Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Dec 20, 2010 at 1:51 AM Post #7,816 of 18,459

Aftermarket cables are ugly.  That ALO thing is gaudy.

Don't say that! Then people will know they have absolutely no purpose whatsoever! (Save replacement purposes) Be more positive!! :p

^^ its not like i give a frack about looks (though i like the look of the alo cable..but that's an afterthought for me)...all i know is there is no way in hell i can go back to listening to the LCD-2 with the stock cable.

I will gladly give you my paypal account if you find joy in handing out your money for no return.
I can send you lovely drawings of cables that will sound even better than your ALO ones if you choose to believe so :)
Dec 20, 2010 at 7:12 AM Post #7,817 of 18,459
So is there a cable for the lcd2 that's completely non-microphonic, flexible, durable, not very thick and with excellent performance?
Oh, and priced to feed an african child for three months only  :)
Dec 20, 2010 at 7:28 AM Post #7,818 of 18,459
I used an old Denon D5000 cable. It's completely non-microphonic, flexible, durable, not very thick with excellent electrical performance.
Best of all, it was free :wink:
So is there a cable for the lcd2 that's completely non-microphonic, flexible, durable, not very thick and with excellent performance?
Oh, and priced to feed an african child for three months only  :)

Dec 20, 2010 at 8:06 AM Post #7,819 of 18,459
I tried an aftermarket cable that didn't work out for me, so I'm back to looking at cables once again.  I'm intrigued by the ALO ‘Chain Mail’ cable but hesitant to order one due to the weight issues that have been raised here.  One poster who abandoned the cable (skylab) seemed to be physically active while listening.  That won’t be my situation since I will be sitting at a desk and only expect to have a few feet of cable suspended in the air. 
My question to ALO owners (and former owners) is: 
Is the weight of the ALO cable an issue for you when you’re listening in a desktop situation (with most of the cable resting on the desktop rather than hanging a long distance).  Also, how long a distance do you feel the ALO cable can be suspended before it becomes uncomfortable?
Dec 20, 2010 at 8:21 AM Post #7,820 of 18,459
For all the skeptics about Audeze's customer service I would like to make a comment.
I emailed them  about a month ago about my pads going thinner than usual, they answered quickly and sent me a replacement.
Since the pads didn't arrive for a month time duration I contacted them again and now they are sending another set of pads by express with tracking.
Now that's a customer service!
Dec 20, 2010 at 8:59 AM Post #7,821 of 18,459

For all the skeptics about Audeze's customer service I would like to make a comment.
I emailed them  about a month ago about my pads going thinner than usual, they answered quickly and sent me a replacement.
Since the pads didn't arrive for a month time duration I contacted them again and now they are sending another set of pads by express with tracking.
Now that's a customer service!

I don't want to pick on your post or Audeze, but how is that great customer service? They made it up to you but only after they screwed up the first time.. 
Dec 20, 2010 at 9:40 AM Post #7,822 of 18,459

So is there a cable for the lcd2 that's completely non-microphonic, flexible, durable, not very thick and with excellent performance?
Oh, and priced to feed an african child for three months only  :)

The Moon Audio Silver Dragon is all of those things (aside from the pricing "issue", although it's pretty reasonable IMO).  It is much better ergonomically than the stock cable, and very light.  The ALO cable, while I thought it sounded excellent, was too heavy for me - much too heavy.
Dec 20, 2010 at 10:07 AM Post #7,823 of 18,459
I confess to not having read all 522 pages of this thread so far, but seeing all the glowing reviews here and elsewhere, I pre-ordered last Friday! I'm not really in search of the Holy Grail of headphones.......ok, ok I am. My favorite phones I have (and purchased recently) are the DT880/600. I told myself I wouldn't do this obsessing again like I did with my (finally completed and satisfied) stereo set up. Sheesh. Anywho, I can't wait!
Dec 20, 2010 at 10:56 AM Post #7,824 of 18,459

If they shipped it and the shipping company didn't deliver on time, how is that Audeze's fault?
For all the skeptics about Audeze's customer service I would like to make a comment.
I emailed them  about a month ago about my pads going thinner than usual, they answered quickly and sent me a replacement.
Since the pads didn't arrive for a month time duration I contacted them again and now they are sending another set of pads by express with tracking.
Now that's a customer service!

I don't want to pick on your post or Audeze, but how is that great customer service? They made it up to you but only after they screwed up the first time.. 

Dec 20, 2010 at 11:04 AM Post #7,825 of 18,459
I have no problems with the ALO's weight or anything else ergonomically. I'm trying to understand what the issue is unless you are using them in portable mode.
At a desk, they are just as easy to deal with as other cables I own (Black Dragons, Complements, Zu-cables). I guess if you have 7 feet of it hanging down there would be
some weight, but the same would be true with many other premium cables. If you are at a desk and your amp is on the desk, I don't see any problem;
the cable would just rest on the desk. You would just need a little slack length so they didn't pull from extending the whole length.
And, like was said earlier by another poster here, I can't even imagine listening to them without the ALOs. I think they are THAT good.
Now, no part of the frequency spectrum stands out such that they have an even-handed, natural sound top to bottom. Things are palpable but not pushy.
This was not true before, where I felt the upper-mids were peaky and the bass was a little one-note and the highs were at the same time recessed but slightly hard.
All of these negatives basically go away with the ALOs.
If Audeze were smart about this, they would make a deal with ALO to offer their cables as an original equipment upgrade just to get them into peoples hands
and see what the LCD2s are capable of and spread the word.
Dec 20, 2010 at 11:35 AM Post #7,827 of 18,459
I do move around some with my headphones, and use the LCD-2 on a couch, not at a desk.  So they always dangle to enough of a degree I found it bothersome, and I found the Moon cable also improved the LCD-2 to a degree that I was quite happy with that much, much lighter cable.
Dec 20, 2010 at 12:18 PM Post #7,828 of 18,459
I returned a Silver Dragon.  The cable just didn't work for me.  Mechanically I think it's excellent -- light, fairly flexible, quality connectors, no microphonics, and well constructed.  I didn't care for its sound, though.  While I liked it in some areas, I thought the LCD2 lost some authority at the low end.
To their credit I feel that Moon treated me well (and I have other Moon cables that I like).
What cable, and what was wrong with it for you?
I tried an aftermarket cable that didn't work out for me,


Dec 20, 2010 at 12:41 PM Post #7,829 of 18,459
That doesn't sound so clever. ALO already offers that cable so what's the point?
If Audeze were smart about this, they would make a deal with ALO to offer their cables as an original equipment upgrade just to get them into peoples hands
and see what the LCD2s are capable of and spread the word.

Dec 20, 2010 at 12:58 PM Post #7,830 of 18,459

If Audeze were smart about this, they would make a deal with ALO to offer their cables as an original equipment upgrade just to get them into peoples hands
and see what the LCD2s are capable of and spread the word.

That would likely increase the price beyond their intended price point.  It isn't a coincidence that they cost just under $1000. It is by design.

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