Audio-gd Phoenix balanced headphone amp.
Jul 10, 2009 at 12:36 PM Post #1,471 of 3,352

Originally Posted by n_maher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It still came off as rude even when you said it this time.

In all fairness, Tyll's wardrobe has offended us all enough to the point where I do not see why he deserves any consideration in return.
Jul 10, 2009 at 2:20 PM Post #1,472 of 3,352

Originally Posted by LaidBack /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, the Phoenix/NHT Xd combo sure sounds great! Please send pics of your XdS mounted on Sanus Naturals when you have a chance, I've got my finger on the buy trigger...

Here you go. Couldn't figure out how to PM this, so I apologize to the other members for the off topic pix.

Jul 10, 2009 at 5:56 PM Post #1,473 of 3,352

Originally Posted by n_maher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're not alone Gary, meets (while great and wonderful things) are pretty difficult places to get to know gear. Can you get an impression sure, but I'd never base my entire opinion of something around one day's worth of experience (not to mention a short burst of a few songs).

But like the Monkey I seem to be in the minority, oh well.

I'm with you guys on this point. Well said.


Jul 10, 2009 at 5:59 PM Post #1,474 of 3,352

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
x2. I'd love if you could come, FallenAngel, and bring you balanced B22 and Dynamid. I still have a few spots left open.
It's going to be one hell of a meet.

Man, what a meet. Great work organizing it Phil. Wish I could be there.


Jul 10, 2009 at 7:11 PM Post #1,475 of 3,352

Originally Posted by lmswjm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here you go. Couldn't figure out how to PM this, so I apologize to the other members for the off topic pix.

Man those are sweet little mini monitors. Is there a sub in this mix is my natural first question/thought ?

Some Phoenix preamp mode thoughts vs my (DIY) modified Adcom GFP-750 preamp.

I compared the Phoenix to my heavily upgraded Adcom GFP-750 SS preamp last evening with the Phoenix (completely) outclassing the Adcom in every area imaginable. The strength of the Adcom is it's passive mode but even this was no match whatsoever for the Phoenix. This test of course was using my main 2 channel system since I'm better able to evaluate aspects headphones simply can't deliver on (even the 800's I would imagine although I can't be 100% sure...yet). Anyway I expected a closer race with the upgraded Adcom and was not given that close race. No question here that the Phoenix took all the usual categories (SNR, voicing, transparency, imaging, dynamics, frequency extension, texture etc etc). No contest as it turned out. The Adcom sounded like a POS compared to the Phoenix.

Jul 10, 2009 at 7:36 PM Post #1,476 of 3,352

Originally Posted by lmswjm /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here you go. Couldn't figure out how to PM this, so I apologize to the other members for the off topic pix.

Thanks for the pics, I appreciate it. Great choice/job you did there to increase the height...
Jul 10, 2009 at 7:52 PM Post #1,477 of 3,352

Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Man those are sweet little mini monitors. Is there a sub in this mix is my natural first question/thought ?

They have a much bigger sound than meets the eye. Those sat's are packed with very nice drivers, and from what I've gathered, the best and most expensive NHT has ever used. The Xd 2.2 system has 2 sub units(the XdW), 500w and 2 10-inch woofers per unit. Sorry for the OT, here's a link to the product page: NHT - Speakers -Xd Special Dark Sale! Last chance!
Jul 10, 2009 at 8:16 PM Post #1,478 of 3,352

Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Man those are sweet little mini monitors. Is there a sub in this mix is my natural first question/thought ?

Some Phoenix preamp mode thoughts vs my (DIY) modified Adcom GFP-750 preamp.

I compared the Phoenix to my heavily upgraded Adcom GFP-750 SS preamp last evening with the Phoenix (completely) outclassing the Adcom in every area imaginable. The strength of the Adcom is it's passive mode but even this was no match whatsoever for the Phoenix. This test of course was using my main 2 channel system since I'm better able to evaluate aspects headphones simply can't deliver on (even the 800's I would imagine although I can't be 100% sure...yet). Anyway I expected a closer race with the upgraded Adcom and was not given that close race. No question here that the Phoenix took all the usual categories (SNR, voicing, transparency, imaging, dynamics, frequency extension, texture etc etc). No contest as it turned out. The Adcom sounded like a POS compared to the Phoenix.


I had a stock 565 which I thought was great until I put the FBI-500 in there (basically the same preamp as Phoenix). It was sold soon after. Not to mention all the Carver stuff I had which is all gone.
Jul 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM Post #1,479 of 3,352

Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete: I compared the Phoenix to my heavily upgraded Adcom GFP-750 SS preamp last evening with the Phoenix (completely) outclassing the Adcom in every area imaginable. The strength of the Adcom is it's passive mode but even this was no match whatsoever for the Phoenix. This test of course was using my main 2 channel system since I'm better able to evaluate aspects headphones simply can't deliver on (even the 800's I would imagine although I can't be 100% sure...yet). Anyway I expected a closer race with the upgraded Adcom and was not given that close race. No question here that the Phoenix took all the usual categories (SNR, voicing, transparency, imaging, dynamics, frequency extension, texture etc etc). No contest as it turned out. The Adcom sounded like a POS compared to the Phoenix.

Peete - thanks for this very interesting comparison and posting your impressions.
I wonder if you will be doing a longer comparison in the future?
I dont know the Adcom you have but the Stereophile review of the unmodded pre-amp I found gave it the highest praise (Stereophile: Adcom GFP-750 preamplifier). I wonder how the mods changed its performance?
Jul 11, 2009 at 12:53 AM Post #1,480 of 3,352

Originally Posted by Nada /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Peete - thanks for this very interesting comparison and posting your impressions.
I wonder if you will be doing a longer comparison in the future?
I dont know the Adcom you have but the Stereophile review of the unmodded pre-amp I found gave it the highest praise (Stereophile: Adcom GFP-750 preamplifier). I wonder how the mods changed its performance?

Well all in good time since I've only had the Phoenix for 5 days now. The mods on the Adcom opened up it up quite a bit. The stock parts were a mix of the good with the horrible (to meet the price point I imagine). The bottom line being, the active section is now the equal of the passive which it was not in stock form. The overall boost in performance made the work and expense well worth it but the Adcom even modified heavily does not hold a candle to the Phoenix...I wish I could demonstrate this in'd quickly agree.

EDIT: The Stereophile review and Class A rating is the reason why I bought one 8 years ago. It's a good preamp but it's not a great preamp. It's much better now of course but the Phoenix is still in another league altogether.

Jul 11, 2009 at 7:08 AM Post #1,481 of 3,352
I wanted to give some limited impressions of synergy with some popular headphones with the Phoenix. First off, I'd like to say that I'm a bit of a bass-head in that my home listening is primarily baroque chamber music and acoustic jazz. I like an up close/impactful presentation and these genres can be inherently bass light. Thus, many well respected phones don't fit the bill for me. I have been attracted to the Denon signature because of this. Point of reference is the D5000 which I mod'd to a semi-open design to reduce bloat and add upper extension. I've been quite satisfied with this phone for a while.

With an acute case of upgrade-itis, I wanted to try some new phones with the Phoenix. First candidate was the Senn HD800. It just didn't do it for me. Though I knew the D5000 was the inferior phone, it still delivered more slam / dynamics than the 800's. I kind of sensed that the 800's cable was holding it back, but didn't think that a cable swap would be enough for me. The other issue is that this phone has the loudest outside volume than any other open back headphone I've tried. It almost seemed louder off my head than on. Suffice it to say this phone is on it's way back to Montana right now.

The night I packed up the Senn's for good, came the notice that J&R had the D7000's back in stock. The D7000 simply toasted my D5000's. More upper extension, bass extension and control. More detail, clarity, liquidity, palpability, etc., etc. This phone makes me feel like I'm listening to an open design. So crisp and clean, there was no desire to swap out the cord. It reproduces drums like no other I've heard. On a good recording, you can hear the texture of the drum head and the attack like your'e the one behind the kit. After two nights of listening, I had no reservation about cutting the end of the cord off and doing the Kingwa 4 pin balance conversion. Great Neutrik parts, and directions yielded a very nice finished product. I love that 4 pin XLR connector. As anticipated, the phone was a lot easier to drive afterwards. It had better instrument separation and bass control, but not a night and day difference. After A/B ing for a while, it was apparent that I preferred balanced op. The 7000's are currently giving my Xd speaker system a run for their money. We'll see how they fair with the addition of the RE1 and CD7 next month!
Jul 12, 2009 at 5:32 AM Post #1,483 of 3,352
Interesting thoughts about the D7000's Inswjm ! Your input adds another can to the "works well with " list.

Has anyone reported on the 650's performance (with a high quality balanced cable ) yet ?

My diy cable is giving me trouble with one of the Cardas connectors....sigh. Driving me nuts more like.

Jul 12, 2009 at 6:18 AM Post #1,484 of 3,352

Originally Posted by tim3320070 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can you describe in more detail of the Phoenix sound with the balanced D7000? What is your source, is it balanced?

I don't know how else to describe the sound except to say that for me it's the perfect balance of upper end extension / detail while still maintaining it's lower end extension / detail and dynamic punch / slam. The best of both worlds. Mids are simply beautiful.

My source is a Shanling PCD300A player used as a transport S/PDIF'd (RCA) to a Crane Song HEDD 192 (Pro-audio AD/DA converters) with balanced outputs.
Jul 12, 2009 at 8:53 AM Post #1,485 of 3,352
We had a huge Balanced B22 vs. Phoenix showdown at the L.A. Meet. We used my system with the same Audio-gd power cord, XLR Sharkwire interconnects, DAC, transport, balanced HD800, etc. The only thing we changed were the amps.

At first I felt the balanced B22 (4-channel version) actually was a good deal better than the Phoenix. It took more listening time until I felt they each had significant benefits. Everyone that listened shared their opinions and will post them. It turned out to be about 60% in favor of the balanced B22 and 40% in favor of the Phoenix. I was surprised that I favored the Balanced B22 initially but I always tell the truth. At this point, I was kind of saddened.

I truly believe the Phoenix to be the more neutral of the amps. I have to see what it sounds like with the REF1 and running with CAST cables in another few weeks. I would like an amp to be somewhere between the Phoenix and the balanced B22.

The balanced B22 had better dynamics, wider and more focused soundstage, more apparent detail and better bass. However the bass seemed to be on the heavy side, the midrange seemed a tad recessed, and the treble a little too hot. I tend to favor this flavor, but it did not sound neutral to me.

The Phoenix had the blackest background of any amp I've heard (but both amps are very transparent). The midrange was more present and the tonal balance more accurate. The Phoenix has a much smoother presentation and I find that I would get fatigued with the balanced B22 after maybe 45 minutes to an hour. The balanced B22 also had plenty of headroom and can drive the HD800s easily.

So both amps have their benefits and I would love to own both. But for the price of the Phoenix, it is still the clear winner. The owner of the balanced B22 was impressed with both and would love to have either.

To give you an idea of who preferred what and what headphones they use, this guide may help:

HD800 owners - toss up down the middle, some prefer Phoenix, some prefer balanced B22
D7000 and DX1000 owners - preferred balanced B22
K70x, HD650, L3000 owners - preferred Phoenix

To me, the balanced B22 with the HD800 almost sounded like the amp had a sonic signature/curve similar to that of the D7000. Unfortunately I don't know if this was my DAC of the amp. With my DAC and the Phoenix though, the sound is neutral.

But make no mistake, these are both world-class headphone amps and should be on the top of anyone's list. They both remain the best SS headphone amps I've ever heard. I should say my girlfriend who has noticed many things about my system in the past and has been right about most of them preferred the Phoenix by a wide margin. Her actual words about the balanced B22 are, "God, I don't like it at all." Unfortunately, we don't share the same opinion.

So that's all for now. For most impressions, please visit the L.A. Meet impressions thread.

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