is a democracy so you're free to jump up and down until you get the answers you want...or until your legs get tired.
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:21 PM Post #4,146 of 12,042
Must admit I did have the Solaris for a few months but ended up selling them. I wanted to love these IEM's but they just didnt have enough bass for my taste. The bass extension was good, the midrange and treble were to my tastes but I wish it had 2 -3 db more from 40hz up which would have made it the perfect IEM for me.

The biggest surprise to me after reading all the reviews was how much bass there in fact was. Just enough for me...and this is coming from someone who was in the throws of a love affair with the Atlas. Just out of curiosity have you found an IEM that fully satisfies you?
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:28 PM Post #4,147 of 12,042
I have no idea. He must have his reasons and quite frankly that's good enough for me. Clearly it's not good enough for you and this is a democracy so you're free to jump up and down until you get the answers you want...or until your legs get tired.

And just like most democracies, they start to decay when people don't do their civic duty so I guess I'll keep jumping up and down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Like I said, excusing everything with "well its subjectively good enough for me" is sort of why we get sub-par quality control and/or consistency in so-called high end audio products. And nearly always only a problem with high end products because the end user always makes excuses for them or has zero intellectual curiosity to wonder why things are happening as they are. The problem of notable product variance isn't really a problem with mass production loudspeakers (well, you can't snooker people because all notable reviews measure and everyone sensible measures to deal with room acoustics) so there has to be a reason why this is only ever an issue for portable audio. Its because people like you like to enable these manufacturers.
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Mar 17, 2019 at 12:55 PM Post #4,148 of 12,042
people like you


fokta said:
It will be great if you can also do impression Solaris using Atlast Cable...

I tried it out. I like the suppleness of the Atlas cable. I'm not sure where I stand on memory wire (or the lack of it) just yet. Regarding sound to be honest I didn't notice any difference. I probably lack the delicacy of perception requisite to discerning differences in sound signatures between high end cables.
Mar 17, 2019 at 12:57 PM Post #4,149 of 12,042

I tried it out. I like the suppleness of the Atlas cable. I'm not sure where I stand on memory wire (or the lack of it) just yet. Regarding sound to be honest I didn't notice any difference. I probably lack the delicacy of perception requisite to discerning differences in sound signatures between high end cables.

Have you tried any Noble IEM's?
Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Post #4,150 of 12,042
Have you tried any Noble IEM's?

No their TOTLs are well beyond my price range and given that I have no way to demo I've never considered them as an option. I'd never purchase a TOTL IEM without trying it first. Have read amazing things about them though.
Mar 17, 2019 at 1:17 PM Post #4,151 of 12,042
Right but my point here is that you are (perhaps unintentionally) speaking as though your impressions (the bass is not exceptional) somehow trump mine (the bass is exceptional). We are all entitled to our opinion but don't act like yours are aglow with a halo of objectivity.

I heard it too and I wholeheartedly disagree.

So don't buy it? *** if you don't like product and feel you could get something better somewhere else then keep looking. Don't keep complaining because you're not getting the answers you want or disagree with design choices. I've heard it and find that quality and quantity of sub-bass is just right (for my tastes-- which are all that matter to me at the end of the day). It's everything I want in an IEM.

Agreed. Bass is dope. I use to have the atlas and currently own the legend x. The bass is weak compared to those iems but that doesn't mean it's weak in general. It's a neutral bass signature which a lot of people like myself prefer.
Mar 17, 2019 at 1:30 PM Post #4,152 of 12,042
Agreed. Bass is dope. I use to have the atlas and currently own the legend x. The bass is weak compared to those iems but that doesn't mean it's weak in general. It's a neutral bass signature which a lot of people like myself prefer.
The bass is much better than what I was expecting, given what I'd read. The most telling thing for me was that I could go from listening to Atlas for like 6 straight hours straight to the Solaris and not feel any lack in the bass. I'm closing in on the viewpoint that there are actually similar amounts of bass in both the Atlas and the Solaris-- the difference being that in the Atlas 1) the bass is more pushed to the front and in your face and 2) confined to a smaller "sound space" and in the Solaris the bass is, strictly speaking, still there it's just 1) removed from the "front line" and instead dovetailed with a beautiful Andro-like signature and 2) it's dispersed over a much wider space. I can't stress this point enough-- going right from Atlas to Solaris I felt strongly that all the Atlas bass was still there it was just presented differently and dispersed over a larger space...but ultimately it was no less satisfying. If I had to describe the Solaris in a sentence it would be a beautiful marriage of the Atlas and the Andromeda-- not quite placing one over top the other, but taking the best elements of both and mixing them together in a very beautiful and engaging way. Each serves to highlight the strengths of the other in a wonderful synergy.
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Mar 17, 2019 at 1:56 PM Post #4,154 of 12,042
My first over $1000 headphones or iems were the Hifiman Edition X v2. I was so disappointed when I heard them. Eventually they grew on me to some extent and I definitely preferred them to the HE400i but the value was poor and flew in the face of the sound quality I expected from such an expense. I'm wondering whether the Solaris will really disappoint me too.
Mar 17, 2019 at 2:23 PM Post #4,155 of 12,042
lmao I'm not the one giving the Donald Trump must have his reasons for not providing his tax returns and that's quite frankly good enough for me excuse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What is this madness? We are on head fi to discuss our collective unhinged obsession with anything and everything audio related.

Complaining about politics and being angry at the world is a task better suited to classy, respectful environments, such as the Youtube comment section.

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