Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!
Jan 10, 2020 at 7:51 AM Post #2,386 of 2,578
I may have to try it out, but I'm really happy with the DT150. Also ordered the DT 1770 pro to compare.

I would really like to hear your comparison between the two when you get it and get to listen to them. I have the DT150 and I like them quite a lot but I've also thought about the DT 1770.

I also have the Beyer Custom Studios and I don't really know if I prefer them over the DT150 or not. The biggest difference is with the bass as I keep my Studios on the second "biggest" bass setting. And I also have velours (not DT100) on my DT150 which has toned down the bass (at least quantity). I don't remember now what the velours were but it was some round ones someone recommended on this thread. I'd still say I like the sound of the stock pads more but the velours are so comfortable as I wear them at work for like 6 hours a day.
Jan 10, 2020 at 3:09 PM Post #2,387 of 2,578
The DT1770 arrives tomorrow. Going to burn in for couple days before I take a serious listen.
Jan 11, 2020 at 9:56 PM Post #2,388 of 2,578
I've had the DT150 since Thursday and am absolutely in love with it. It always called out to me from my Amazon wishlist because I loved the utilitarian design, but I never got the nerve to pull the trigger until just now. I am absolutely blown away!

The soundstage for a closed-back headphone is incredible... sounds as open as the HD820 to my ears. The DT150, however, has so much more weight to the sound it reproduces. Going from the iFi iDSD/Pro iCan stack, the sound is quite visceral and enormously exciting. I'm primarily (98%) a classical listener and I really never thought this headphone would fit the bill, there... but it just MAY be the best closed-back I've ever heard for classical.

I have purchased a few earpads on amazon to try with it, but only out of curiosity and not necessity. The wearing comfort is just fine and the external sound attenuation is appreciated, if not maximal.

I would like to play around with the headband covering sometime in the future. Something super cushy up there would be fantastic, although I fear my other cans (including the Empyrean and Utopia) may start collecting dust if I make the DT150 any more comfortable than it is.

... There's just something so magical when you find an affordable set that sounds this good!

Jan 12, 2020 at 9:25 AM Post #2,389 of 2,578
DT150 is absolutely magical gem in headphone world. However I have recently started to hear that my right, cable side cup has somehow different tone. Like slightly more full, vibrant and open (wider) tone. On many songs soundstage just simply seems/feels to pan more to right side, or is just more open on right side. It's not a huge difference obiviously, but just a kind of nagging feeling that stereo image is not balanced the way I'm used to with my other headphones, iems and earbuds. I use DT100 velour pads, and I have tested swapping the pads if they're somehow not symmetrical, but difference remains. Could cup interconnect cable make this difference, I can't help but wondering, or just slight difference in cup design between sides? Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
I tested my DT150 with symmetrical cable, by soldering seperate wires to each driver. It made no real difference, so tone difference is not cable related, which was pretty expected. I soldered drivers back to DT150 wiring but I swapped left and right drivers just to hear if tone difference changes, and guess what, it changed. So it seems that the drivers of my DT150 aren't perfectly matched. Strange that I just recently noticed this, but I guess it just means that it's actually very slight difference after all, and brain can pretty well mask it out.
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Jan 27, 2020 at 9:26 PM Post #2,390 of 2,578
Hello All:

Recently I purchased a new DT150 I am blown away by the sound quality of these 70's era headphones which most people wouldnt wanna be seen with in public with. (I love the look personally)
I compared it to a T1 v2, DT250 and HD650 and IMO, none of those sound as "good" as the DT150.

I do NOT like the earpads as those are sensetive to body movement and will unseal from the ears and the whole headphone tends to roll back and ruin the sound quality and overall experience.
I do NOT like the headband as its quite hard and provides little to no support to keep the headphone steady on the head unless you position the headband towards the front of the head at which point you lose a proper seal thus affecting the sound quality once again.

I've ordered the Brainwavz SheepSkin Angled pads and ZMF LambSkin PilotPad and I hope those will resolve the issues I've described.
If those new parts resolve the issues I've stated, IMO these cans are in a league of their own and cannot be beaten esp for the price.

I will update once the new pads are changed.
Jan 27, 2020 at 11:13 PM Post #2,391 of 2,578
I've ordered the Brainwavz SheepSkin Angled pads and ZMF LambSkin PilotPad and I hope those will resolve the issues I've described.
If those new parts resolve the issues I've stated, IMO these cans are in a league of their own and cannot be beaten esp for the price.

Agreed!! My pair currently has the Brainwavz pads and I like them a lot. Just be prepared for some frustration and MAJOR stretching to get them on. Also, I added Dekoni Nuggets to the top of the headband spaced around the "hot spot" center portion. I have to extend the headband out much more than before, but both comfort and stability have been vastly improved.
Jan 28, 2020 at 3:19 PM Post #2,392 of 2,578
I got the BrainWavz sheepskin angled pads today and took me about 10 mins to install.
First one took longer as its a tight fit, however once you understand the technique its fairly simple.

I am very impressed. With these pads alone the DT150 feels planted and doesnt roll back the head anymore. (also looks better than the original pads)
As for the sound signature, I could swear it improved the base by making it a little tighter and everything else remains the same IMO.

The PilotPad will arrive in a week and Im certain it will resolve the headband issue I had.
Feb 10, 2020 at 8:40 PM Post #2,394 of 2,578
I had some Brainwavz Round Sheepskin pads laying around and tried them on the DT 150; honestly I like the sound.

It's just that the fit now is weird, because the earpads are round and so they're very misaligned with the cup shape. I think the ovals would fix that.

I don't hear much difference from the stock pads except for less bass, increased control over the bass and a bit less treble perhaps (though I'm not sure on that one).

This is originally what I wanted for my optimal DT 150 pads; the vocals and bass response from the DT 100 velours, and the treble from the stock pads. I may be getting there with the Oval HM5 Sheepskin.
Feb 19, 2020 at 3:17 AM Post #2,395 of 2,578
Using the stock pads now. The bass really has settled down after burn in, it's quite transparent now; strong if the recording has it but very well behaved otherwise, instead of the boom they had earlier on.
Feb 19, 2020 at 4:37 PM Post #2,396 of 2,578
Earlier in these pages I found lots of recommendations to use the DT 100 velour pads on these for better comfort. I worry that the velour pads are more shallow and they will let the drivers press against my ears (even the slightest touch gives me hotspots I can't stand.) Does anyone have experience with the DT 100 velour pads on the DT 150s? Do they bring the drivers significantly closer to ears?
Feb 19, 2020 at 6:35 PM Post #2,397 of 2,578
Earlier in these pages I found lots of recommendations to use the DT 100 velour pads on these for better comfort. I worry that the velour pads are more shallow and they will let the drivers press against my ears (even the slightest touch gives me hotspots I can't stand.) Does anyone have experience with the DT 100 velour pads on the DT 150s? Do they bring the drivers significantly closer to ears?
Yes, they do bring the driver closer to the ears, but I wouldn't say significantly, just a little bit. But your ears will most likely touch the insides. I have put some foam in the DT-100 to tame some of that inner resonance of the hard surface of the pads just now.They raise the pads a little bit as a side effect.
Feb 20, 2020 at 1:23 PM Post #2,398 of 2,578
But your ears will most likely touch the insides.

Thanks! Sad to hear that. I wonder is there are pads that keep the ears away like the original leather pads but are made of velour or some kind of cloth.
I have long been trying to find a dark sounding closed back headphones (pretty dark breed) for a daily driver and hope this will be it.
Feb 20, 2020 at 2:24 PM Post #2,399 of 2,578
Thanks! Sad to hear that. I wonder is there are pads that keep the ears away like the original leather pads but are made of velour or some kind of cloth.
I have long been trying to find a dark sounding closed back headphones (pretty dark breed) for a daily driver and hope this will be it.
Oh I forgot to say; I'm also using the thick acoustic foam over the driver, this gives my ears a good cm less depth in the cups, but I like the smoother highs so I don't bother removing it.

As for your request, there are these pads on ebay that have velour on the top and have the same shape as the DT 150 pads. Just select the "Velour leather" option
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Feb 21, 2020 at 2:36 AM Post #2,400 of 2,578
Pro Neutrik DT100 / DT150 / Headphone Lead 3M

Has anyone tried this cable?
If so, any sound improvemnt?

Since no one answered, I took it upon myself to order this cable and try it out..

Before buying, I looked up the specs of the Klotz cable and knew it was low resistance MIC cable, but I am surprised at the difference it makes in sound.
The entire soundstage seems somewhat more defined and slightly better lows.

The Klotz cable is as thick as my vacuum cleaner power cable, although flexible, so expect a slight pull depending on your position.

I measured both the original DT150 cable and this new Klotz cable and the resistance difference is huge.
Original DT150 cable resistanace is about 1.6ohm and the Klotz cable is 0.4hm (measured with a Fluke 179)

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