Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!
Jul 18, 2016 at 10:42 AM Post #1,966 of 2,576
seems a bit of square peg in a round hole to me
Jul 19, 2016 at 5:37 AM Post #1,968 of 2,576
  Thanks, so does it change the sound? How do they sound compared to the original ones?

Here you go:
I have also tried the velour angled HM5 earpads, but the pleather angled HM5 earpads are better (for the impact on the overall sound, the only minus were the slightly more sweating factor for the pleathers, but not bad...).
Anyone will need to strecth the earpad lips by heating with a fan and/or use plastic bike tire levers while fitting (also explained earlier in this thread). It may fit slightly tightly. But I didn't tear any of my HM5 earpads by using this method. I have all the HM5 earpad versions. And the latest productions did have more strecthy lips...
Aug 1, 2016 at 9:10 AM Post #1,971 of 2,576
  Thanks Baycode, it really improved the sound (I think at the cost of the mids, which are now a little laid back compared to the bass and the trebles). I now prefer them over the DT990

You're welcome

For me the the earpads didn't have a noticeable change on the mids but YMMW.
Did you find the soundstage to get better and more holographic?
EDIT: Your earpads seems like the non-angled version? Can you confirm?
Aug 1, 2016 at 11:08 AM Post #1,972 of 2,576
They're angled,

I've noticed just a little more of "air" if the term is right, but I only tested them side by side (one for each ear with the stereo downmixed to mono) for a short while because the guy that helped me to fit them in was going away
Aug 2, 2016 at 10:58 AM Post #1,973 of 2,576
  They're angled,

I've noticed just a little more of "air" if the term is right, but I only tested them side by side (one for each ear with the stereo downmixed to mono) for a short while because the guy that helped me to fit them in was going away

OK. It's clear now.
Aug 4, 2016 at 2:40 PM Post #1,974 of 2,576
Has anyone tried these with either the C2 by audio-gd or the V200 by Vioelectric?
I'm finding that they do benefit from some good voltage, even though they're technically not hard to drive at all. Listening to some acapella music with them from a vintage receiver using my Lehman BCL as a pre-amp and getting crazy good results. Soundstage is huge, and voices sound amazing.
Aug 4, 2016 at 7:25 PM Post #1,975 of 2,576
  Has anyone tried these with either the C2 by audio-gd or the V200 by Vioelectric?
I'm finding that they do benefit from some good voltage, even though they're technically not hard to drive at all. Listening to some acapella music with them from a vintage receiver using my Lehman BCL as a pre-amp and getting crazy good results. Soundstage is huge, and voices sound amazing.

I've tried it on my C-2 before I sold it, but it's been a while though. 
Aug 11, 2016 at 1:50 PM Post #1,976 of 2,576
This may be a bit off topic but after a number of years and thousands of dollars of gear I feel it my obligation to share whenever I come across something inexpensive that shines.  For me thats the DT-150 (250ohm), with Shure Alcantara earpads, fed from my LG V10 phone.  Its difficult to find a phone in the US that has decent audio components/DAC and virtually impossible to find one that can run up to 600ohm headphones.  In any case the LG V10 (a lackluster phone that LG didnt even market to the audiophile) + DT150 is absolutely golden.  After having owned every single iphone in existence I am very happy with it.  Bottom line, its acceptable as a phone, its camera is high quality, and it drives the 250ohm Beyers in an amazing way.  It's not HiFi, but damn close.  It was good enough for me to sell my iFi micro and Audeze LCD-2F's.  If you're looking for portability but are sick of carrying numerous devices, want something that sounds good on everything from classical to electronic, and don't mind looking like an idiot in public, this combo is amazing.  Being able to swap batteries and 200GB microsd's at will is also fairly awesome.  Anyhow most people don't even consider the LG V10 which means deals can likely be had on it, even in the consumer-gouging US market.
Aug 19, 2016 at 7:53 AM Post #1,977 of 2,576
I switched back to the stock pads, the lower mids were too recessed with the Brainwavz one. But I'm gonna keep going back and forth between the two anyway.
What would be an upgrade to the DT150 with a similar sound signature?
Aug 23, 2016 at 6:31 AM Post #1,979 of 2,576
I am quite content with those headphones, coming from KRK KNS 8400.
It seems to be lacking in the deepest bass and treble lacks sparkle when compared to KRK.
I find DT 150 to respond nicely to treble boost.
I gave them +7db above 8 kHz and can hear a lot of the air and sparkle which I like KRK KNS 8400 for.
Note that I am powering DT 150 from the headhone out of my laptop (Lenovo T430)
as I sold my Meier Audio Corda Aria and FiiO E10k.
The improvement on those was marginal, if any, and I could not justify keeping them anymore.
For now this is quite good and I am now less hesitant to call DT 150 better in general than the KRKs.
KRKs do have amazing detail retrieval and a good soundstage in electronic music.
But when you add more bass to KRKs, they become congested (normally bass seems to hide behind everything else).
In near future I will get Aune X1s to power them though, based on the great reviews it had so far.
What people say is exactly what I want for DT150 (leaner but more accurate bass, treble detail, soundstage improvement).
Though I am a bit worried that the difference won't be dramatic, since a lot of people wrote that E10k was was nice, but honestly it was nothing special.

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