Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners
Apr 15, 2013 at 8:54 PM Post #7,006 of 19,145
Hi everyone. It might be a little too soon to say but... 
On a few occasions I have come around this thread asking for suggestions due to my Marantz receiver randomly giving off scratchy static sounds and ultimately after many trips to the repair shop and lots of tweaking on my end I had given up on trying to find the problem. However, about a week ago the static practically disappeared. It has come back for maybe 3 seconds on two very quick occasions but aside from that, no static at all. 
This has been baffling me so much. I haven't done anything else but the problem just disappeared? D: Has this ever happened to anyone? I live in an apartment and the sudden self fix made me wonder if the apartment power lines were the culprit but I have a power conditioner to prevent it in the first place. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking too much on it if the receiver is working fine but I'm quite curious what some possible causes might have been. 
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:09 PM Post #7,007 of 19,145
Hi everyone. It might be a little too soon to say but... 
On a few occasions I have come around this thread asking for suggestions due to my Marantz receiver randomly giving off scratchy static sounds and ultimately after many trips to the repair shop and lots of tweaking on my end I had given up on trying to find the problem. However, about a week ago the static practically disappeared. It has come back for maybe 3 seconds on two very quick occasions but aside from that, no static at all. 
This has been baffling me so much. I haven't done anything else but the problem just disappeared? D: Has this ever happened to anyone? I live in an apartment and the sudden self fix made me wonder if the apartment power lines were the culprit but I have a power conditioner to prevent it in the first place. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking too much on it if the receiver is working fine but I'm quite curious what some possible causes might have been. 

Have you tried just taking the unit to someone else's home and seeing if the same issue rears it head there?
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:15 PM Post #7,008 of 19,145
Have you tried just taking the unit to someone else's home and seeing if the same issue rears it head there?

Unfortunately, no I haven't tried that yet. Maybe something I should try this weekend. Well for now since the problem isn't present maybe I should leave things as is. Just curious if anyone heard of this weird act up before haha. 
Apr 15, 2013 at 9:26 PM Post #7,009 of 19,145
That sounds so much like a dirty switch or pot - but you had them all cleaned and deoxit treated already, did you not?
Apr 16, 2013 at 8:06 PM Post #7,010 of 19,145
I think I may need to go on vacation more often. Last year while in Orlando I scored a sansui au11000. This time around I'm in the smokies and just scored an absolutely mint, fully restored sansui 9090DB featuring nichicon gold caps. It looks stunning. Pics don't do it justice.

I'm ecstatic at how good it sounds using my iPhone as a source. Can't wait to get this bad boy back home. It comes from the original owner who has babbied this thing since buying it new, and it shows. With how good it sounds, it has me seriously thinking about at least recapping my other gear. Here's a few pics taken from my phone.

Apr 16, 2013 at 8:14 PM Post #7,011 of 19,145

Nice! Congrats on the find.
Apr 16, 2013 at 8:36 PM Post #7,013 of 19,145
Very nice! Congrats. That's a very nice receiver :D
Apr 16, 2013 at 8:54 PM Post #7,015 of 19,145
I think I may need to go on vacation more often. Last year while in Orlando I scored a sansui au11000. This time around I'm in the smokies and just scored an absolutely mint, fully restored sansui 9090DB featuring nichicon gold caps. It looks stunning. Pics don't do it justice.

I'm ecstatic at how good it sounds using my iPhone as a source. Can't wait to get this bad boy back home. It comes from the original owner who has babbied this thing since buying it new, and it shows. With how good it sounds, it has me seriously thinking about at least recapping my other gear. Here's a few pics taken from my phone.

Awesome find.   How much $$ ?
Apr 16, 2013 at 9:20 PM Post #7,017 of 19,145
For a fully recapped/restored 9090DB that's an incredibly good deal :)
Apr 16, 2013 at 9:37 PM Post #7,018 of 19,145
Thanks, I think this may be on my Mt Rushmore of prized possessions. This have what the au11000 didn't have. The 11000 was very smooth and refined sounding, but it was too smooth, and too warm as well. The highs were also a little too rolled off for my likening. So I later sold it. The 9090db has that smooth organic sound the 11000 had, but dialed down to just the right amount. It's a little warm, but not overly done. It's not as transparent as my ka907, but still very transparent nonetheless. It strikes the perfect balance between lush, smooth, dynamic, and transparency.

It also helps that there's not a scratch or mark or even a nick of any kind. It literally looks like something that was made last year as oppose to 30+ years ago. The original owner did a fantastic job taking care of this. I just wished my kenwood looked this good. Now it's time for some LEDs.
Apr 16, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #7,019 of 19,145
For the blue tuning meters and the dial meters you can just snap in the fuze-type LEDs, which I for sure recommend. The function indicators will require soldering to concert to LEDs.

The most bang for the buck is getting blue LEDs behind the blue meters :wink:

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