Audio-gd Phoenix balanced headphone amp.
Jun 28, 2009 at 5:14 PM Post #916 of 3,352

Originally Posted by haloxt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I did open them because I was looking for why my Phoenix wasn't working (turned out to be broken pins 6+7 on data cable fyi). I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary seemed quite similar to the audio-gd pics but I guess someone else should take pictures because I don't have a camera just a decade old video camera.

I know you repaired your cable but he should send you a new one. Is he going to?
Jun 28, 2009 at 6:11 PM Post #917 of 3,352
He said he would send me one if I didn't have any but I didn't ask for it because I could resolder or buy a new one for a few bucks. Plus I think I must've broken it hehe.

Ever since I got the dac19mk3 I have been listening too loud, after balancing my habit is even worse, music is too omnipresent and sustained now for high volume listening. I lowered my listening volume from ~18/99 to ~13/99 hehe hope I stop getting that stuffy feeling in my ears now.
Jun 28, 2009 at 6:54 PM Post #918 of 3,352

Originally Posted by les_garten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dude, you don't think I didn't open the box right after getting it!!!

I would never fire up a piece of gear from China without checking out whether something was screwed up at the factory, or dislodged in shipping. Both of which has happened with A-GD gear as well as other companies.

I can shoot some PIX this week if you HAVE to see them. Mine will look just like the website, except be better resolution. Ohhh and the back panel is not the one I thought I was buying...


Thanks Les. That's exactly why I was asking. Despite what appears to be tank-like build quality, there also seem to be some relatively minor QC issues. But I'm glad to hear that the guts are consistent with your expectations. If you say the internals are the same as the pics already on the site, I don't doubt you, but I think posting pics would be kind of cool, simply because it's nice to have the higher resolution.

What was the situation with the back panel?
Jun 28, 2009 at 7:22 PM Post #919 of 3,352
I think we need to do a FAQ for this thread too so there's less repetitive questions lol.

RCA-out labels became PCA, and input numbers 4 and 5 were switched around by using white stickers (pretty well done though imo, it keeps the back panel from being perfect but is not that intrusive).

As for QC, I poked around both boxes for about half an hour trying to see if anything was loose but all seemed fine.
Jun 28, 2009 at 8:09 PM Post #920 of 3,352
I'll post some internal shots when mine arrives.

Jun 28, 2009 at 8:45 PM Post #921 of 3,352

Originally Posted by haloxt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
RCA-out labels became PCA, and input numbers 4 and 5 were switched around by using white stickers (pretty well done though imo, it keeps the back panel from being perfect but is not that intrusive).

They look ridiculous, to me at least, in the pictures. More importantly, while the error is not "intrusive," it is unacceptable. However, it appears that audio-gd understands this. But when you see something like that, it's important to confirm that something similar wasn't done inside.
Jun 28, 2009 at 10:42 PM Post #924 of 3,352

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any of my earlier concerns have completely been eliminated. I promised not to sound excited so I won't. I will say that I completely rewired my power cord configuration and will post it later after I nap. (I've been averaging 4 hours sleep per night for the last 2 weeks.) I have the amp plugged directly into the wall as do I with my DAC. All other pieces of equipment are plugged into a different outlet. The holographic image I am getting from this system.... I can see Al Jarreau's face! I can hear the space between Mark Knopfler's fingers and his guitar. I can hear the resonating between the musician and an upright bass. And soundstage? I can tell you the [perceived] distance between the musicians in feet.

Is IPodPJ and Patrick82 the same person??
Jun 28, 2009 at 11:23 PM Post #925 of 3,352

Will those of you that brought the Phoenix recommend me to get it over the Woo 6SE?

I have the akg 702 now and getting the Denon ah 7000 and later maybe the sen HD800 when the price drop a bit.

I will be using the phoenix for SE till I get the Sen800 before I go balance it. How is the Phoenix SE out without balance compares to the Woo or other amp SQ.

How and what are the process to order the Phoenix? It the Audio-gd exclusive power cable USD75 any good for the Phoenix.

Thanks again
Jun 28, 2009 at 11:38 PM Post #926 of 3,352

Originally Posted by The Monkey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They look ridiculous, to me at least, in the pictures. More importantly, while the error is not "intrusive," it is unacceptable. However, it appears that audio-gd understands this. But when you see something like that, it's important to confirm that something similar wasn't done inside.

Agreed but this will be fixed as was discussed earlier in the thread (did you miss it ?). I'm just glad it's a minor cosmetic error and something that can be easily fixed. If this really bothers people then wait for the fixed up version. Pretty simple. I have to admit I'm somewhat mystified by the myopic fixation on the unimportant (in the current scheme of things of course)....anywho...

Jun 28, 2009 at 11:48 PM Post #928 of 3,352

Originally Posted by DoYouRight /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How much better are his power supplies than o22? What would I need to try to copy his advanced PSU for my build?

Audio-gd has something similar to the sigma 22 on their site.


Originally Posted by les_garten /img/forum/go_quote.gif
While I appreciate anyone giving useful info about this product, you're not helping here. I do call this Hyperbole and rhetoric. You're not helping your cause when you use these terms.

Here's a few points/facts

>>Some people don't like the HD800
>>Some were sold off immediately after purchase
>>Some reputable reviewers have panned them
>>People become skeptical when "absolute" phrases are used, such as "The Biggest No Brainer in the History of the Earth" Not you, another review. But similar to what you are saying. This is hyperbole and you are inviting gratuitous attack with it. Please stop.


Don't make this a pissing/hyperbole/rhetoric/HD800/Cable thread. If you believe in the Phoenix as you say you do, you'll throttle back and take a breather. Read a few objective reviews of Road&Track and Car&Driver from the 60's or early 70's to see how to do a review/critique.

I like this gear "so far" but YOU are killing it.


x2 all of that. The HD-800s have been a mixxed blessing for me. Though I'll accept that it is subjective somewhat, I still feel that my cheaper overall Stax rig is the best (even if I had bought and wasn't borrowing the Stax amp). However, the HD-800s have the best soundstage of anything I've heard so far though, so it's hard not to pick them up first.

Ok, back on topic.

I had a quick go of SE vs. balanced with the HD-800s and there seemed to be a big change balanced. However, the volume is definitely higher balanced, so that makes it hard to give accurate impressions. Individual instruments seem to stand out much more balanced.

I didn't pop the top of my Phoenix on arrival, but I'll do so and take some 10mp photos soonish.
Jun 28, 2009 at 11:54 PM Post #929 of 3,352

Originally Posted by The Monkey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They look ridiculous, to me at least, in the pictures. More importantly, while the error is not "intrusive," it is unacceptable. However, it appears that audio-gd understands this. But when you see something like that, it's important to confirm that something similar wasn't done inside.

Here again are my thoughts on this. The people who say it's OK are rationalizing Kingwa DUMPING his Frackin back plates on us. Pure and simple. He screwed up and DUMPED them. Sure, it's on the back, you won't see it everyday, but you will have to explain it if you sell it.

Here's my test for this. If you bought it this way from Tweeter, or Best Buy, or Sound by Singer, would you take it back for an exchange? I can't imagine anybody not taking it back! He misspelled XLR on the back of the REF1 for God'd sake. He needs to tighten his game up. Why aren't we taking them back, because dealing with a Chinese company is sometimes a PITA because of shipping price and distance. That's why Kingwa shouldn't be DUMPING crap like this on his customers. He gets a bad reputation for doing this. This was 100% preventable.

It ain't like he didn't know what was going out the door here. To a man everyone Should tell him they are pissed about this. Otherwise he gets a pass on it. He didn't disclose this crap to anyone. This keeps taking me back to when he posted that these UNITs were TEST units for sale on the webpage. Coincidence? Or did he get his back plates in that day?
Jun 29, 2009 at 12:42 AM Post #930 of 3,352
yea that is a small issue that he really should have fixed before shipment. any google search could tell you its xlr and not xrl

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