Campfire - Solaris
Jan 4, 2019 at 9:08 AM Post #2,913 of 12,035
hmm.... Rally demo DAP Tour this afternoon, XDP300R, AR-M2, AK300 And DX200Amp1.
Using Solaris and SD card fill of Flac songs.
Here are my impression :

XDP300R : Nice build, Sabre Dac, Neutral DAP, Bass a bit tight (Solaris dynamic seems stop), Mid elevate and More detail in High Freq, Black background (quite amazed), pre Owned, & Tempting Price.

AR-M2 : Burson DAC, Neutral to bright, Pop sound during GAP... Strange Background noise, Mid a bit laid back.... High Freq not optimal.... Pre owned

AK300 : hmm.... I dont want to comment alot, my stack combo is much better in any segment. preowned...

DX200 with AMP1 : WT... I was being told to demo this unit from the begining, but never done until now... Low Freq is more deep and rumble, Mid foward with clear detail, and the high, is like Andro again spark full detail (IMO, Solaris High freq is lesser than Andro). another than stand out is Soundstage and Black Background.... i just scratch my head, in the end, I pre order this.... why life so mean to me and my wallet... After this I will not seek for WM1Z, Hiby R6 pro or etc.. put back my horse glasses on....

If Only XDP-300r Low Freq is better, I would go for this...
Jan 4, 2019 at 8:29 PM Post #2,918 of 12,035
No worry. Dx200 can install spotify. Just download apk and side load it
forget to update, Later at night, a kind and good new friend bring his DX150 to be test with Solaris.

my impression : Dual AK4490EQ, Warm, simillar like my stack combo... but have to admit, DX150 no need Amp to in the same level as my stack...
Since I want a sabre Dac, so have skip this...
Nice DAP though. .
DX150 less noise than my. stack...
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Jan 4, 2019 at 9:19 PM Post #2,919 of 12,035
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am i the only one who's disappointed in the Solaris?
I actually sold my Solaris and came back to my Atlas. Personally cant stand Solaris signature, the upper mid is too upfront and the timbre is strange for me. Bass is weak, even after 100 hours. Yes its bass is better than most i admit, but far from sufficient if u are used to the bass from live performances or stereo speaker system with a huge high end floor standing subwoofer.
I had very high expectations towards Solaris before i demoed it at Canjam. During then the positive feedbacks hyped everywhere, but when i demoed it i can't believe this is what im hearing. It's too bright for me initially. But the Campfire crews told me maybe it's not burned in, plus i later found myself feeding it with high gain, which may over-driven this very sensitive phone. After lurking this thread for a long time i finally decided to give it another shot. So i became the first batch of Solaris buyer here in China.
This time i gave it enough time to burn in (100 hours) and drive it with low gain. I use my Custom eartip (from Custom Art) and Labkable flagship Gold Titan to fully bring up the bass and tame the upper mids. But still mehhh, classical music, especially clarinet and trumpet shrills my eardrums (Im very sensitive to those spectrum btw, so ymmv). Metal music is nice here but still, sometimes the guitar solo at low position has too much in-your-face edginess (still the troublesome upper mids to me) and i still find the bass lacking. Yes it hits deep when called for, but the decay simply isn't there. I expect a much stronger bass performance coming from an Atlas 10mm adlc dd.
On the other hand Atlas after 800 hours is something to behold. The treble sparkles and nuance details emerge day by day. The imaging and layering is incredible, if not better than Solaris. Switching from Solaris to Atlas i don't find anything lacking except for the treble extension, which adlc dd can't compete with Andro's ba.
On Solaris i find myself constantly holding myself to "endure" the upper mid, but Atlas makes me relaxed. Ironic isn't it, as Atlas is a much more engaging and energetic beast. Yes i admit Solaris is more technically capable but it fatigues me.

PS. Solaris and Atlas are paired with my WM1Z fw 3.01. Premium Plus mod done by Music Sanctuary with 1960s 8 wire inside balance output, so pls expect my 1z less warm than normal 1z but with better extension on both ends. Solaris played from 1678 to 1778 hours. I exclusively listen to classical and metal btw, most in hi-res.
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Jan 4, 2019 at 10:27 PM Post #2,922 of 12,035

I actually sold my Solaris and came back to my Atlas. Personally cant stand Solaris signature, the upper mid is too upfront and the timbre is strange for me. Bass is weak, even after 100 hours. Yes its bass is better than most i admit, but far from sufficient if u are used to the bass from live performance or home stereo system with a huge high end floor standing subwoofer.
I had very high expectations towards Solaris before i demoed it at Canjam. During then the positive feedbacks hyped everywhere, but when i demoed it i can't believe this is what im hearing. It's too bright for me. But the Campfire crews told me maybe it's not burned in, plus i later found myself feeding it with high gain, which may over-driven the very sensitive phone. After lurking this thread for a long time i finally decided to give it another shot. So i became the first batch of Solaris buyer here in China.
This time i gave it enough time to burn in (100 hours) and drive it with low gain. I use my Custom eartip (from Custom Art) and Labkable flagship Gold Titan to fully bring up the bass the tame the upper mids. But still mehhh, classical music, especially clarinet and trumpet shrills my eardrums (Im very sensitive to those spectrum btw, so ymmv). Metal music is nice here but still, sometimes the guitar in low position has too much upfront edginess (still the troublesome upper mids to me) and i still find the bass lacking. Yes it hits deep when called for, but the decay simply isn't there. I expect a much stronger bass performance coming from an Atlas 10mm adlc dd.
On the other hand Atlas after 800 hours is something to behold. The imaging and layering is incredible, if not better than Solaris. Switching from Solaris to Atlas i don't find anything lacking except the treble extension, which adlc dd can't compete with Andro's ba.
On Solaris i find myself constantly holding myself to "endure" the upper mid, but Atlas makes me relaxed. Ironic isn't it, as Atlas is a much more engaging and energetic phone.

PS. Solaris and Atlas are paired with my WM1Z fw 3.01. Premium Plus mod done by Music Sanctuary with 1960s 8 wire inside balance output, so pls expect my 1z less warm than normal 1z but with better extension on both ends. Solaris played from 1678 to 1778 hours. I exclusively listen to classical and metal btw, most in hi-res.

Thank you for sharing. I tried Atlas as well but wasn’t impressed at the price it’s retailing for. Much prefer Acoustune’s offerings in view of price.
Jan 4, 2019 at 10:45 PM Post #2,923 of 12,035
Thank you for sharing. I tried Atlas as well but wasn’t impressed at the price it’s retailing for. Much prefer Acoustune’s offerings in view of price.

I demoed Equinox, the custom version of Atlas, and found the bass overwhelming. According to Campfire Equinox should have flatter response than Atlas and better treble extension. But i found the opposite. All i can say is burn in really make a difference for a dd driver. I used Vega in the past and played for more than 1000 hours, it's really not the same beast u demoed with limited hour count, so is Atlas.
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Jan 5, 2019 at 4:56 AM Post #2,924 of 12,035
So who's using what cable for the Solaris? I'm looking for a 4.4mm cable but not the overpriced ALO variety.

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