AudioQuest Dragonfly Review : Affordable, Outstanding, Tiny DAC / Amp
Dec 25, 2013 at 5:38 PM Post #1,566 of 2,514
  Hi ULUL,and all,
                        I bought the original DF exactly a year ago from an extremely reputable audio store in Oxford UK.I was very 
                        happy with it at the time,especially the small size and big performance.It pairs well with my Senn ie80s,and of course
                        is an ideal companion for a Macbook.
                        This year I was in the UK and ordered an amp. from a two man set-up in Cornwall called NJC Audio.They make a 
                        dac,but I figured the dac in the DF would be fine,at least to begin with.This was all in preparation for buying a pair
                        of Senn.650s.I knew the DF would drive them,but I'd also heard plenty of reports about the 650s "scaling up well".
                        I reckoned the extra juice would be a good investment.and so it has proven to be.
                        The NJC amp,650s and DF 1.0 begin with,was thrilling.It wasn't long though before I felt something was 
                        missing.There was a lack of musicality,tone,depth,it was beginning to bug me.
                        By chance,I happened across a very positive review for the DF 1.2,I didn't even know there was one!.I also contacted
                        the Audioquest UK rep,a charming guy called Nick Allen.He was very impressed with his latest version DF.It was 
                        clear that ,what were collectively seen as shortcomings in the original DF,had now been addressed.
                        Having established that the new DF could well be the missing piece of the jigsaw,I needed to buy one.I live in the 
                        mountains of Southern Spain,not a big audio scene going on here! Fortunately,Amazon Germany had one left and
                        would ship to Spain.It was a calculated leap of faith.I have a teenage son who is constantly plugged into his laptop,
                        one way or the other,he was about to get his own DF,either a 1.0 or 1.2.
                        I had intended letting the 1.2 burn in for a day or two,impatience got the better of me I'm afraid.It was clear from the 
                        first listening,for me the 1.2 was a big step up.Apparently my son's rap music sounds a whole lot better with the 1.0.
                        I certainly do not consider myself to be an audiophile, and will always resist becoming obsessive about every last 
                        ounce of performance and detail,I feel it would detract from my enjoyment of the music.
The rig I have now,with the DF 1.2 as a cornerstone of the set up,certainly puts a smile on my face.What more can I say?
                                               Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad to all.

I think that´s what we all want a BIG smile with our perfect rigs 

I just got the DF 1.0, sadly I discovered about the new version afterwards, anyhow I like the performance and specially for the price it´s something worth it. I want to use it like a portable solution, an improvement from my laptop and hopefully something that last. 
Merry Christamas to you too / Feliz navidad para ti y tu familia
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:38 AM Post #1,567 of 2,514
I bought this for 100 bucks at best buy and I actually returned it. It's too unstable plugged in.

If you are referring to the physical stability while plugged into your USB port, this is more a function of your USB port than the build of the DF.  You probably won't find another USB DAC, in any price range, that solves for this.  The simple solution would have been for you to purchase the "Dragon Tail", or a similar USB extension cable.  
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:50 AM Post #1,570 of 2,514
  I don't recall this being a common issue.  I have had a 1.0 for some time, and recently a 1.2, and never had this issue.  

aw man... now i kinda wanna get a new DF too... haha. its not a common issue for me either and ive heard a few others with it. its just kinda a pain
Dec 26, 2013 at 1:53 AM Post #1,571 of 2,514
Actually, I've tested three Dragonflies just because they are available to test.  On my laptop, they have clicking/popping noises on the right USB port. On the left, dead sileng.  However, the venerable Dacport is rock solid on both USB ports.  I've found that the Dacport, for some reason, works perfectly off every single USB port I have ever tried.  Just a datapoint.
  If you are referring to the physical stability while plugged into your USB port, this is more a function of your USB port than the build of the DF.  You probably won't find another USB DAC, in any price range, that solves for this.  The simple solution would have been for you to purchase the "Dragon Tail", or a similar USB extension cable.  

Dec 26, 2013 at 2:04 AM Post #1,572 of 2,514
Actually, I've tested three Dragonflies just because they are available to test.  On my laptop, they have clicking/popping noises on the right USB port. On the left, dead sileng.  However, the venerable Dacport is rock solid on both USB ports.  I've found that the Dacport, for some reason, works perfectly off every single USB port I have ever tried.  Just a datapoint.

This would seem to suggest an environmental factor.  (i.e. a problem with your USB port)  Potentially something that only affects certain out-of-spec ports.  Something that may be limited to the driver, I suppose, but that maybe only affects certain computer models.  Out of curiosity, what laptop do you have?  Have tried other USB DAC's based on the ESS Sabre?  Have you tried any of the DF's on other computers?  Have you contacted AQ for support?  Either way, I don't think this is a widespread issue.  
Dec 26, 2013 at 4:30 AM Post #1,573 of 2,514
Hi, I've not had any popping or stability issues with either DF,1.0 or 1.2. To avoid any accidents or snags whilst the DF is in use,I have a right hand USB adapter connected,as I posted earlier.To my mind this is the best solution,it keeps it flush.I think it looks 
pretty cool also!
                   I wanted to buy a DacPort a couple of years back when I first became interested  in computer audio.I think CEntrance
were the first people to get the ball rolling with USB powered amp/dacs? Obtaining one here in Spain was pretty much impossible.When I did order one from the UK,they delivered a MicPort,a completely different animal.I lost interest and bought a Nuforce HD direct from Nuforce,which was good,but not the sound I was looking for,plus,too many cables! I've only ever heard good
things about the DacPort.
                   Anyone who has the DF 1.0 shouldn't feel as though they have an inferior product,especially if they paid $100.
Most of us paid full whack a year ago!The v1.0 is still an excellent product. To MY ears,and for MY purposes,home listening,the v1.2 is a big step up.
The whole headphone audio issue is entirely subjective and I would not argue with someone who said their ears told them something very different.
                                                     All the best,Cenacheros
Dec 26, 2013 at 5:16 PM Post #1,574 of 2,514
aw man... now i kinda wanna get a new DF too... haha. its not a common issue for me either and ive heard a few others with it. its just kinda a pain

I had the issue with my DF.  I believe I went through 3 or 4 of them through Audio Adviser before we found one that worked perfectly.  My mom bought my dad one for his birthday and his was flawless out of the box.  Guess I am just very unlucky when it comes to tech :).
Dec 26, 2013 at 6:15 PM Post #1,575 of 2,514
I had the issue with my DF.  I believe I went through 3 or 4 of them through Audio Adviser before we found one that worked perfectly.  My mom bought my dad one for his birthday and his was flawless out of the box.  Guess I am just very unlucky when it comes to tech :).

oh dont worry... im on the same boat as u... ive had to return my rendition 1 twice now... seems to happen to me quite often... haha

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