Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Dec 21, 2010 at 2:25 AM Post #7,861 of 18,459

I would love to hear which headphones you think have accurate treble so I can get a better sense of the way you hear.  SR325, SA5000 and GS1000? 

Any diffuse field equalised headphone (ER4S, K340DF...). I'll let you know if the stax lambda run through an EQ produces the same (theoretically it should, but I like the way it sounds already). You could do it yourself on your LCD-2 using a software EQ if you have a computer rig. Heck, turning down the bass and mids about 5-10 dB would get closer to what I prefer (but not quite).
FWIW I don't like the grados I've heard (MSpro is okay, but I wouldn't buy it)

Are you going to try the HE-6? They sound more to your taste. Bass is articulate but not as aggressive as the LCD-2.

I'm too poor at the moment. I just bought some stuff from n3rdling. If someone local snaps up a pair I'll probably listen to them quickly.
RE: My attitude. Lol you guys, relax. We're all friends here. Except that MrGreen guy, **** him.
Dec 21, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #7,862 of 18,459

The bottle neck is then there. And that might be why cables won't make a lot of difference.

If you were referring to my post, an iPod is not my main source/dac (unless I am on the go :p) furthermore sources/amps have nothing to do with a cable inability to influence sound... that is why I do not believe in them... pretty simple logic.
Currently my system has no bottleneck in an objective sense. I am sure it would not be to everyones' taste, though.
The LCD-2 sound beyond sublime in my bedroom :).
Dec 21, 2010 at 3:05 AM Post #7,863 of 18,459
I'm now running my LCD-2 in balanced mode - ordered an XLR version of the Moon Audio Silver Dragon which got here today. I haven't "compared" balanced to single-ended but I don't care how single-ended sounds at this point. All I know is that the balanced LCD-2 sounds pretty good to me and the combo of balanced mode + the new cable transforms the LCD-2 to something more up my alley.
Well I'm also running a new amp so there's that factor too.
I don't think the balanced LCD-2 will be replacing my favorite headphone though - it's good, really good even, but it doesn't have the forward-assault type sound of my Audio-Technica AD2000 that makes it my go-to headphone for metal and bassy electronica.
Dec 21, 2010 at 5:28 AM Post #7,865 of 18,459
Mr. Green,  your comments on hyperacousis are very interesting.  
I find I am sensitive to ~6 KHz if it's too loud. And too loud for me is probably not too loud for others. I still LIKE to listen to my HD800s  but I have to listen to them at a lower level than I really want.  I have to research this further.
Very interesting.  Wonderful what you can learn here on Head Fi!
Dec 21, 2010 at 8:14 AM Post #7,866 of 18,459

I'm now running my LCD-2 in balanced mode - ordered an XLR version of the Moon Audio Silver Dragon which got here today. I haven't "compared" balanced to single-ended but I don't care how single-ended sounds at this point. All I know is that the balanced LCD-2 sounds pretty good to me and the combo of balanced mode + the new cable transforms the LCD-2 to something more up my alley.
Well I'm also running a new amp so there's that factor too.
I don't think the balanced LCD-2 will be replacing my favorite headphone though - it's good, really good even, but it doesn't have the forward-assault type sound of my Audio-Technica AD2000 that makes it my go-to headphone for metal and bassy electronica.

Interesting. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first of the recent TOTL headphones that you've actually liked (HD800, T1, LCD-2, HE-6, HE-5). Speaks volumes of the recabled/balanced LCD-2.
Dec 21, 2010 at 9:26 AM Post #7,870 of 18,459
If we forget the LCD-1 can the LCD-2 be TOTL when there is no line?
Dec 21, 2010 at 10:38 AM Post #7,871 of 18,459
Let's not forget the LCD-1. It's very nice IMHO, it's just that it lack that deep bass performance that the LCD-2 is famous for. Most likely because of the headset (but the advantage of the headset is that it's very light compared to the LCD-2).
If we forget the LCD-1 can the LCD-2 be TOTL when there is no line?

Dec 21, 2010 at 10:48 AM Post #7,872 of 18,459

Mr. Green,  your comments on hyperacousis are very interesting.  
I find I am sensitive to ~6 KHz if it's too loud. And too loud for me is probably not too loud for others. I still LIKE to listen to my HD800s  but I have to listen to them at a lower level than I really want.  I have to research this further.
Very interesting.  Wonderful what you can learn here on Head Fi!

The funny thing is that, as you turn down, bass volume actually decreases relative to treble. The spike in the HD800s at 6k, if it was intentional is probably to assist with articulation (to give a greater sense of clarity). Turning that frequency alone down probably won't be an issue and you could do it quite easily with a foobar/winamp plugin called electri-q (I use it in foobar with a winamp dsp bridge when I feel like it).
6Khz is basically where most people have hearing damage and coincidentally(?) is the frequency of most people's tinnitus. There are a number of theories about "acquired hyperacousis", for example people who get in the habbit of wearing earplugs a lot in situations that are not especially loud may become overly sensitive to sound when they are on, similarly people with conductive hearing loss (which as far as I know doesn't lead to hyperacousis) find they have the same problem after getting cochlear surgery, or a hearing aid. However I believe these findings have no scientific evidence to support them - merely anecdotal evidence, etc. Interestingly, I actually use my ER4s a LOT and they have actually pushed my listening levels way below what would be considered normal. I did have it before this, however, though I am not sure if it has exascerbated the issue (I'd guess probably not). An audiologist will be able to help if you describe the issue. Particularly steam depressurising and vaccuum cleaners (and things in that area) are particularly irritating for myself (although loud sounds in general tend to annoy me).
FWIW I find stax lambda has all the good qualities of the HD800 without the annoying treble. There is of course, the midrange to consider, but that doesn't really bother me.
Dec 21, 2010 at 6:13 PM Post #7,873 of 18,459
I actually used to own the Stax Lambda with the T1W amp. I remember thinking how vocals were vividly real, along with percussion, piano, and strings.
I remember listening to my old Donavan CD and thinking how shockingly real it sounded.
Ultimately, I sold them because of comfort issues (they just pressed directly on my ears too much).
But I tell you, I listened to my SACD of Hot Rocks (the Stones) with the LCD-2s, and it is as good as I ever heard the Stones, a really memorable sound.
(I was the one who said the ALO xlr cables miraculously transformed the Audezes a few posts back.)
PS: If you like the Stones or Boston or Cindy Lauper a lot, this alone is reason to get an SACD player and these SACDs. They are all magnificent recordings.
(Hot Rocks; Boston, She's So Unusual.)
I love SACD; too bad it never caught on.
Dec 21, 2010 at 6:23 PM Post #7,874 of 18,459

I actually used to own the Stax Lambda with the T1W amp. I remember thinking how vocals were vividly real, along with percussion, piano, and strings.
I remember listening to my old Donavan CD and thinking how shockingly real it sounded.
Ultimately, I sold them because of comfort issues (they just pressed directly on my ears too much).

Interesting. Honestly the lambda frame is amongst the most comfortable I've felt. I'm not sure if I preferred strings on the LCD-2 or the Stax, it has been too long.
RE: XLR cables, did you come from single-ended?
Dec 21, 2010 at 6:26 PM Post #7,875 of 18,459

I actually used to own the Stax Lambda with the T1W amp. I remember thinking how vocals were vividly real, along with percussion, piano, and strings.
I remember listening to my old Donavan CD and thinking how shockingly real it sounded.
Ultimately, I sold them because of comfort issues (they just pressed directly on my ears too much).
But I tell you, I listened to my SACD of Hot Rocks (the Stones) with the LCD-2s, and it is as good as I ever heard the Stones, a really memorable sound.
(I was the one who said the ALO xlr cables miraculously transformed the Audezes a few posts back.)
PS: If you like the Stones or Boston or Cindy Lauper a lot, this alone is reason to get an SACD player and these SACDs. They are all magnificent recordings.
(Hot Rocks; Boston, She's So Unusual.)
I love SACD; too bad it never caught on.

It doesn't seem like most high resolution will catch on as most people don't have a system that can get the most from it, which means they won't hear much difference. You can still get a fairly inexpensive LP player and hear good sound. 
I have all of the Stones on the release done on SACD. Too bad they are in storage 8 thousand miles away. :^) I would love to hear them on the LCD-2.

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