Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Jul 16, 2011 at 12:12 AM Post #14,701 of 18,459
Well at first I thought, meh. Sennheiser has been using envelopes with limited edition outer mongolian Yak skin plated with unobtanium with a clasp made from the the tusks of the almost extinct Nardwar possum for YEARS. And the consensus opinion was that anything in  those envelopes was "fun" but "colored" and not suitable for serious reading. But I have to say, with a lining hand-rolled on the thigh of a Female Russian shot putter, it could counteract the odd-spectrum harmonies. Psychoacoustically, it makes sense. I'm intrigued, but I'll wait for the heavyweights on HF to weigh in before I buy. How much, by the way? And do you have a link where I can buy?

it's just as the authorities feared all those years ago when I was at School... There are indeed more like me out there :D :D :D
Jul 16, 2011 at 12:13 AM Post #14,702 of 18,459
I dont know about you, I dont want to own anything that was hand-rolled on the thigh of a Female Russian shot putter. I heard they dont shave there.........eeewwwww           But if you need the mental image

Jul 16, 2011 at 12:17 AM Post #14,703 of 18,459
I dont know about you, I dont want to own anything that was hand-rolled on the thigh of a Female Russian shot putter. I heard they dont shave there.........eeewwwww           But if you need the mental image

You know, I have been looking for an appetite suppressant for a while.. I think I have now found one :eek:
Jul 16, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #14,704 of 18,459

I dont know about you, I dont want to own anything that was hand-rolled on the thigh of a Female Russian shot putter. I heard they dont shave there.........eeewwwww           But if you need the mental image

-Scary picture edited for the sake of preventing further nightmares

I hope that I speak for all of Head-Fi, or at least a healthy majority, in responding; way too much information!
Jul 16, 2011 at 12:26 AM Post #14,705 of 18,459
Well, I am more than happy to get back to the hamsters talk. I wasnt the one talking how I cherished there russian rubbed envelope.

Jul 16, 2011 at 12:34 AM Post #14,706 of 18,459
Listening to the rev.2s since I got them earlier in the week.  I am not really even tempted to pull the rev.1s out from their box in my closet.  Maybe this weekend.  The rev.2s are just so satisfying.  Its not like the rev.1s were not satisfying but I think I like the v.2s better.  I wanted to get a leather head band and plastic box so selling my rev.1s for $800 with an opportunity to try the new drivers was worth it for me.  Regarding fit with the rev.2s, at first I didn't like going from the metal material of the post clamps to polymer but I found the polymer simpler to adjust and the leather headband definitely more comfortable.  I also find I am liking acoustic-classical-string music better on the rev2s.  The real loss would not having LCD-2s bet it rev1s or rev2s.
Jul 16, 2011 at 1:17 AM Post #14,707 of 18,459
C'mon guys & gals. Yeah the pic is scary, but I bet s/he has a great personality! If we have to be serious, I'm still waiting for the return of my LCD's from warranty service (the right channel went out). I wrote today asking for a timeframe but didn't hear back. It's forgivable, this is California and it's Friday. (Unlike other places, we value the work-life balance thing) I bet I will hear back this weekend. Audeze has legendary customer service. These phones are freakin' awesome. The comfort food of audiophiles. They went for this market, and now they got it, and we're entrenched and enraptured. 
And hey! I'd be proud if my lesbian sister brought this gal home to meet the family! It would be cool to have another relative who understood my love for machines! :)
Jul 16, 2011 at 2:24 AM Post #14,708 of 18,459

C'mon guys & gals. Yeah the pic is scary, but I bet s/he has a great personality! If we have to be serious, I'm still waiting for the return of my LCD's from warranty service (the right channel went out). I wrote today asking for a timeframe but didn't hear back. It's forgivable, this is California and it's Friday. (Unlike other places, we value the work-life balance thing) I bet I will hear back this weekend. Audeze has legendary customer service. These phones are freakin' awesome. The comfort food of audiophiles. They went for this market, and now they got it, and we're entrenched and enraptured. 
And hey! I'd be proud if my lesbian sister brought this gal home to meet the family! It would be cool to have another relative who understood my love for machines! :)

How is the picture scary? I find her quite hot

Jul 16, 2011 at 2:39 AM Post #14,710 of 18,459
Anyone finding the Rev2 fatiguing? Mine have been playing (burning?) for about four hours, but the upper-mid/treble reminds me immediately of the Grado 325... harsh. Leading edges of notes have a stabbing hardness about them. Difficult to listen to some music (well recorded, I thought) for more than a few minutes.
Instead of always the volume up as with the Rev1, I'm reaching to turn it down.
I'm hoping this might tone down over time - as it seemed to with the HE6.
Early days though. Sorry, I'm a glass half empty kind of guy :)... will bring a more balanced report later perhaps.
Other than that, the Rev 2 is certainly clearer and tighter. But if it remains fatiguing for me, it will have to go.

That's exactly what I was afraid was happening. Rev 2 is more hi-fi sounding, which tends to impress at first listen but will ultimately become fatiguing. If an equipment is hifi sounding, it almost always means there is deviation from naturalness. Real world does not sound "hi-fi". You should be able to listen to your gear for an extended period of time at realistic volume without feeling fatigued.

I'm perfectly happy with my rev1 LCD2 driven by Klimax ds and beta22. It sounds natural, real, and I can listen to my lcd2 without ever feeling fatigued. As mentioned by other members, I wouldn't change a thing with lcd2. (ok, that's not completely true. I would prefer more transparency without altering how it sounds, which appears not to be the case with rev2.There is always room for improvement in transparency for any transducer)

Jul 16, 2011 at 3:10 AM Post #14,712 of 18,459

Kwkarth - are you basing that response on having heard the r.2 LCD-2?  My understanding was that is what the OP was asking about. 
I'd say they definitely begin to infringe on my own sensitivity to some aspect of the sound spectrum, or perhaps some other area of presentation is exacerbating that for me with r.2.  That never occurred to me with the r.1.  It is not nearly as bad as the HE-5, which was a full on assault to my hearing and would give me a headache in short order.  But it is a very similar effect...the beginnings of the same kind of fatigue.   It didn't matter what material I was listening to on them, though some might be worse than others, the cumulative effect of listening over time to even a random mix will have this effect with certain cans.  The r.2 most definitely has an edge to it this way for me.  I found if I went in and knocked down a bit of the high-frequencies via an equalizer it did help some. 
That said, I would not have described the presentation as "harsh" - it is more lit up...illuminated.  It has more energy and clarity to it, and seems to be resolving more of the details that I ever recall hearing in the r.1 (a very nice thing, but could also contribute to, or be a signature of, some aspect of the presentation that is bothering the OP).  Notes seem to hang and decay longer than before.  Leading edges are more sharply defined.   I'll say it again - the r.2 does not occur to me as the same headphones, but a variation on the theme with a markedly different presentation. 

I was speaking tongue in cheek.  I have not had the pleasure of hearing the v2 LCD-2 yet.  Given the fact that the FR graph looks "virtually" the same as v1, there is little to no chance of listening fatigue being a component of v2 cans.  However, if your source material has a harshness component to it, you might not hear it with v1, and yet hear it with v2 cans, if the phenomena is rise time, decay time or resonance related.  Not a likelihood in any case, but just a WAG.  I would like to see a waterfall plot for the new vs. old version to see if there's something going on.
Jul 16, 2011 at 3:15 AM Post #14,713 of 18,459
That's exactly what I was afraid was happening. Rev 2 is more hi-fi sounding, which tends to impress at first listen but will ultimately become fatiguing. If an equipment is hifi sounding, it almost always means there is deviation from naturalness. Real world does not sound "hi-fi". You should be able to listen to your gear for an extended period of time at realistic volume without feeling fatigued.

I'm perfectly happy with my rev1 LCD2 driven by Klimax ds and beta22. It sounds natural, real, and I can listen to my lcd2 without ever feeling fatigued. As mentioned by other members, I wouldn't change a thing with lcd2. (ok, that's not completely true. I would prefer more transparency without altering how it sounds, which appears not to be the case with rev2.There is always room for improvement in transparency for any transducer)

Who said the r.2 was more hi-fi sounding?
Jul 16, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #14,714 of 18,459

curious that you should ask this now. I only last night tried the headphones without my concerto. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't able to tell one from the other immediately.  If I was to word it, I would say the wavelength sounded a tat more forward than the concerto (however, this could simply be the effect of the difference in volume).  the concerto had better placement, but I can't be sure, having not done extensive tests. Also, the plugging in and out of the headphone jack takes me more than 5 seconds (including volume adjustment to get both approximately the same). That's longer than I would like for AB.  I also havent' done any ABX so I don't know if I could tell one from the other blind. That said, without proper equipment, I'm prolly not going to be able to get both equipment to the exact same volume.  On the proton, the line volume is 90%, so I would have to use this with the concerto for the best performance. However, raw 90% is too loud on the proton to listen to music with without an external amp to turn down the volume.  
If you have any suggestions on how I might conduct a proper test lemme know.
athenaesword, have you tried the LCD-2s with the headphone amp of your Proton alone, not going through the Concerto?  I'd be interested to know if the Proton has enough power to drive them on its own.


Jul 16, 2011 at 3:37 AM Post #14,715 of 18,459
I know what u're talking about. I've had maybe about 6 hours in total with a rev1 at a dealer, and to compensate for the lack of details that i was hearing, I was turning up the volume a fair bit, which resulted in fatigue.  don't have that same problem with the r2. also, i'm not sure I mentioned it here, but with the R1 I felt that it made my music sound "lazy" for lack of a better word.  I listened to a couple of electronic guitar tracks, and some harder music (to test for harshness), and not only were they not harsh, they sounded sleepy, or slower, which was..... weird. bear in mind I was coming from the HD800, so it might have been the stark contrast, but I maintain that my experience with the R1 wasn't that favorable, although I was prepared to get them since all the other high end headphones were too harsh for me (apart from the stax sr007). with the r2 though, I don't get nearly as much of that problem.
I don't find them fatiguing at all. I'm actually listening to them about 3X more than I did with the r.1.    I actually found those to be fatiguing. With the r.1 I felt as if I alway had to strain a little bit to hear the detail I knew was there but wasn't getting to my ears, as if it was all to slow.   In the end that really wore me down.


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