Audeze LCD-X
Apr 6, 2015 at 8:29 PM Post #6,346 of 12,748
Best option I've tried so fair for the LCD-X is WA6SE but with that I've not had the chance to try other pairing. Would like to try the HUGO mentioned above from a local dealer and see if the little amp is really worth its tag. Local retail price is around usd $1,700. Guess it's comparable to some of the desktop amps mentioned in this forum before..
Btw. Anyone has any recommendation for a tube amp. with low output impedance suitable for LCD-X.? Been watching this video from Uncle Doug in YouTube about how tube amp really works and what I thought of it, the tube amp should be able to deliver its natural sound more naturally than a solid state amp. Would that be generally correct?
Apr 6, 2015 at 9:00 PM Post #6,347 of 12,748
Best option I've tried so fair for the LCD-X is WA6SE but with that I've not had the chance to try other pairing. Would like to try the HUGO mentioned above from a local dealer and see if the little amp is really worth its tag. Local retail price is around usd $1,700. Guess it's comparable to some of the desktop amps mentioned in this forum before..
Btw. Anyone has any recommendation for a tube amp. with low output impedance suitable for LCD-X.? Been watching this video from Uncle Doug in YouTube about how tube amp really works and what I thought of it, the tube amp should be able to deliver its natural sound more naturally than a solid state amp. Would that be generally correct?
Apr 7, 2015 at 1:06 AM Post #6,348 of 12,748
I just received my new comfort suspension strap for my Audeze LCD-X as sold by HeadFi member Lohb. I’d like to post some VERY positive opinions:
First off, I didn’t know I had a comfort issue to begin with. I always thought the LCD-X in leather fit me well with no significant hot spots, a tolerable clamping “pressure”, no unusual weight, and generally good stability with a tolerable shifting when I looked down at my keyboard or up towards my desk’s bookshelves. I didn’t understand the comfort complaints I was reading about. 
The LCD-X is my first truly audiophile headset. To my eyes, it is beautifully made like a nice Ferrari compared to the Abyss which looks like a medieval headscrew torture device with its big wing of metal and required head strap or some of those Stax that look like garage doors strapped to your head. I went with leather since it looked and felt more expensive- I wouldn’t get that Ferrari with the velour seat package for sure!!!- and have been a happy camper since. Awesome imaging and sound stage as driven by my Schiit Gungnir/Ragnarok combo. As Arnie Nudell implied in TAS a few months ago, I now had my million dollar system for a whole “Schiit-load” less. I was good to go.
But then I read about Lohb’s comfort strap in leather and how people were raving about it, so I said what-the-hell and dropped $35 on it as my first ever “mod,” knowing that if it sucked, I hadn’t blown the farm or done something irreversible to the ‘phones.
I PM’ed Lohb who lives in Thailand, half way around the world from my home in Reading, PA. I figured maybe he’d get back to me in a day or three. BANG! ONE MINUTE later, he’s back to me with the info like he was sitting outside my door the whole time. Within 5 minutes I had the order off to him paid via PayPal. He ships twice a week, and damn, wasn’t it my lucky day that it went out that day with a tracking number hitting my inbox in 5 hours!
It arrived today, 13 days later. Christmas in April…
Quick side note: If you have never disassembled an LCD-X, are impatient and generally don’t read directions and just jump into things and figure them out as you go like I do, you DON’T need to unscrew the little set screws on the black Right/Left yoke bodies in order to pull out the yoke rods. Instead just unscrew the little black plastic screws in the end of the yoke rods and then the rods pull right out. DUH. Those little sucker set screws are Locktite-ed mighty tight!!!
So if you do it right, it will take about a minute to get things rigged up. Now onto the eval:
This thing is REALLY comfortable. It contours perfectly no matter when I put it fore or aft on my cranium. It holds the stock headband about 1/4” to 1/2” off my head, and there is a slight comforting “shock absorber” effect when I bob it up and down with no contact ever by the headband.
The most noticeable effect is that I never realized that when I had the native 'phones on in their most comfortable position, the stock band actually was tilting upwards somewhat with the back edge carrying the weight while the front edge was unweighted and sticking up away from my head by about 1/4". With the Lohb strap on though, there is no hot spotting at all, and the ‘phones feel like they are floating. The weight really does feel diminished.
An added benefit is that the float also allows the ‘phones to ROTATE somewhat forward while SLIDING somewhat backwards which really positions my ears dead in their center. Without the strap, the angled face of the ear cup would allow them to slide forward on my somewhat angular face only to be stopped by my ear “jamming” into the back inside of the cup. I had never noticed this as being uncomfortable, but once I discovered the difference with Lohb’s strap, I can never go back. 
I tried looking around, up, and down fairly vigorously to test the security of the new fit. Because the strap now is touching so much more of my head, the frictional fit is greatly improved, and the ‘phones only begin to slide with extreme motions, whereas before the mod, they always would shift a bit even just looking up and down while typing. Since I suck at typing and am constantly staring at the keyboard then looking quickly up at the screen to catch errors, that subtle shifting that I assumed was the price of business has been eliminated.
Below are some pictures showing the significant amount of angulation possible before the stock band hits my head and starts to rotate as well as the comfort gap I experience while wearing them. Notice the perfect contouring of the Lohb strap versus the decagonal shape of the original. Even though the stock band is nicely padded, the ridges ARE palpable and less comfortable than the smooth contour of the Lohb. The side view pic with my hand level shows the normal fit I previously was getting with the stock band digging in along the back edge. Not any more!!!
So in all, I can HIGHLY recommend this very inexpensive mod. I now understand why Abyss, Stax, and others have chosen the suspension systems they did. Now, a thought about those vegan next mod?????





Apr 7, 2015 at 4:44 AM Post #6,350 of 12,748
Been listening to these two combo for a couple of months now. It's good, lively and it's portable! But still not satisfied enough. Still trying to find other amp.pairing. Tried WA7 but it sounded too crips for me. I like the WA6SE better but feel that it was too warm and mellow (not enough "dynamic" in it) .

I enjoy classical and orchestra music more than other genre. HD800 would have been my no.1 choice. However it's a bit hard to find here locally in Jakarta.

Still Theorem 720 and LCD-X still pair nicely for an average, easy listening music.. But it's still short of the "natural, dynamic and soundstage" I am looking for.

Hey I'm in Jakarta too.
HD800 is the easiest TOTL headphones that can be found in Jakarta. Headfonia, Jaben, Soundwave all sell it (and they have demo unit too).
What do you think of the Chord Hugo and Aurender Flow paired with the LCD-X?
Apr 7, 2015 at 5:11 AM Post #6,351 of 12,748
 Anyone has any recommendation for a tube amp. with low output impedance suitable for LCD-X.? 

My Eddie Curent EC445 pair really well with my LCD-X.   It handle it's low impedance without any problem because the EC445 is ALSO a Speaker amp :)

Apr 7, 2015 at 9:47 AM Post #6,353 of 12,748
Hey I'm in Jakarta too.

HD800 is the easiest TOTL headphones that can be found in Jakarta. Headfonia, Jaben, Soundwave all sell it (and they have demo unit too).

What do you think of the Chord Hugo and Aurender Flow paired with the LCD-X?

Hi Callizer.. My fellow countryman...Lol. Guess I was not that lucky at times. Headfonia didn't have it in stock, so did Jaben STC. Had to pre-order it but I wasn't so keen in doing so. Eventually bought the LCD-X from Mike. Tried their HD800 demo though with all the available amp on site. Really love it. Got to have one, someday...

Jsgraha suggestion on Stratus 2A3 looks interesting.. though Bmichels's EC445 looks nicer. Gee I fancy you guys..
Apr 7, 2015 at 10:13 AM Post #6,354 of 12,748
Gee I fancy you guys..

I am sure you didn't mean it that way..

Apr 7, 2015 at 11:01 AM Post #6,356 of 12,748
Hi Callizer.. My fellow countryman...Lol. Guess I was not that lucky at times. Headfonia didn't have it in stock, so did Jaben STC. Had to pre-order it but I wasn't so keen in doing so. Eventually bought the LCD-X from Mike. Tried their HD800 demo though with all the available amp on site. Really love it. Got to have one, someday...
Jsgraha suggestion on Stratus 2A3 looks interesting.. though Bmichels's EC445 looks nicer. Gee I fancy you guys..

I tried the HD800 and didn't really like it. I sounded too analytical and kinda cold.
What do you pair your LCD-X with? I really struggle to find a good desktop dac/amp here. Should I settle for portable ones?
Apr 7, 2015 at 12:24 PM Post #6,357 of 12,748
I tried the HD800 and didn't really like it. I sounded too analytical and kinda cold.

What do you pair your LCD-X with? I really struggle to find a good desktop dac/amp here. Should I settle for portable ones?

I'm using the Theorem 720 with my LCD -X. When listening to pops I think I'm quite satisfied with it. The bass was there, enough punch. Just nice... I would say. But listening to Brahms Requiem, I felt that there''s something missing to the sound reproduction. Though Dvorak's Cello concerto sounds better with it.

Based on my limited experience my NO. 1 sound is of cause the live concert hall. The best possible way to hear a piece of reproduction.

Second best so far was the one short session when I visited my friend's audio shop. His top line setting was jaw dropping, accurate and naturally close to the live concert. However price tag for that setting was equivalent to two brand new Mercedezes E series (or so he claimed)..

These few months I'm quite happy with the gadgets I'm using. The Theorem 720 costed about usd $700. Personally it's no little money for me. Been thinking for an upgrade but not in a rush.

I am sure you didn't mean it that way..:D

Depends, which point of view you looking at from... Lol. :D
Let alone purchasing these expensive stuff abroad. Getting them to our door, save and sound at reasonable cost could sometimes just not worth the risk.
(Have any insight on this freight and courier handling Mr. Calliszer....? )
Apr 7, 2015 at 2:08 PM Post #6,358 of 12,748
  I found lcd Fazer better than X and Xc by 15% in bass,detail,mid, so if you want to enjoy your music upgrade to lcd 3 fazor edition .

I am not sure what that means, but I will take the X any day over the 3F.  I was told by others the 3F was more "euphonic" and mellow, blah blah blah.  To the contrary, I found the 3F a more colored headphone if that is what you are looking for.  In terms of accuracy I will save the $$ and take the X every day of the week.  Needless to say, I love the X + HUGO combination almost as much as my big rig which includes MSB Diamond Plus, ARC REF10, GS150 and Nola Concert Grands. 
Apr 7, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #6,360 of 12,748
I am not sure what that means, but I will take the X any day over the 3F.  I was told by others the 3F was more "euphonic" and mellow, blah blah blah.  To the contrary, I found the 3F a more colored headphone if that is what you are looking for.  In terms of accuracy I will save the $$ and take the X every day of the week.  Needless to say, I love the X + HUGO combination almost as much as my big rig which includes MSB Diamond Plus, ARC REF10, GS150 and Nola Concert Grands. 

this is the lcd-x appreciation thread so lol +1. i had a similar experience from direct comparisons. strongly preferred the lcd-x's sound signature. my audio dealer did as well.
edit: imo all of audeze's headphones have a bit of coloration though (their dark audeze house sound that everyone raves about), so if looking for a purely neutral flat pair of headphones, there are other options out there that can be more suitable depending on their needs. ime ymmv

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