Audio-Technica ATH-AD2000 Discussion (and Appreciation) Thread!
Feb 11, 2011 at 6:41 PM Post #92 of 873

 I'm still awaiting the HD650 I purchased a while ago to arrive, so I cannot tell you just yet. If you remind me in a week and a half or so via PM I will be able to tell you. I do plan on selling these when they arrive though as I heard both at a meet and I liked the AD2000 much better.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to do another comparision at home though before selling? Meets can be very deceptive in terms of impressions, especially as you only get a few minutes with each phone.
Feb 11, 2011 at 6:44 PM Post #93 of 873

Wouldn't it be a good idea to do another comparision at home though before selling? Meets can be very deceptive in terms of impressions, especially as you only get a few minutes with each phone.

Of course I'll be giving the HD650 a good analysis before selling them off :)
Oh, I read your post wrong, you're selling the hd650, haha.

Feb 11, 2011 at 6:46 PM Post #94 of 873
Asr, I really, really hate what you might be doing to my wallet !
I dont know anything about the AD2K, but if someone asked me what the biggest single differences are between my Grados and the AD900 I would say:
- soundstage and PERCUSSION
I like the 'house sound' on both, but you have nailed it - the speed of the ADs is just sensational. Any metal fan who questions the value of spending more money on kit (working from something like the SR60 or MS1) really needs to hear something like Devildriver's 'End of the Line' on the AD900. Even with an amp as modest as the D4, the way everything on that drumkit registers as a set of single actions that form a wonderfully coherent image is a revelation for those of us who are more accustomed to the entire rhythm section simply pounding out a backbeat for the guys up front.
I'll take a closer look at the Dynalo, but it would appear that my ESW9 dream just got pushed further back. Great.
Feb 12, 2011 at 2:56 AM Post #95 of 873
You, sir, are evil!
Having just splurged on a new tube amp with tubes you're telling me to buy yet another amp!

Asr, I really, really hate what you might be doing to my wallet !  
I dont know anything about the AD2K, but if someone asked me what the biggest single differences are between my Grados and the AD900 I would say:
- soundstage and PERCUSSION
I like the 'house sound' on both, but you have nailed it - the speed of the ADs is just sensational. Any metal fan who questions the value of spending more money on kit (working from something like the SR60 or MS1) really needs to hear something like Devildriver's 'End of the Line' on the AD900. Even with an amp as modest as the D4, the way everything on that drumkit registers as a set of single actions that form a wonderfully coherent image is a revelation for those of us who are more accustomed to the entire rhythm section simply pounding out a backbeat for the guys up front.

When it comes to wallets I spare no one.
The Dynalo is just a great amp for the AD2K and remains one of the top headphone-amp pairings I've heard to date. It's almost like they were made for each other.
As for the AD900, that reminds me of this post where I compared it to the AD2K at a meet:
Mar 13, 2011 at 7:18 AM Post #96 of 873
Im glad i come across this thread! I know what im spending a little of my yearly bonus on and it will be a pair of these. The price in Aus right now is a steal! I also plan on getting the new Gilmore X2 with DAC from Justin, whenever its out. All up a nice combo for under $1600AUD. Cant complain :D
Mar 13, 2011 at 10:04 AM Post #97 of 873
Oh yeah... truly a great set of phones... when the source and amp match them well!  Very Stax-like.  Surprising... really.
Mar 27, 2011 at 2:11 PM Post #98 of 873
Oh yeah... truly a great set of phones... when the source and amp match them well!  Very Stax-like.  Surprising... really.

Aw man! Your post makes me want them badly after all. Just when I decided my two 900s were to last me for years, you make me lust for the AD2000 once more. Damn you!
Mar 27, 2011 at 2:41 PM Post #99 of 873
Now that I think about it, the AD2000 is probably the closest a dynamic (that I've heard) has come to a Stax Lambda setup... you know you want it

Mar 27, 2011 at 3:51 PM Post #100 of 873

Now that I think about it, the AD2000 is probably the closest a dynamic (that I've heard) has come to a Stax Lambda setup... you know you want it

Yeah... actually, to me their bass and mids are much better than the Lambdas... at least as good as the O2's, and maybe better (as I've heard the Lambdas and O2 with the 007t II).   They have amazing PRAT, clarity, detail and a pretty good soundstage.  The Lambdas and O2's are reportedly better with the WES and BHSE amps, as well as the 717 - but, that's a pretty significant premium over the AD2000's and matching setup.
But... I've modded my AD2000's (upgraded plug and "phat pad mod") and the setup driving them must be carefully matched to their electrical properties to achieve optimum sound quality.  Many never hear them in that context - and, report that they have excessive upper mids peak, and honky qualities, which disappear with the mods and the right setup.
Mar 27, 2011 at 3:59 PM Post #101 of 873

Yeah... actually, to me their bass and mids are much better than the Lambdas... at least as good as the O2's, and maybe better (as I've heard the Lambdas and O2 with the 007t II).   They have amazing PRAT, clarity, detail and a pretty good soundstage.  The Lambdas and O2's are reportedly better with the WES and BHSE amps, as well as the 717 - but, that's a pretty significant premium over the AD2000's and matching setup.
But... I've modded my AD2000's (upgraded plug and "phat pad mod") and the setup driving them must be carefully matched to their electrical properties to achieve optimum sound quality.  Many never hear them in that context - and, report that they have excessive upper mids peak, and honky qualities, which disappear with the mods and the right setup.

IME the phatpad mod reduces the too-forward mids on the stock AD2000, but brings out the treble to Grado-like levels - which is too bright for many. I might've used too thick tubing for my phatpad... probably should've gotten 1/4" or smaller instead of the 3/8" that I got. What amp are you running them out of?
Mar 30, 2011 at 7:41 PM Post #102 of 873
I don't know how the phat pad mod influences the AD2000's sound signature, but I definitely didn't like how it altered the sound of my AD900. It made this already mids- and highs-forward, somewhat bass-shy headphone extremely shrill sounding. Even though the bass was somewhat stronger, the altered highs were completely destroying the sound. I removed the tubes the same day I put them in and have never tried them again. Maybe I will, someday, to see if I missed something. And maybe, indeed, I also used the wrong diameter tubing.
Mar 31, 2011 at 10:44 AM Post #104 of 873
IME the phatpad mod reduces the too-forward mids on the stock AD2000, but brings out the treble to Grado-like levels - which is too bright for many. I might've used too thick tubing for my phatpad... probably should've gotten 1/4" or smaller instead of the 3/8" that I got. What amp are you running them out of?

I'm driving the AD2000's with the WA6 SEm, as well as the Millett MiniMAX, and the sources are either the Marantz SA8001 SACD, or Monarchy Audio M24 Tube DAC.  They sound superb with all of these - only subtle differences between them in various combinations.  Though, the Marantz SA8001 may complement them slightly better - just a hair warmer sound. 
I'm not sure what size foam I used in my "phat pad" mod - I'm not home to check the size.  Though, as I recall, I believe I cut it down to obtain a better fit, so it may not measure exactly 1/4" or 3/8."  I also only inserted it under the rear half of the pads.  Whatever I used, they still have amazing bass, mids and highs, and the highs are not overwhelming the rest - though, some might think the balance is a bit "treble tilted."  I don't find them to be strident at all.  Though, they do have a bit more of a "Gradoish" sound, than "Senn" sound.  But, with my setups and the "tape mod" on my RS-1's, they are not too bright, or strident either - and have amazing bass, mids and airy, spacious highs.       
Apr 6, 2011 at 2:16 AM Post #105 of 873
Amp recommendation for the AD-2000:  Yamamoto HA-02.
I bought it due to its famous synergy with the W-1000.  But (at least so far) I like it better with the AD-2000.  It just amazing!!  A combination of detail and warmth I didn't know it was possible. 


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