Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Dec 20, 2010 at 2:08 PM Post #7,831 of 18,459

If Audeze were smart about this, they would make a deal with ALO to offer their cables as an original equipment upgrade just to get them into peoples hands
and see what the LCD2s are capable of and spread the word.

That would likely increase the price beyond their intended price point.  It isn't a coincidence that they cost just under $1000. It is by design.

not to mention there is no evidence the cable does anything than alter the looks... pretty stupid to raise the price of the cable by 60% for no reason...
We have ultrasone edition headphones for this :p
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:04 PM Post #7,832 of 18,459
There is plenty of evidence that depending on how you use it the cable can add too much weight!  Also I believe the original cable is like 50$ (probably less in materials actually) so, raise the total price by 50 or 60% but the cable by 1100% or more.  I don't know if I am fully in agreement with your stance on cables but I definitely doubt claims of the cables completely fixing what seem to be described as major deficiencies in the headphone though.  Maybe, if the quality of the original cable is absolutely horrible (way too thin, made of steel, oxidized badly, poorly soldered or something to that effect).  Flowery exaggerated language seems to be what this hobby is all about though.  Then again I never really took my stock cable out of the bag besides to look at it once.  I made my own cables before receiving the headphone because it seemed obvious to me from pictures, that the cable was going to be microphonic and probably stiff.  Also I wanted to test different materials to see if I could notice a difference...  I should have used the stock cable for my limited comparisons but maybe next time when I actually have someone to help me blind test them ;P.
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:07 PM Post #7,833 of 18,459
The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:26 PM Post #7,835 of 18,459
Yeah mine had the techflex on it.  It's not like you couldn't cut off the rubber over the wires and possibly desolder the 1/4" end and braid them to make the loose wires prettier.  It's just some 4 conductor canare or something no?  Or you could get all the parts to make an identical cable for like 30 bucks including shipping probably, assuming you had soldering tools already.
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:33 PM Post #7,836 of 18,459
I'm pretty thankful I don't suffer from "golden ears", as my LCD's with their stock cable sounds absolutely amazing to me, and my ears of the less-than-golden variety.  

Dec 20, 2010 at 3:34 PM Post #7,837 of 18,459

The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)

The LCD-2 isn't your style Green-man, time to move on, nothing to see here...
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:48 PM Post #7,838 of 18,459

I decided to take my RSA Raptor out of retirement and pair them with the LCD-2's.
I gotta say that I'm extremely impressed. The Raptor is very powerful and feeds the LCD-2's with gobs of power, which (has been said by many other posters in this thread) really brings put the better attributes of the Audeze.

I'm very glad to hear that. I love my Raptor paired with Grado RS1 and HP2 as for me it has great synergy. I just purchased a pair of LCD-2 and hopefully will be here before New Year. Do you have the original power supply or the upgraded one? Ray mentioned that there is a significant upgrade available for the power supply for $200 (offered by Ray at a loss). I might pickup his upgraded demo Raptor to A/B compare to my for a week before I commit. I feel it might be worthwhile upgrade for the power hungry LCD-2. I should have a same set of tubes and a good switch for both to A/B. Also looking forward to compare to HE60/HEV70 combo.
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:49 PM Post #7,839 of 18,459

The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)

The LCD-2 isn't your style Green-man, time to move on, nothing to see here...

He is right that cables are not going to make a headphone someone does not prefer or like into one they do like though.
And placebo is immensely powerful, and ultimately useful for many here it would seem.
As long as people are happy listening to their music that is all that matters though.
Dec 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM Post #7,840 of 18,459

The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)

Hehehe, even if everything you said is right, I consider it cheap to spent a few hundred dollars to buy a placebo effect.  In fact the higher the education you have the better the placebo effect will work

Dec 20, 2010 at 3:57 PM Post #7,841 of 18,459

The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)

Hehehe, even if everything you said is right, I consider it cheap to spent a few hundred dollars to buy a placebo effect.  In fact the higher the education you have the better the placebo effect will work

Education and susceptibility to placebo are not directly correlated, although those with a higher education are much more likely to NOT be subject to a placebo effect... but now we are getting quite offensive and personal.
You do not have to be dumb to succumb to placebo, but it definitely would be more likely if one was. Placebo can claim even people of the highest intelligence.
That is why placebo is so powerful... people believe something to be true because their own mind makes it so - hard to escape.
A few hundred dollars is not cheap for placebo because you could just buy sugar pills and get the same effect...but hey if you can blow hundreds here and there you might have more green matter than...  :wink:
Dec 20, 2010 at 5:00 PM Post #7,844 of 18,459

The LCD-2 fanbase seems rampant with the "Cables will fix this" ideology that plagues many headphones I consider to be dark, perhaps most notably the HD650 - where people somehow consider it standard fare that you "must upgrade to a silver cable to bring the treble alive". Not a believer (I have an education). Still, whether there is any difference or not, placebo is awesome and anyone who says otherwise needs to take their medication (sugar pills)

No one is insisting it will fix anything.  I haven't read a single post even close to some of the other headphone's fanboy posts about amps and cables fixing everything.  People are pretty quick to say that you should get a brighter heapdphone if that's what you want.  All people (a few people that is) have said is that it fixes it for them, or sounds better to them with a certain aftermarket cable and the majority have said that the stock cable sounds fine.  As far as I can tell, you seem rampant with the "I will prove you all wrong" mentality.  No offense, I love hearing your opinion and you are articulate, but I have an education as well, and I also have my own intuition and perception and I trust all of those things more than I trust yours (or anyone else's for that matter).
I also think that out of respect for the fact that Audeze is a 2-man operation, you might go a little softer in your rampage against the LCD-2.  I'm not saying anyone shouldn't be honest, they should of course, and they should share, but you seem to be going out of your way to convince people that the LCD-2 has flaws.  Audeze is not the enemy, they are a huge benefit to the Audiophile community in what they represent (competition to global corporations by 2 people).  I just think that even if you don't like their first headphone 100%, it is a very good thing for all of us if 2 guys can succeed in this kind of operation.  Again, I'm not saying anyone should hush, I'm just saying maybe put down the megaphone. 
I would love to hear which headphones you think have accurate treble so I can get a better sense of the way you hear.  SR325, SA5000 and GS1000? 

Dec 20, 2010 at 5:06 PM Post #7,845 of 18,459

He is right that cables are not going to make a headphone someone does not prefer or like into one they do like though.

Have you ever had the opportunity to hear a pair of K1000s with the stock tail, and then listen to them with a Black Dragon tail (or some other decent after-market cable)?  If you didn't hear an improvement then I suggest to you that maybe the placebo effect was operating in reverse.

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