Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread
Dec 13, 2013 at 7:10 PM Post #2,146 of 6,396
  just got my LCD-3 back from repair! 
they sound better too! the new graph does show a difference, basically less peaks/dips in the treble and the dip in the lower treble is smaller. 

Hows the bass
Dec 13, 2013 at 7:15 PM Post #2,147 of 6,396
i wish they'd still slam a little harder, but the punch is slightly better and there is more sub-bass. the bass is cleaner
Dec 15, 2013 at 6:29 AM Post #2,149 of 6,396
For anyone wanting to know the difference between the LCD-3s and XC-
The LCD-3 is the next step up, and top of the line, Audeze headphone. I reviewed the LCD-3 and said, “I’m pretty hard to impress, especially when it comes to headphones, and these impressed me. They’re that good.”

Comparing the two back to back (or I guess technically, open-back to closed-back), I found the XC to be a little less open sounding. Obviously, right? Except, it was not nearly as different as I expected. Sure the LCD-3s are moreopen sounding, but the XCs are so open sounding that the two headphones are lot closer than you’d expect.

I also like that there’s a little more bass with the LCD-3s, the sound is a little warmer. This is more my preference in headphones, just so you know. There also seems to be a little more mid-treble with the LCD-XC, which might make it seem like it has a little less bass (in comparison to the treble).

There’s slightly more… effortlessness… to the LCD-3’s sound. It’s not a huge difference, but with the three Audeze headphones laid out in front of me (including the X’s), the 3’s are the ones I kept wanting to reach for.

So personally, I’d get the LCD-3s over the XCs, for that extra warmth and openness, but if you’re not interested in an open-back headphone then… don’t worry about the LCD-3.


from -

Dec 19, 2013 at 11:44 PM Post #2,152 of 6,396
  After reading about the LCDX I am beginning to get a bit of an itch and I am wondering if any of you could share some thoughts on where I should go next.
Right now I am running HD800s through a Burson Soloist with a X-Sabre DAC. I've had the HD800 for a few months now and they have been like opening Pandora's box for me. They sound great and of course detailed, but there is just a little something in the pleasure department missing. And one of the biggest issues I have had after using the HD800 is that I simply cannot go back to my old HE-500, as although they are enjoyable they are quite unresolving in comparison to the HD800.
So I have been wondering if the LCD3 may be an answer for this. I'm looking for phones that are resolving, dynamic and present the music's emotion well. 

I find that the lcd-3 and hd800 make a great combo to have on hand. I drive them with a soloist. both sound fantastic.
last year I tried all the flagship dynamic and planar cans. these were my two faves, though I miss my T1s a bit. the he-6 was not a comfortable fit for me so I couldn't enjoy them. 
the lcd-3s are more fun and certainly more forgiving than the senns but that senn hd800 clear view is pretty awesome at times (and always incredible for classical). the hd800 can seem clinical sometimes depending on the recording, but they are SO good. I could not live with them alone, but would hate to give them up.  for this boy the lcd-3 is a desert island pair of headphones.
Dec 20, 2013 at 7:01 AM Post #2,153 of 6,396
I find the 3s to be the most incredible musical reproduction experience apart from an extreme high end speaker system (can feel the bass) that I have ever heard. All I can say is they are going to have to come up with something other-worldly awesome to make me consider purchasing some other cans. No matter the genre every listening experience is a memorable experience. I am starting to learn to listen to music in a new way by separately tracking via instrumental separation the story line of each instrument as they all weave the composition together.
I am sure the X and the XC are also awesome phones, but owning the 3s has been [is] such a pivotal change in the listening experience that it will take something really exceptional to best these phones. Possibly an LCD4 but for now I have this nice setup and a comfy chair to lean back into and close the eyes and just get wrapped up in the composition...
Dec 20, 2013 at 3:50 PM Post #2,154 of 6,396
I find that the lcd-3 and hd800 make a great combo to have on hand. I drive them with a soloist. both sound fantastic.
last year I tried all the flagship dynamic and planar cans. these were my two faves, though I miss my T1s a bit. the he-6 was not a comfortable fit for me so I couldn't enjoy them. 
the lcd-3s are more fun and certainly more forgiving than the senns but that senn hd800 clear view is pretty awesome at times (and always incredible for classical). the hd800 can seem clinical sometimes depending on the recording, but they are SO good. I could not live with them alone, but would hate to give them up.  for this boy the lcd-3 is a desert island pair of headphones.

+1.  I think that the HD800's and LCD-3's are a great complement to one another, offering soundscapes different enough to make it interesting having both.
Dec 20, 2013 at 5:44 PM Post #2,155 of 6,396


+1.  I think that the HD800's and LCD-3's are a great complement to one another, offering soundscapes different enough to make it interesting having both.



I found it interesting to read your musical preference of classical in light of your enjoyment of the LCD-3 (or visa versa I guess). I have been enjoying the "woodier" sound with oboes and cellos and some piano recordings. It really is nice to have the different "take" on the soundscapes.

Is there any particular style or type of classical with which you enjoy the LCD-3s? Or even particular works or recordings? Appreciate any pointers to great performances sounding great!
Dec 20, 2013 at 6:58 PM Post #2,157 of 6,396
  I find the 3s to be the most incredible musical reproduction experience apart from an extreme high end speaker system (can feel the bass) that I have ever heard. All I can say is they are going to have to come up with something other-worldly awesome to make me consider purchasing some other cans. No matter the genre every listening experience is a memorable experience. I am starting to learn to listen to music in a new way by separately tracking via instrumental separation the story line of each instrument as they all weave the composition together.
I am sure the X and the XC are also awesome phones, but owning the 3s has been [is] such a pivotal change in the listening experience that it will take something really exceptional to best these phones. Possibly an LCD4 but for now I have this nice setup and a comfy chair to lean back into and close the eyes and just get wrapped up in the composition...

Couldn't have put it better myself. There are many a time I have drifted off to sleep, lost in the wonderful soundscape the 3s conjure up.
Dec 20, 2013 at 10:01 PM Post #2,159 of 6,396


I found it interesting to read your musical preference of classical in light of your enjoyment of the LCD-3 (or visa versa I guess). I have been enjoying the "woodier" sound with oboes and cellos and some piano recordings. It really is nice to have the different "take" on the soundscapes.

Is there any particular style or type of classical with which you enjoy the LCD-3s? Or even particular works or recordings? Appreciate any pointers to great performances sounding great!

Hi analog'd

I actually enjoy the LCD-3's with all genres of classical, precisely because of the warmth and smoothness that make the strings sound so rich (woodwinds, voices and brass too). That said, I suppose that I do lean slightly towards the HD800's for large orchestral works and Opera (19th Century and later). But with chamber music, and all Baroque music (and earlier music), the LCD-3's really shine.

As for specific recordings . . . Gosh, I listen to so much that it is hard for me to single out any particular favorites. But coincidentally, I was just listening to "Vivaldi Sacred Music - 7" by The King's Consort which was breathtaking, mostly due to Carolyn Sampson's voice. Highly recommended.
Dec 21, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #2,160 of 6,396


I found it interesting to read your musical preference of classical in light of your enjoyment of the LCD-3 (or visa versa I guess). I have been enjoying the "woodier" sound with oboes and cellos and some piano recordings. It really is nice to have the different "take" on the soundscapes.

Is there any particular style or type of classical with which you enjoy the LCD-3s? Or even particular works or recordings? Appreciate any pointers to great performances sounding great!

Hi analog'd

I actually enjoy the LCD-3's with all genres of classical, precisely because of the warmth and smoothness that make the strings sound so rich (woodwinds, voices and brass too). That said, I suppose that I do lean slightly towards the HD800's for large orchestral works and Opera (19th Century and later). But with chamber music, and all Baroque music (and earlier music), the LCD-3's really shine.

As for specific recordings . . . Gosh, I listen to so much that it is hard for me to single out any particular favorites. But coincidentally, I was just listening to "Vivaldi Sacred Music - 7" by The King's Consort which was breathtaking, mostly due to Carolyn Sampson's voice. Highly recommended.
Hi Scott,
thanks for the reply. love Vivaldi and will seek it out... nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking the classical I've been listening to on the lcd-3s sounds wonderful. I haven't read through a million postings, but the reading I did before getting them was fairly extensive and had no one (ahem) trumpeting their splendid performance in this area. because of that I was shocked at how great everything was sounding (even larger scale loves the tonal balance, although the soundstage can't touch the hd800s). anyway, enjoy and have a great holiday season.

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