AudioQuest Dragonfly Review : Affordable, Outstanding, Tiny DAC / Amp
Dec 22, 2013 at 4:48 AM Post #1,546 of 2,514
I certainly understand the concept and effect of "burn-in".For the past 30 years I've had Naim equipment as my home listening audio,it takes months of "burn in" to arrive at optimum performance.Every pair of headphones/earphones I have required "burn-in",the sound signature always changing for the better.
                            With the Dragonfly,I had stopped using the v 1.0 with my Senn.650s,simply because I found the sound too shrill.The DF sounded fine with Senn. ie80s,largely because of the olive tips which slightly muffled the sound,the combo worked well.I don't recall the v 1.0 changing at all with "burn-in".The 650s entered into the equation after the ie80s,hence my quest for a better combination.
                            I have been listening constantly with the v 1.2 for the past 2/3 days,using mainly the 650s,but testing the ie80s also.The new version is leaps and bounds ahead of the v 1.0.! It is,as advertised,a great deal smoother,airier,and somehow,reveals previously unheard of details in tracks I've been listening to for years.My test CD has been,Tony Williams Lifetime "Believe It".A lot of "splashy" drumming and fusion guitar.With the v 1.0 it would be verging on painful to listen to,with the v 1.2 it's bliss.Placebo?,I don't think so! 
                           I hope the v 1.2 doesn't "burn-in",or if it does, it improves in some way,although I can't think how it might.The whole deal with audio listening is entirely subjective.I do know that to my ears the v 1.2 sounds fantastic.
                                             Kind regards and Seasons Greetings,Cenacheros.
Dec 22, 2013 at 6:06 PM Post #1,547 of 2,514
  Here is why I believe 'Burn In' is real. 
I tested two identical headphone amps that were well designed.  One was burned in for over a thousand hours. Another was brand new.  The difference was so distinct that I was sure the new unit had different components.  So we pulled the thing apart and looked at every part to make sure that the manufacturer did not change any parts. They were identical. 

What is more likely than burn in is either a component that is failing or a large difference, within tolerances, of the components inside the amp. Just a guess though.
Dec 23, 2013 at 9:17 PM Post #1,548 of 2,514
  Here is how you check the version your Dragonfly DAC in Windows environment.
Go to Control Panel
Select Hardware & Sound
Manage Audio Devices
Select Dragonfly
Select Properties 
Select Details
Select Device Description
elect Hardware IDs. 
“Value” it will show “REV 010” for v1.0 or “REV 012” for v1.2
I have both the version 1.0 and version 1.2 and it shows up as REV010 and REV012 respectively.
Hope this helps.

Thank you! That was the trick :)
Dec 24, 2013 at 4:44 AM Post #1,549 of 2,514
Hi,Just a quick update on my v1.2.It's still sounding great,no noticeable change in sound yet.Interestingly,two tracks the v1.0 couldn't handle at all,the v1.2 handles with aplomb.Christian Scott's "Litany Against the Fear",and Robert Plant "Monkey",both have a great deal of reverb,are very "busy" tracks,both with a lot going on.With the v1.0 the sound is congested and just a mess.With the v 1.2 everything is separated,the reverb doesn't overpower the entire track,and there is plenty of separation and air.For me this is additional proof of the pudding.
                                      Seasons Greetings to all,Cenacheros.
Dec 24, 2013 at 11:38 AM Post #1,550 of 2,514
Quick question: I've done a bit of reading and it looks like there is no bypassing the amp of the Dragonfly. Am I right? I like the form and function but I'd rather bypass the internal amp, if possible. 
Dec 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM Post #1,551 of 2,514
  Quick question: I've done a bit of reading and it looks like there is no bypassing the amp of the Dragonfly. Am I right? I like the form and function but I'd rather bypass the internal amp, if possible. 

your answer:
 yes, it can be used as a DAC-only when needed. if you maximize the volume of the computer and the DF too 100%, then it "knows" to bypass it's AMP section. (Page 3 in user manual)   
"DragonFly is also capable of being employed as a traditional fixed-output source component (such as a CD, DVD or Blu-ray player), and can be connected to a standard input on a receiver or preamplifier. For this application, both the music player’s volume control and the main computer volume control should be set to maximum. This "fixed output mode" allows your audio or AV system’s volume control to be in charge."

Dec 25, 2013 at 12:39 AM Post #1,553 of 2,514
Greetings Cenacheros,
May I ask WHEN you purchased your version 1.0?  Mine is the latest version 1.0 and I wonder if there was indeed running changes so that the latest 1.0 is really upgraded over the earlier 1.0.  I've broken my 1.2 with about 25 hours of play but have not had time to A/B blind test yet.  Too much Christmas responsibilities....
Merry Christmas to all on this wonderful forum!
  Hi,Just a quick update on my v1.2.It's still sounding great,no noticeable change in sound yet.Interestingly,two tracks the v1.0 couldn't handle at all,the v1.2 handles with aplomb.Christian Scott's "Litany Against the Fear",and Robert Plant "Monkey",both have a great deal of reverb,are very "busy" tracks,both with a lot going on.With the v1.0 the sound is congested and just a mess.With the v 1.2 everything is separated,the reverb doesn't overpower the entire track,and there is plenty of separation and air.For me this is additional proof of the pudding.
                                      Seasons Greetings to all,Cenacheros.

Dec 25, 2013 at 1:27 AM Post #1,555 of 2,514
  Are there different versions of this? How does one tell what version they are buying? Is there a dramatic difference? And what kind of headphones can the built in amp on this drive? Is it a bargain for $100 on Amazon?

there is the 1.0 version going for $99. I've heard some people saying they have the 1.1 version, but it's not an official product. the 1.2 version goes for $150.
you will have to do a direct comparison (blinded for better results lol) to find out the difference.
the amp will be fine for most consumer level 16-32ohm impedance sub-$300 headphones. the amp specs I've found are: Output voltage: 2vrms, Minimum driven headphone impedance: 12 ohms, maximum headphone driver output power: 125mW @ 32 ohms. not sure how they will performance with high impedance headphones.
the $99 price is recent, so some view it as a bargain as retail msrp was $250 and the newer version is $150. however, many alternative products (desktop amp/dacs & portable dac/amps) that can be found at the $100 or less price point. examples include the $70ish hifimediy usb 2 dac/amp w/ external power supply vs portable dac/amps like the $70-80 fiios e70k & $100 ibasso d-zero.
Dec 25, 2013 at 1:41 AM Post #1,557 of 2,514
  I'm considering this as a gift for someone who isn't as obsessive with sound. Is the difference between the two worth $50? 

is this person obsessed with specs or having the latest&greatest model? 
 i haven't done a comparison between the two models, so i can't say (I am personally skeptical that the sound quality improvements of the 1.2 is 50% better than the 1.0 - you'll need someone who did a blind-test direct comparison)
Dec 25, 2013 at 1:55 AM Post #1,558 of 2,514
If anyone has both and could comment I would appreciate it. The 1.0 version seems like a great gift for $99. I also agree that it's likely not worth it for the upgraded version. 
Clearly they were selling this at quite a premium if the original retail was $249 and now it's $99. 
But this seems like it would go well with IEMs while on the go with a laptop.

Why did they do v. 1.2 without releasing v. 1.1? Wouldn't it have made more sense just to go with v. 2?
Dec 25, 2013 at 1:59 AM Post #1,559 of 2,514
  If anyone has both and could comment I would appreciate it. The 1.0 version seems like a great gift for $99. I also agree that it's likely not worth it for the upgraded version. Clearly they were selling this at quite a premium if the original retail was $249 and now it's $99. But this seems like it would go well with IEMs while on the go with a laptop. Why did they do v. 1.2 without releasing v. 1.1? Wouldn't it have made more sense just to go with v. 2?

mmm... actually when it first came out, it was kinda viewed as a semi-revolutionary device as you will find that there are a lot of expensive dac/amps out there.
the entry level budget price point for amp/dac devices has been pretty heavily neglected. i think it's probably because the target audiophile audience is not very concerned w/ the price point when investing in this kind of equipment. you have fiio and if you do some major research (like I did), you can find a lot of good alternatives, but you hardly ever hear about any of those options even over here.
Dec 25, 2013 at 4:47 AM Post #1,560 of 2,514
Hi ULUL,and all,
                        I bought the original DF exactly a year ago from an extremely reputable audio store in Oxford UK.I was very 
                        happy with it at the time,especially the small size and big performance.It pairs well with my Senn ie80s,and of course
                        is an ideal companion for a Macbook.
                        This year I was in the UK and ordered an amp. from a two man set-up in Cornwall called NJC Audio.They make a 
                        dac,but I figured the dac in the DF would be fine,at least to begin with.This was all in preparation for buying a pair
                        of Senn.650s.I knew the DF would drive them,but I'd also heard plenty of reports about the 650s "scaling up well".
                        I reckoned the extra juice would be a good investment.and so it has proven to be.
                        The NJC amp,650s and DF 1.0 begin with,was thrilling.It wasn't long though before I felt something was 
                        missing.There was a lack of musicality,tone,depth,it was beginning to bug me.
                        By chance,I happened across a very positive review for the DF 1.2,I didn't even know there was one!.I also contacted
                        the Audioquest UK rep,a charming guy called Nick Allen.He was very impressed with his latest version DF.It was 
                        clear that ,what were collectively seen as shortcomings in the original DF,had now been addressed.
                        Having established that the new DF could well be the missing piece of the jigsaw,I needed to buy one.I live in the 
                        mountains of Southern Spain,not a big audio scene going on here! Fortunately,Amazon Germany had one left and
                        would ship to Spain.It was a calculated leap of faith.I have a teenage son who is constantly plugged into his laptop,
                        one way or the other,he was about to get his own DF,either a 1.0 or 1.2.
                        I had intended letting the 1.2 burn in for a day or two,impatience got the better of me I'm afraid.It was clear from the 
                        first listening,for me the 1.2 was a big step up.Apparently my son's rap music sounds a whole lot better with the 1.0.
                        I certainly do not consider myself to be an audiophile, and will always resist becoming obsessive about every last 
                        ounce of performance and detail,I feel it would detract from my enjoyment of the music. The rig I have now,with the
                        DF 1.2 as a cornerstone of the set up,certainly puts a smile on my face.What more can I say?
                                               Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad to all.

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