Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:08 AM Post #16,111 of 18,459
Just a quick opinion after some time with the Rev 2 LCD-2's:  I don't care what the graphs say--to my ears, the Rev 1 and Rev 2 sound less alike than the graphs might suggest.  I don't know if it's due more to the earpads (both of my Rev 1's are equipped with the older style pads, and I haven't done any swapping yet) or the different drivers, but the LCD-2 is noticeably more resolving to me, and the improvements in tonal balance and treble presence are noticeable and appreciated (for my tastes).  I'm over the moon about the changes.
I still love the Rev 1, and the ones I've got aren't going anywhere.  But if Audeze had asked me what I'd change about the sonics of the Rev 1, the Rev 2, as it is, is what I'd have asked for.
On the one hand, I see why Audeze has stuck with the LCD-2 designation for this revision.  On the other hand, part of me is surprised this didn't end up being called the LCD-3.
(And, yes, I have both sets, so I'm not comparing from memory.  I actually have two sets of each; and, again, I'm keeping the Rev 1's, as its signature is still an awesome flavor to keep around.)
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:17 AM Post #16,112 of 18,459

Just a quick opinion after some time with the Rev 2 LCD-2's:  I don't care what the graphs say--to my ears, the Rev 1 and Rev 2 sound less alike than the graphs might suggest.

Completely agree.  I think folks should spend more time listening to music and less time contemplating graphs.  But hey, if that's what floats your boat, have at it.
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:19 AM Post #16,113 of 18,459
Just a quick opinion after some time with the Rev 2 LCD-2's:  I don't care what the graphs say--to my ears, the Rev 1 and Rev 2 sound less alike than the graphs might suggest.  I don't know if it's due more to the earpads (both of my Rev 1's are equipped with the older style pads, and I haven't done any swapping yet) or the different drivers, but the LCD-2 is noticeably more resolving to me, and the improvements in tonal balance and treble presence are noticeable and appreciated (for my tastes).  I'm over the moon about the changes.

I still love the Rev 1, and the ones I've got aren't going anywhere.  But if Audeze had asked me what I'd change about the sonics of the Rev 1, the Rev 2, as it is, is what I'd have asked for.

Agreed. The couple things that bugge me about the ver1 was fixed with the ver2. The stage, treble, and clarity were the things that bugged me and they were all improved upon. Not to mention the imaging with the rev2 has me just a slave to the music.
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:19 AM Post #16,114 of 18,459


Does Tyll, or Headroom for that matter, use these types of couplers for their measurements?

Yup, there's not a lot to choose from.  The thing to realize is that they (the couplers) model YOUR ear.  So, YOUR (and my) ears are going to have the same issues.  Standing waves, reinforcement of some frequencies, rarefaction or cancellation of others.  A slight change in placement upon your head can drastically affect the sound you perceive.  Each person's ear canal and pinnae construction is unique to them, as is their entire head related transfer function.  So, yes, we could design a coupler to be completely anechoic, but then it wouldn't simulate real life.
Real life is messy.  Real life is sometimes unpredictable.  Real life is unique to each one who lives it.
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:26 AM Post #16,115 of 18,459
Considering this whole hobby is based on the reconstruction of the music to sound more real, we can never obtain real unless we go to a real live event. Those will be the only accurate measurements.
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:47 AM Post #16,116 of 18,459

Completely agree.  I think folks should spend more time listening to music and less time contemplating graphs.  But hey, if that's what floats your boat, have at it.

I've been buying audio gear since 1980 and in all that time since I never looked at one graph for any of the gear until Audeze included one with their cans.  So I opened the manilla envelope and took a look and thought what am I going to do with this?  But that manilla envelope, that's a beauty! That's a keeper,  and the metal clasp, it's going to become a classic.  
Aug 4, 2011 at 3:11 AM Post #16,117 of 18,459

I've been buying audio gear since 1980 and in all that time since I never looked at one graph for any of the gear until Audeze included one with their cans.  So I opened the manilla envelope and took a look and thought what am I going to do with this?  But that manilla envelope, that's a beauty! That's a keeper,  and the metal clasp, it's going to become a classic.  


I'd have to add that I'm certainly glad there ARE people who not only make it their business to look at and understand the various graphs, but actually have a passion for that end of things.  If not for them, and I'm certain there are some among us here,  I suspect we'd all be listening to some pretty abysmal gear.  It's just not what I happen to be interested in about the gear, and it's also why I'm not out there building any (and everyone should be thankful for that, take my word on that). 
Is there any moral to the post?  One mans graphs is another mans hamsters I guess. 
Aug 4, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #16,118 of 18,459
By the way, those with older Rev 1 LCD2s should at least try swapping the pads with the newer ones. It works WONDERS and for me it has more significant improvements to the sound than swapping headphone cables. I notice that your ears sit differently against the earcups with the bigger pads so that could account for the sonic differences. 
As for the actual difference, the effects are more or less the same as changing from flat pads to jumbo ones in Grado headphones. You basically get a lighter, airier and slightly brighter sound. 
Aug 4, 2011 at 5:02 AM Post #16,119 of 18,459

really? tight bass? I didnt find it tight at all. what tubes u using?


I am only using stock driver tubes with a tung sol rectifier. Please bear in mind my source is know to have a very tight and fast bass and I use silver cables which are also know to have tight bass (as you can probably tell I like my bass to be tight and fast). I also feel that,at least as far as tube amps go, the Woo6se has a tight bass as well.
Aug 4, 2011 at 5:19 AM Post #16,120 of 18,459

What kind of music do you listen to? For me, the HD650 was the most laid back and unengaging can I've ever heard, whereas my LCD-2 is the exact opposite. I do have the rev1 though.

I listen to everything bar metal. Out of interest, did you have the "newer" version HD650, and what setup did you have it plugged into?
Aug 4, 2011 at 6:09 AM Post #16,121 of 18,459
Some store owner who doesnt carry Audez'e products, suggested me to get german cans which he sells when i told him i was getting an lcd 2.. he said that they are more reliable than the newer brands like hifiman and audez'e and the germans are more experienced in making headphones so they dont need to revise drivers like the LCD-2 or come out with new products quickly like the hifiman.. i laughed wen i read his text message lol
Aug 4, 2011 at 9:24 AM Post #16,125 of 18,459
Just a quick opinion after some time with the Rev 2 LCD-2's:  I don't care what the graphs say--to my ears, the Rev 1 and Rev 2 sound less alike than the graphs might suggest.  I don't know if it's due more to the earpads (both of my Rev 1's are equipped with the older style pads, and I haven't done any swapping yet) or the different drivers, but the LCD-2 is noticeably more resolving to me, and the improvements in tonal balance and treble presence are noticeable and appreciated (for my tastes).  I'm over the moon about the changes.
I still love the Rev 1, and the ones I've got aren't going anywhere.  But if Audeze had asked me what I'd change about the sonics of the Rev 1, the Rev 2, as it is, is what I'd have asked for.
On the one hand, I see why Audeze has stuck with the LCD-2 designation for this revision.  On the other hand, part of me is surprised this didn't end up being called the LCD-3.
(And, yes, I have both sets, so I'm not comparing from memory.  I actually have two sets of each; and, again, I'm keeping the Rev 1's, as its signature is still an awesome flavor to keep around.)

Uh-oh. I guess maybe a third pair of LCD-2 may be in my future after all. Like you my two Rev 1's are not going anywhere...but maybe I need to try Rev2...

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